2016-08-26 01:25:55
"If I can not even have a normal mature conversation with my group or if random sentences get censored."
I didn't know that cursing shows how mature you are. As I said, we are making changes because current system is not working properly. But words such as : "*", "mother*er" etc are not allowed and they will stay banned.
It doesn't matter if kids can find those words on internet. It is not our problem. As you said, it is problem of their parents. But OasisGames will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in it's games.
I never claimed that it shows how mature you are. I even agree with you that some words are bad and people should get banned or punished somehow if they use that kind of language in world chat. But thats what mods are for, I am sure you get enough reports. And as mentioned before, people who want to curse will find ways around it.
I can not even have a conversation about the twin peaks of hope right now unless if I mix korean language in between. Luckily you didn't censor that, but maybe you will now since I mentioned it.
You and I both know that some "curse" words arent really used for cursing but more for messing around between friends and just making conversation. Sure it doesn't fit in world chat, and it probably doesn't mean we are "mature", but its perfectly fine for group chat with like minded people who just want to have fun and dont want to be restricted in conversation topics. With mature I am just referring to the fact that it wont bother us but it might not be appropiate for 18-.
Long story short, I will ask again. Is it too hard to implement an on/off *on. Or maybe make it apply to world chat only? It just feels too restricting.