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[ Lineup ] Most optimal team I can make? (Any main)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-25 12:22:03Show All Posts

I'm seeing possibilities for a generic cancer team and/or a perma-chaos water builds.

* For Cancer team, you could probably go Kimimaro, Kabuto, Tsunade/Sakura gnw/broken through Kurenai (Sailor Sakura would be better, but these 3 are not bad replacement since you don't have her); with either:

3-2-2-2/3-2, Ninja Monkey Summon (Tsunade); 3-2-1/4-2/3-2, Gamachu Summon (Sakura GNW, not the best combo out there); or 3-2-2/4-2/3-2, Gamachu Summon (Kurenai broken, Gamaken would be better, but you don't have him). Cancer team can be a bit dull and time consuming, so you might not be into that, but then again, it might be a change of pace if you're used to the fast dmg of the Mei-Mabui-1010 lineup. Warning: Cancer team are also hated by a lot of people.

* For the Perma-Chaos team, you'll probably have to experiment a bit. You can Try BTrue's team of Mabui, 1010 gnw and broken through Kurenai (2-3-4-2-3, Tiger Summon). The upside is that you'd only have to work on Kurenai, the other 2 is ready to go. The down side is it's a bit squishy and the team relies heavily on water main's survival to continually throw Sharkbomb out every round. This team is extreme fun PvE-wise and can be used in arena and a lot of PvP cases when you're not too serious about the outcome

** Also, I was gonna suggest a Jinchuu lineup had you had Sage Naruto or Fu, or Roshi, or Kushina, as your Killer Bee and Yagura are ready to go, but since you don't, you could alternative try to find a replacement in that last place, it might not work as well, but it could be something fun to do.

This post was last edited by MonkeyLord83 on 2017-12-25 12:27:27.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-25 23:55:50Show All Posts
  • Escavalier On 2017-12-25 13:09:38
  • Thanks for the help! I did see BTrue's chaos water video awhile back but didn't consider it since my Kurenai isn't skillbroken, but i'll give the Kimi/Kabu/Tsu team you suggested a try and play another cancer team i guess lol. I'll add in Sailor Sakura when i'm done piecing her together. I might even try and pull more Jin. characters since a Jinchuriki team sounds fun.

Well, I suggested it because I still use it in Matsuri a lot of the time. The typical lineup would look something like:


Although the max combo would only be 6 with Ninja Monkey and Kimimaro being the combo starter with either standard or mystery, the 7 you see here is with Monkey King. Alternatively, until you have Monkey King, using the Deer summon achieve the same maximum combo of 6 (because the yellow summon version of Deer is Kirin, and you probably won't get that before you get Monkey King), the combo starter changes to Tsunade with her standard attack, which might trigger more often than Kimimaro when she's attacking twice each round thanks to her mystery. But in general, combo in a cancer team is not a huge deal anyway as 90% of the dmg comes from the poison, and winning is entirely based on stalling for time and outhealing opponent's dmgs.

This post was last edited by MonkeyLord83 on 2017-12-26 00:25:19.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-26 00:24:35Show All Posts

Other suggestions in case you get new/better ninjas in the future:

- Sailor Sakura, as said above already, is actually best for the role of a third healer in place of Tsunade. The talents of main would then change to 3-2-3-2/3-2, Monkey King summon (Ninja Monkey won't be able to trigger Kabuto's or water main's last chase depending on position). If you take Neurotoxin talent, you'd want water main third positioned if you only have Ninja Monkey, so chaos will trigger whenever Kimimaro starts a combo.

- Roshi can be used in place of Kimimaro, the down side is he'd be less tanky, and it'd take him longer to get tanky (Kabuto's passives helps Kimi gets tanky really fast). The up side is that if Roshi doesn't die too soon, he'll also deals huge damages instead of just being a boring tank like Kimimaro. With Roshi, the summon and chase must be changed to fit.

- Kushina can be fitted into a cancer team. It's not recommended, as Kushina is more of a support who's immuned to debuff (at 3 stars) than either a tank or a healer, but she could work under the right cir*stances.

- A cancer team can have 2 healers and 2 dmg-dealers if you find yourself being find in surviving with 2 hearlers but lack dmg. Some choices for other dmg dealer (besides Roshi) in a cancer team (you have none of them atm, but you might in the future):

+ Minato (both version works as far as I've seen, don't actually own him);

+ Hidan DBP (revives every 2 rounds, as if cancer healing wasn't annoying enough. Also, his dmg hurts, A LOT)

+ Sage Naruto (great overall, has clone who takes some dmg for him)

Note that, however, these suggestions work better with Roshi, Kimi is really better off in a 3 healers environment as the Kabuto + Kimi combo is too good to pass out on, but Kabuto don't have a mystery that heals at will like most other healers.

- Skill Broken through Kurenai. She's seriously broken (no puns intended) in a cancer team if her skills are broken through. Shield-heal-debuff removal, mirror, and double chaos can really make or break a battle. So you might wanna work on her in your free time if the cancer lifestyle suits you, since it'd be worth it. I'm currently running a Roshi, Sailor Sakura, Kurenai cancer team, and I'm doing decently fine against people within around 10k power above me. Masked man hard counter my team, and people with 15-20k power more than me still kill me every time, but within 10k, even if I lose, I still can manage to make them work for their win.

This post was last edited by MonkeyLord83 on 2017-12-26 00:35:58.
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