Views: 2950 | Replies: 5
[ Bugs ] Water main pink outfit was cute!!!!!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-03 18:45:29Show All PostsDescending Order
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Water main bs

So i found this picture of my friend wearing summer youth sai when it first came out on the game, it was extremely cute and i wanted it, i even found this picture where it clearly shows how every character looks transformed.


Even in the select your clothing option it looks the same as it did for my friend, but i haven't seen him wear it on a long time, but since it's still the pink one in this screen i believed i bought the right one, but as you can see i bought it and got this generic school clothing, which they also copy pasted onto the wind main and got rid of her really nice looking outfit, now i believe this is a bug as you can see the outfit was in the game before as shown in the first picture of my friend wearing the outfit in a live version of the game, "although it was a few patches ago" Now I'm not sure about you guys, but we can see the original's were much better, so i hope now that I've brought this to the public eye it is returned to how it originally was and we get the summer youth outfits that we originally bought.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-03 21:08:22Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2018-01-03 20:17:08
  • The look of these clothings were changed when it appeared for second time in event. Trully doubt that it will be reverted back, since it's long time like this, although yes- those original were way better.

    Usually when something like this gets changed in game, it's due to some copyright issues.

    Also I noticed that when we had the winter school camp event, firstly after patch, it had the picture of those original school outfits concept displayed but few hours later it got changed into completely different picture. So, if it's to this point that they cannot even show it in game, I guess we won't get that look back.

Thank you for the indept reply, i wonder if that is the case, if it is then that's a shame.

Quicky Post

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