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[ Events ] Events - 4th January


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
  • Posts: 15
On 2018-01-03 23:00:27Show All Posts
How much does it usually take to get Jonin Minato?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
  • Posts: 15
On 2018-01-03 23:07:40Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2018-01-03 23:02:24
  • You have mission dealer together with COUPON spending rebate, fukurokumaru deals. Free stuff from ninjutsu trial, propably somewhat decent rng wheel depending on server's population, a lot of free stuff from fishing event together with time limited shop for just using stamina. Seriously, this "no good things for f2p" is pathetic. Just pathetic.

    To all others complaining about X rebate being/not being there- so what? Just wait 1-2 more weeks, you will use the same ammount of items to reach rebate anyway, and whether you spend them all tomorrow and start saving from tomorrow or spend them and start saving week later with additional items you get throughout current week, it makes literally 0 difference. It even lets you get ahead if other impatient ones use their stuff now or reach higher rebate threshold because of longer saving time.

    You guys are simply spoiled, toxic community, no wonder nobody wants to listen to you when all you do is complain and spit acid.

    @Any moderator- can we know where are sasuke susano'o fragments available?

Mobilization event is one of the best F2P events, yet people gonna * talk..

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