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On 2017-12-27 15:02:51Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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many people suggest to go for power instead of ninjas and thats what i did after buying sage naruto with saving more than 6k coupons aswell.

i want to remain the strongest in power in my server ( till server merge happens) because i want to be the strongest haha.

but some people on my server with lower power than me have like minato hokage and one even has sishui and minato hokage lol ( the luckiest guy in our server he even got sage naruto with just 60 seal scrolls) and i struggle or even lose to him sometimes.

the second power player has 5k less power and 3rd has 6k less not that much.

the point of this post is: is it always the best choice to go for power over ninjas? ( i dont wanna hear go for ninjas only as a comment. i want to hear opinion of people who go for power and how they got trough it and how they got the ninjas they wanted.) my team may not be the strongest but it makes me win many fights especially with me focusing on power on swb for example. im always 1-3 ranked.

thank you

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On 2017-12-27 15:22:06Show this Author Only

Hi there! Just want to join with this discussion and this thread c*so give good ideas for the newbies out there looking for some game tactics to be top on their own servers. I, for example was once spending big-time with the RNG events that gives Event Ninjas, tho my luck with those events are really low .. During that time, I noticed my other group members that they are stronger than me, and they only using the classic ninjas that you may get via sweeping elites instances .. after couple of months with that attitude of mine for spending, i completely convinced and controlled myself for saving and only spend for power-up items like playing the lucky board and get refines, play lucky star wheel if the redeem items are worth spending because i don't really think my luck is good to get the featured ninja in there, also, using free redeem points to redeem power-up items in the events and play events wisely to get some chances for something good like the Mission Mobilization Event, where i got my Hashirama Senju for free, and also Kushina Uzumaki .. From that moment, my rank in power ranking climbs up, and attained rank2 in my server (until yesterday when we got merged and 8 of my titles flew away xD) .. And about the ninjas, i'm getting my ninjas somehow, not that fast like other players but atleast i'm getting them one by one, like my Sage Naruto that I completed last week by buying the remaining 18 frags from the Treasure of Sage, along with my Asuma WB that i farmed from Survival Trial and this week, completed my Sailor Sakura by spending in Lucky Star Wheel while having chance of getting shisui too, the excess points went to Myoboku gifts and refines and some charms .. I got my Roshi too last week from free draw, but i do also used Seal Scrolls in that treasure, I got my Iruka too from Refining Fragments and now i already 3star-ed him .. Just keep in mind to spend or use some items when rebates are available, and think hundred times when redeeming or buying something using your in-game currency..

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2017-12-27 15:23:07.
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On 2017-12-27 15:34:21Show this Author Only

It's always good to focus power because no matter what the meta is/changes to, you will always have your power. The thing with focusing ninja is that they can be nerfed, buffed or new ones come out and change the whole meta. You have Roshi and a solid team to back him, but you might wanna start collecting for some event ninja like Edo Deidara/Shark Kisame or you can just pull GNW treasure. I wouldn't spend coupons on seals though unless you want to. You should be getting seals from SWB since you say you're getting ranked 1-3. There is somewhat of a threshold though, like once you get to lvl 5/6 magatamas, it takes a lot to upgrade them further. Same with refines/charms. Your power is really good for your level, so it might be time to focus on slowly collecting frags for the good event ninja.

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On 2017-12-27 15:41:31Show this Author Only
  • Brandenlol On 2017-12-27 15:34:21
  • It's always good to focus power because no matter what the meta is/changes to, you will always have your power. The thing with focusing ninja is that they can be nerfed, buffed or new ones come out and change the whole meta. You have Roshi and a solid team to back him, but you might wanna start collecting for some event ninja like Edo Deidara/Shark Kisame or you can just pull GNW treasure. I wouldn't spend coupons on seals though unless you want to. You should be getting seals from SWB since you say you're getting ranked 1-3. There is somewhat of a threshold though, like once you get to lvl 5/6 magatamas, it takes a lot to upgrade them further. Same with refines/charms. Your power is really good for your level, so it might be time to focus on slowly collecting frags for the good event ninja.

all my magatams are rank 5 with a few lv6.

i didnt pull for gnw yet waiting for the rebate and have saved 334 seal scrolls so far so long way for kurama hahaha

i have been level freezing that is why i have that power with my level.

i do sometimes take frags of event ninjas but im long way to get them and in this event i was taking frags of edo asuma have 9 frags so far haha and 5 frags of edo deidara.

i wish to get event ninjas but at the same time i want more and more power and like you said meta could change so dont want to just get any ninja.

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On 2017-12-27 15:44:17Show this Author Only
  • juve89 On 2017-12-27 15:41:31
  • all my magatams are rank 5 with a few lv6.

    i didnt pull for gnw yet waiting for the rebate and have saved 334 seal scrolls so far so long way for kurama hahaha

    i have been level freezing that is why i have that power with my level.

    i do sometimes take frags of event ninjas but im long way to get them and in this event i was taking frags of edo asuma have 9 frags so far haha and 5 frags of edo deidara.

    i wish to get event ninjas but at the same time i want more and more power and like you said meta could change so dont want to just get any ninja.

Yeah, you c*so do what others are doing .. Getting free ninja frags from events every week, and sooner or later, you'll be able to complete him/her ..

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On 2017-12-27 15:45:14Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2017-12-27 15:22:06
  • Hi there! Just want to join with this discussion and this thread c*so give good ideas for the newbies out there looking for some game tactics to be top on their own servers. I, for example was once spending big-time with the RNG events that gives Event Ninjas, tho my luck with those events are really low .. During that time, I noticed my other group members that they are stronger than me, and they only using the classic ninjas that you may get via sweeping elites instances .. after couple of months with that attitude of mine for spending, i completely convinced and controlled myself for saving and only spend for power-up items like playing the lucky board and get refines, play lucky star wheel if the redeem items are worth spending because i don't really think my luck is good to get the featured ninja in there, also, using free redeem points to redeem power-up items in the events and play events wisely to get some chances for something good like the Mission Mobilization Event, where i got my Hashirama Senju for free, and also Kushina Uzumaki .. From that moment, my rank in power ranking climbs up, and attained rank2 in my server (until yesterday when we got merged and 8 of my titles flew away xD) .. And about the ninjas, i'm getting my ninjas somehow, not that fast like other players but atleast i'm getting them one by one, like my Sage Naruto that I completed last week by buying the remaining 18 frags from the Treasure of Sage, along with my Asuma WB that i farmed from Survival Trial and this week, completed my Sailor Sakura by spending in Lucky Star Wheel while having chance of getting shisui too, the excess points went to Myoboku gifts and refines and some charms .. I got my Roshi too last week from free draw, but i do also used Seal Scrolls in that treasure, I got my Iruka too from Refining Fragments and now i already 3star-ed him .. Just keep in mind to spend or use some items when rebates are available, and think hundred times when redeeming or buying something using your in-game currency..

your like me than im so unlucky in the events for ninjas but i dont spend lots of coupons on those events, this time i used 1.4k coupons on the wheel for shisui and for the rewards got mount moyobu, some refines and charms.

i want to focus on power since like you said i will get the ninjas in time but will take more time and im a bit jealous of that guy that i mentioned he is so LUCKY got shisui with 200 coupons, minato hokage with less than 600 coupons and sage naruto with 60 seal scrolls....

thats why i am posting this to see what people do who focus on power than ninjas. wanna hear their experience and what they did and still do.

i have 6k coupons left and was gonna save them all for next lucky board to get more power.

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On 2017-12-27 15:53:19Show this Author Only
  • juve89 On 2017-12-27 15:45:14
  • your like me than im so unlucky in the events for ninjas but i dont spend lots of coupons on those events, this time i used 1.4k coupons on the wheel for shisui and for the rewards got mount moyobu, some refines and charms.

    i want to focus on power since like you said i will get the ninjas in time but will take more time and im a bit jealous of that guy that i mentioned he is so LUCKY got shisui with 200 coupons, minato hokage with less than 600 coupons and sage naruto with 60 seal scrolls....

    thats why i am posting this to see what people do who focus on power than ninjas. wanna hear their experience and what they did and still do.

    i have 6k coupons left and was gonna save them all for next lucky board to get more power.

Yeah, well this week i spend almost 3k coupons since i redeemed 62 pcs of sailor sakura frags, then max myoboku gift and refines and couple of charms .. I do also get jealous with someone in our server, he got Shisui twice within 2 minutes but at the same time, i feel sorry too because that account is obviously a dummy account of someone in our server .. My main account doesn't have luck at all but my other 2 accounts are lucky enough to get Minato kage and Minato Jonin from free draws .. Well, lets just focus getting power as long as we have stable teams to battle with other people, maybe form a 2 to 3 stable teams and that's good for now ..

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On 2017-12-27 16:49:13Show this Author Only

anyone else can tell me his experience ?

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On 2017-12-27 17:25:37Show this Author Only

Well, hello there.

My opinion is that if u are level freezing u can go for rare ninjas, but decide 1 ninja to get and in other events go for power only go for ninja if that specific ninja is in event, and if u are level freezing u wont loose much in sage or matsuri only in your server rank that is bad for your server/group but its good for u as an individual.

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On 2017-12-27 19:55:18Show this Author Only

What I do is focus on one ninja that I fancy at a time then get him when he shows up but power up when he don't. For example, Minato[jonin]. When he shows up, I use all my coupons and try to get as many fragments as possible but when he is not out, I just save my coupons and use the free event points for power up items. I saw my balance while doing this and I get new ninjas from time to time without compromising power.

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On 2017-12-28 01:02:26Show this Author Only

juve..i totally like you for your outright mentality and coming and asking about things you want to know more. I never did that during the first few days of this game. So that mentality could help you a make a lot of good decisions. About ninja or power I am honestly still at loggerheads. I would say power even if you wake me up at the middle of the night. I was like a f2p for like 1.5 months in the game. During this time i was a total noob, and my priority was ninjas since i even redeemed seal scrolls wherever they appear.(not saying ninjas are bad, but that was my mentality) Then i went for some mad spendings in the next one week where i spend around 40K ingots in one week, to get around 10K power in a week. Best part was that i didnt focus on power. that week had lucky board and i spent everything on getting ninjas. Still I managed to amass a lot of power, but may not be propotional with the amount i spent. Observation 1 is if you are a whale you can focus on ninjas and still be powering up like anything with alll the rebate events for recharging and spending. I got a whole lot of ninjas and got aaround 2 in ninja rankings, considering i was way low below that it felt good I dont know whether those ninjas helped me considering the fact that I was too OP for my sage field, but I lost too to lower powers with a team that could counter me. observation 2: You never can fit all your ninjas in one team, and there isnt one team that wins you all. Even with huge BP difference you can lose if you dont have the right counter ninjas. So should you collect ninjas? You never will have all unless you are a big p2w whale. There is a fine line between ninjas and power. Sometimes power wins you battles sometimes ninjas. After this mad spending spree I matured and learnt more about the game. Then my sole focus has been power. I just used to get monthly card after this since I wasted too much the first time. The entire month is now about collecting charms, refine and keys for rebate. Every coupons goes for that. If you are a normal spender, what you put will be easily *ed up for power itself and its hard to focus on power if you are aiming fo the rebate. I buy advanced refines in treasure of sage, cave keys from daily special and mysterious fruit, etc. Just saving coupons and ingots for that particular events which give the best rewards. And about ninjas, I am still using mei, mabui, tenten and water main, and all the ninjas i brought during the spending spree are in shelf. I use it because it works for me in my server, and in my sage world combined with my good initiative i can get good streaks, and i am top power in my field. So you will ask me am i suggesting power over ninjas ? Not exactly. In my field i rarely face the odd masked man or han teams. that's why i surivive. If i face han or masked man I struggle. Ninjas and power matter. Power is about persistence. Ninjas make game better. I feel happy about the wins i get with the win i guess. If you are the guy who gets bored with that, you c*ways focus on ninjas too as they give you a good experience. For the past 3-4 months i got han, roshi from treasures, and jonin minato in a free draw, other than that my ninja count is more or less low, maybe around 20th in ninja list and i am second in power. I feel better with power than a ninja, because for me ninjas get boring , but power gives me ultimate joy. So i would go power any time.

Choose what give you joy. From the way you said things, it feels like you enjoy to be top power then just focus on power.

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On 2017-12-28 01:24:37Show this Author Only
  • Rick_Sanchez On 2017-12-28 01:02:26
  • juve..i totally like you for your outright mentality and coming and asking about things you want to know more. I never did that during the first few days of this game. So that mentality could help you a make a lot of good decisions. About ninja or power I am honestly still at loggerheads. I would say power even if you wake me up at the middle of the night. I was like a f2p for like 1.5 months in the game. During this time i was a total noob, and my priority was ninjas since i even redeemed seal scrolls wherever they appear.(not saying ninjas are bad, but that was my mentality) Then i went for some mad spendings in the next one week where i spend around 40K ingots in one week, to get around 10K power in a week. Best part was that i didnt focus on power. that week had lucky board and i spent everything on getting ninjas. Still I managed to amass a lot of power, but may not be propotional with the amount i spent. Observation 1 is if you are a whale you can focus on ninjas and still be powering up like anything with alll the rebate events for recharging and spending. I got a whole lot of ninjas and got aaround 2 in ninja rankings, considering i was way low below that it felt good I dont know whether those ninjas helped me considering the fact that I was too OP for my sage field, but I lost too to lower powers with a team that could counter me. observation 2: You never can fit all your ninjas in one team, and there isnt one team that wins you all. Even with huge BP difference you can lose if you dont have the right counter ninjas. So should you collect ninjas? You never will have all unless you are a big p2w whale. There is a fine line between ninjas and power. Sometimes power wins you battles sometimes ninjas. After this mad spending spree I matured and learnt more about the game. Then my sole focus has been power. I just used to get monthly card after this since I wasted too much the first time. The entire month is now about collecting charms, refine and keys for rebate. Every coupons goes for that. If you are a normal spender, what you put will be easily *ed up for power itself and its hard to focus on power if you are aiming fo the rebate. I buy advanced refines in treasure of sage, cave keys from daily special and mysterious fruit, etc. Just saving coupons and ingots for that particular events which give the best rewards. And about ninjas, I am still using mei, mabui, tenten and water main, and all the ninjas i brought during the spending spree are in shelf. I use it because it works for me in my server, and in my sage world combined with my good initiative i can get good streaks, and i am top power in my field. So you will ask me am i suggesting power over ninjas ? Not exactly. In my field i rarely face the odd masked man or han teams. that's why i surivive. If i face han or masked man I struggle. Ninjas and power matter. Power is about persistence. Ninjas make game better. I feel happy about the wins i get with the win i guess. If you are the guy who gets bored with that, you c*ways focus on ninjas too as they give you a good experience. For the past 3-4 months i got han, roshi from treasures, and jonin minato in a free draw, other than that my ninja count is more or less low, maybe around 20th in ninja list and i am second in power. I feel better with power than a ninja, because for me ninjas get boring , but power gives me ultimate joy. So i would go power any time.

    Choose what give you joy. From the way you said things, it feels like you enjoy to be top power then just focus on power.

thanks alot yaya :)

yeah i always ask here since i dont want to make mistakes and here on the forum i found VERY nice people that helped me alot understand the game and know what to do so i dont make mistakes. because of their help and itsbtrue videos i have the most power in my server 720 since i focused on power and the others focus on ninjas.

i want the ninjas but want power too lol

so if i have a chance to get some ninja frags i do that BUT i dont go for every ninja, i collect ninja frags of ninjas i would use and be useful for me and not any ninja i see.

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On 2017-12-28 01:33:35Show this Author Only
  • Rick_Sanchez On 2017-12-28 01:02:26
  • juve..i totally like you for your outright mentality and coming and asking about things you want to know more. I never did that during the first few days of this game. So that mentality could help you a make a lot of good decisions. About ninja or power I am honestly still at loggerheads. I would say power even if you wake me up at the middle of the night. I was like a f2p for like 1.5 months in the game. During this time i was a total noob, and my priority was ninjas since i even redeemed seal scrolls wherever they appear.(not saying ninjas are bad, but that was my mentality) Then i went for some mad spendings in the next one week where i spend around 40K ingots in one week, to get around 10K power in a week. Best part was that i didnt focus on power. that week had lucky board and i spent everything on getting ninjas. Still I managed to amass a lot of power, but may not be propotional with the amount i spent. Observation 1 is if you are a whale you can focus on ninjas and still be powering up like anything with alll the rebate events for recharging and spending. I got a whole lot of ninjas and got aaround 2 in ninja rankings, considering i was way low below that it felt good I dont know whether those ninjas helped me considering the fact that I was too OP for my sage field, but I lost too to lower powers with a team that could counter me. observation 2: You never can fit all your ninjas in one team, and there isnt one team that wins you all. Even with huge BP difference you can lose if you dont have the right counter ninjas. So should you collect ninjas? You never will have all unless you are a big p2w whale. There is a fine line between ninjas and power. Sometimes power wins you battles sometimes ninjas. After this mad spending spree I matured and learnt more about the game. Then my sole focus has been power. I just used to get monthly card after this since I wasted too much the first time. The entire month is now about collecting charms, refine and keys for rebate. Every coupons goes for that. If you are a normal spender, what you put will be easily *ed up for power itself and its hard to focus on power if you are aiming fo the rebate. I buy advanced refines in treasure of sage, cave keys from daily special and mysterious fruit, etc. Just saving coupons and ingots for that particular events which give the best rewards. And about ninjas, I am still using mei, mabui, tenten and water main, and all the ninjas i brought during the spending spree are in shelf. I use it because it works for me in my server, and in my sage world combined with my good initiative i can get good streaks, and i am top power in my field. So you will ask me am i suggesting power over ninjas ? Not exactly. In my field i rarely face the odd masked man or han teams. that's why i surivive. If i face han or masked man I struggle. Ninjas and power matter. Power is about persistence. Ninjas make game better. I feel happy about the wins i get with the win i guess. If you are the guy who gets bored with that, you c*ways focus on ninjas too as they give you a good experience. For the past 3-4 months i got han, roshi from treasures, and jonin minato in a free draw, other than that my ninja count is more or less low, maybe around 20th in ninja list and i am second in power. I feel better with power than a ninja, because for me ninjas get boring , but power gives me ultimate joy. So i would go power any time.

    Choose what give you joy. From the way you said things, it feels like you enjoy to be top power then just focus on power.

ps i know many people hate your water team but i love that team :P

the only teams i hate are with han and double or triple healers.....

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On 2017-12-28 02:32:53Show this Author Only

My experience is that I focused a lot on Ninjas. My reasoning was, the more variety I had the more flexible I could be in PvP while working on Power on the side.

I am now 70k (with my crappy power team) otherwise with my Main team of Han/Roshi/Water Main/Sailor Sakura I have about 66k.

I also have a 4 star Sage Naruto and Sailor Sakura. I may not be the strongest player on my server, but as a F2P that focused on Ninjas, I think I did pretty well with myself with 106 ninjas and reaching 70k. Now though I'm focusing heavily on power while picking up Minato (Jonin), Hinata (Dreamworld) frags.

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On 2017-12-28 02:55:48Show this Author Only

if you aren't an heavy p2w going for power is the only way you have to stay competitive with them.

You'll eventually get good ninjas out of gathering scrolls and out of luck in events (or by buying fragments 1 by 1 during 5-6 events), but if you miss power you aren't able to do anything.

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On 2017-12-29 01:22:21Show this Author Only

i used 7k coupons on lucky board and claimed all the charms and then the refines not all.

now i have 144 medium refines and 564 advanced refines. from the refine runes optional pack which should i get medium or advanced? so i prepare for the refine rebate when it comes?

This post was last edited by juve89 on 2017-12-29 02:09:41.
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On 2017-12-29 01:40:46Show this Author Only


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On 2017-12-29 03:38:47Show this Author Only
  • juve89 On 2017-12-29 01:22:21
  • i used 7k coupons on lucky board and claimed all the charms and then the refines not all.

    now i have 144 medium refines and 564 advanced refines. from the refine runes optional pack which should i get medium or advanced? so i prepare for the refine rebate when it comes?

can someone tell me whats best for this question?

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On 2017-12-29 05:48:44Show this Author Only
  • juve89 On 2017-12-29 03:38:47
  • can someone tell me whats best for this question?

That question all depends on your refinement level. Do you need medium refines? Or do you need Adv refines?

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On 2017-12-29 06:17:44Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-12-29 05:48:44
  • That question all depends on your refinement level. Do you need medium refines? Or do you need Adv refines?

i have 3 characters all lv5 refine and 1 character all lv6 refine.

was going to start focusing on my 1st character so he is faster. have only 3.8 initiative

so want to know what is best to do with these packs. go fro medium or advanced? i have 144 medium and 564 advanced

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