Let me get things straight. I'm not looking for a team for Ninetails or special events. I just want a team equal to or better (better would be preferable) my current team.
https://puu.sh/yPN1h/ea092d0898.png https://puu.sh/yPN5x/967fa10268.png https://puu.sh/yPNhW/e96fd6f189.png
These are all the ninjas I have.
People using edo deidara with earth with pain jugokido and sailor sakura (you could use gnw sakura if needed but sailor is recommended since you need to have space for deidara's spawns) as support. With those two healers and earth main provide shields, it helps him not being a glass cannon.
I'm not changing mains.
then you have to pay to get the ninjas that work good with your main.
this game is made that way. Or you pay and you get the ninjas your luck alone don't grant you or you change main according to the ninjas luck grants you, otherwise you'll be always running subpar teams that usually get owned by everybody that owns even 20% less power than you.
It's a pay to win game. I'm absolutely fine with being a f2p player. I'm in the top twenty-five players on my server anyways. Besides, LMC needs more representation.
All I'm looking for is a good team. I already have a lot of ninjas and summons. Is it that hard to ask for a little help without all the nagging?
Also, speaking of my luck, I drew Pakura (The fire chick in Edo) in a free draw yesterday. Most of my ninjas were actually from free draws so take that as you will.
In my opinion, from what you wanted from your original post, the only team that can be on par with current team would be the lightning blitz team that xandre123 posted but the lineup he made via the simulator should be moved upwards since lightning main would be very vulnerable in that slot. Moods would be - nin, + res for iruka, - def + nin for darui, and -attack + nin for asuma. The other two teams are not stronger or on par with your current team since you figured out the jigo team doesn't work well at this point of the game.
A little advice, go for GNW and aim for kushimaru, jinpachi, and edo sasori for a LM lineup that is better. Also, just letting you know, my last response was just trying to point out team for deidara to not make him a glass cannon and it was not to convince you to switch mains since you are adamant on being LM only.
To be fair, the Jugo team almost ended up winning. Sure they aren't as op as other ninja but the team itself is solid. As for the blitz team... I already have that one set up (albeit modified) for a ninetails/summon team.
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