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[ Lineup ] Fuguki Suikazan [Edo Tensei] lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-29 04:52:09Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hi everyone!

I'm back to cover some more of the new ninjas, this one can be very easily obtained as pretty much everyone gets him on the first 10 pull in Great Ninja War treasures.

He has some amazing synergy with Roshi because his mystery is like an instant 30 hit combo and can be triggered even in round 1.

He is pretty tanky thanks to his passive skill for %def/nin increase on life lost and he gains cooldown reduction thru another passive which makes it possible to do his mystery every round basically in most cases.

Overall definitely a nice ninja for F2P.

Let's see some teams:

1. Water Main - Roshi - Kurenai - Fuguki



Fuguki easily triggers 9 combo chases on round 1 , he just needs to be hit once.

Chases involve chaosing and a lot of poison with Roshi hard hitting chase ignite.

Kurenai skillbook for mystery is very useful always but it isn't a must here, if you have her chase upgraded to cause chaos you c*e another talent with Water Main also such as healing tips.

2. Water Main- Sailor Sakura- Roshi - Fuguki



Another variation similar to the team above, difference here is that you have more heals overall and a lot of chaoses to the entire enemy team if lucky starting on round 1 thru Water Main chases (although there are obvious problems such as facing dodge and immune enemy ninjas)

Roshi can be move 1 also, it really depends on the enemy you are facing, if you are lucky enough you can have Fuguki use his mystery every single round making it better to have him pos1.

For players who don't have KoH they can replace chases with Monkey King and the Knockdown to high float water main chase.

Overall a fun team to play around with

3. Wind Main - Mei - Hanzo - Fuguki



A fun team to try in arena, with the choice of running either impetus or dust mystery , both can be beneficial depending who you are versus.

Overall for safety purposes I would recommend rather running dust mystery so you can't be killed in round 1 from buff teams.

The team has nice chakra gain, poisons , ignites, tags, 2 female immunity , debuff clear from Hanzo and Fuguki who should in theory be using mystery every single round.

4. Wind Main - Roshi - Kurenai - Fuguki



Skillbook Kurenai is a must in this team especially for the chaos chase.

Team is 3 immune with a status transfer also, with Wind Main providing great mystery refresh capabilities also.

Having Fuguki and Kurenai mysteries in round 1 and Roshi mystery in round 2 with follow-up Kurenai and Fuguki again, wish Roshi mystery again in round 3 makes the team very deadly and hard to counter overall unless the enemy is much higher power.

That would be all for now, I am sorry that a lot of teams included Roshi but Fuguki has such good synergy with him so it's a must.

Hope you guys found it helpful and I'll see you soon with some more threads

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2017-12-29 04:52:09.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-28 23:52:27Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2017-12-28 23:24:04
  • posted here for future reference.

    P.S. first impression for the water teams isn't good at all ICEx, sorry if i tell you.

Why so ? I know they are cancer-ish but they are strong teams

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-29 02:18:39Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2017-12-29 01:23:36
  • Who delivers chaos in the 1st lineup?

    Neurotoxin chaoses somebody only as a consequence of a critical hit, but the 3 chases main starts aren't guaranteed crits (only the 3rd chase, the knockdown to highfloat one, has a guaranteed crit, the others don't own it) and Azure Fang don't run neither the 1st standard attack nor Shark Bomb, so the chance to actually deliver 1 critical hit is very low even in arena where there's no critical secondary stat, while outside it, if you are facing somebody higher power than you that owns higher critical secondary stat than you means to be granted to never deliver a critical...

    Means you are actually hoping Kurenai standard attack starts a combo... because in round 1,3 and 4 you have no other way to be sure to chaos somebody.

    If you want to know what doesn't work in 2nd lineup, call me in game.

You do understand no teams are perfect, of course none is guaranteed critical hit but 3 chases with neurotoxin has a very high chance of causing chaos, nevertheless I did mention you can replace neurotoxin per preference.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-29 05:02:26Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2017-12-29 03:57:23
  • Fuguki is mostly a way to trigger roshi with water main, S sakura and roshi. So his best lineup is your number 2... but the dispositon is SO wrong. Fuguki is a move 2 or you will lose the mystery fight in turn 2 and probably the game. Also a true F2P lineup (because he is worthless for p2ps) is with chakra scalpel chase and either purple or golden monkey as summon... not with KoH. He alone does at least 8 x 4 = 32 combos, more than enough to trigger him. This way you will have 1 sure chaos each turn.

    Give me back achroma's team suggestions... or at least, tobei's or jori's.

I wanted to have some variety with the positioning in the team suggestions, I did say you c*e Roshi move 1 in the description didn't I ?

but yes you are right I forgot about f2p options with that team, I edited and wrote that also now

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-30 06:39:58Show All Posts
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-12-30 00:14:34
  • Just tested the last wind main team in arena, Extremely op against most meta teams. Can even beat ay teams and tanky enough to survive well into round 4 with 60-75% health total against immune sword teams.

    One more thing I should add is kurenai can't chase in this team, she has to chase on her own by triggering it with her own standard attack knockdown or roshi mystery. This lessens the effectiveness of this team a bit as you can disable a healer or someone dangerous like kushimaru on round 1 after they do standard they will be disabled on round 2 also however that is not the case as kurenai can't trigger her chase from fugukis mystery. Still a great team though.

Yeah that is true she needs to chase from Roshi mystery, it's pretty hard to fit her into Fuguki although you probably could mess with the summons and chases to achieve that.

Glad you liked it

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-04 20:22:29Show All Posts
  • kianzi On 2018-01-04 19:17:23
  • Water Main- Sailor Sakura- Roshi - Fuguki i have tried this team and it work out great! thanks for suggesting. 2 tank with 2 healer is pure immortal team.

It's not perfect but definitely nice for free players who own Roshi and Sailor Sakura. Thanks :D

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-01-05 04:44:34Show All Posts
Pakura is mostly only good for her 2nd standard attack true, but overall there are a lot better ninjas to be used instead of her
Quicky Post

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