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[ Suggestions ] The censorship is *.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 00:35:04Show All Posts
  • AhMazeeIn On 2016-08-25 21:19:37
  • I want to be able to say mother*er.
    and snake
    and substitution
    and *
    and *
    and *.

    I think you's get the picture.

mother*er - Nope
snake - It will be fixed
* - It will be fixed
* - Nope
* - I will have to talk with admins about this but probably it will stay banned.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 00:40:18Show All Posts
Hey there !

We are already working on a fix. It will be added to the game as soon as possible. We are sorry for inconvenience.

Just to clarify few things. We will not add on/off option for this system. It will be on for everyone. Yes, it is true that some words shouldn't be censored but it is only because they contain banned words. I will be checking today all banned words and I will clear the list. Some of them will be removed and some will be added. If you have any suggestion or any new word that is banned for you, please let me know.
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On 2016-08-26 01:25:55Show All Posts
  • Mount Tai On 2016-08-26 00:55:15
  • Not an on/off option? Is it just too much work? There is plenty of mature groups out there and using this kind of censorship will never be perfect. There will always be normal words that get censored one way or the other and people who want to curse will find a way around the censorship system. You are only punishing and irritating the "normal" player while those who really want to curse will do it one way or the other.

    If your worried about the influence some words have on the "younger" people, then your even more wrong. This is the internet, there will be people cursing, trolling, bad content allover the place. They get exposed to it one way or the other. Leave the parenting to the parents...

    I can only approve of a censorship system if there is an on/off *on, if there is none.. and if it stays like this. I am not sure if this is the kind of game I want to invest so much money and time in. If I can not even have a normal mature conversation with my group or if random sentences get censored.
"If I can not even have a normal mature conversation with my group or if random sentences get censored."

I didn't know that cursing shows how mature you are. As I said, we are making changes because current system is not working properly. But words such as : "*", "mother*er" etc are not allowed and they will stay banned.

It doesn't matter if kids can find those words on internet. It is not our problem. As you said, it is problem of their parents. But OasisGames will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in it's games.
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On 2016-08-26 01:26:55Show All Posts
  • Leaxo On 2016-08-26 00:50:40
  • Maybe "wet" and "nak", for me they aren't bad words, but maybe I don't get their full meaning.
Yes, I reported this and wet and nak should be removed from the list.
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On 2016-08-26 01:27:32Show All Posts
  • Mount Tai On 2016-08-26 01:14:40
  • I like how even items are censored. Can't say meat* but can say meatball. Does this mean 1 ball is ok but 2 * is bad? Are you secretly supporting lance armstrong and his missing testicle? I say discrimination. To all the people who have 2 *.
Hey there.

Yup, sadly you are right. Ball/* will be also removed from the list. We are sorry.
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On 2016-08-26 01:43:09Show All Posts
  • Mount Tai On 2016-08-26 01:35:02
  • I never claimed that it shows how mature you are. I even agree with you that some words are bad and people should get banned or punished somehow if they use that kind of language in world chat. But thats what mods are for, I am sure you get enough reports. And as mentioned before, people who want to curse will find ways around it.

    I can not even have a conversation about the twin peaks of hope right now unless if I mix korean language in between. Luckily you didn't censor that, but maybe you will now since I mentioned it.

    You and I both know that some "curse" words arent really used for cursing but more for messing around between friends and just making conversation. Sure it doesn't fit in world chat, and it probably doesn't mean we are "mature", but its perfectly fine for group chat with like minded people who just want to have fun and dont want to be restricted in conversation topics. With mature I am just referring to the fact that it wont bother us but it might not be appropiate for 18-.

    Long story short, I will ask again. Is it too hard to implement an on/off *on. Or maybe make it apply to world chat only? It just feels too restricting.
As I said, me and other mods are making changes to the current list of banned words. We will send it to techs.

That's all I can say at the moment.

If you guys have any idea or you want to ban some words, feel free to share them with us (it will be better probably via PM) and we might add it to the list. It will make no sense if we will add on and off option to this system because players will keep reporting missbehaviour. We won't be able to do anything about it because they can censor them. And that means we won't be able to warn or ban them.

If you guys want to have some chat about *ual or any other topics, I don't think this game is the right place for it. After all, this game is about Naruto.
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On 2016-08-26 01:54:35Show All Posts
  • dart feld On 2016-08-26 01:50:05
  • your logic is flawed you cant do anything about a report if the reporter has the chat filter on?

    if this is the logic then you pretty much admitted that you guys wont be able to do your job with the censorship on to began with since chat is censored.

    so then the whole censored chat thing is flawed to begin with
No, no. Don't take it wrong. That is just my idea.

I can send your feedback to devs about on and off option for this system. But I am telling you the truth. It will be more easier for them to improve current system.

Anyway, fix to this problem should be added to the game tomorrow or next week. IF and when we will get on and off option I can't tell.
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On 2016-08-26 02:12:19Show All Posts
  • Mount Tai On 2016-08-26 02:04:13
  • I really hope adding an on/off feature will be taken seriously. Most games use the censor feature this way and it leaves it completely to us wether we want to see certain words or not.

    This will also get rid of complaints because its a choice, not something that is forced upon us against our will.

    Also yes this game is naruto, that is why we should have the right to talk about tsunades twin peaks of hope, jiraiya peaking at baths and almost getting killed and plenty of stories like this. They appear in the anime, so why cant we chat about them?

    Also sure its a naruto game, but its not like 100% of the people are roleplayers and want to be the next hokage. A lot of people chat with groupmates because they are a group of friends in real or because its just nice to meet people and have a community to hang around with.

    Your basically saying "this game is about naruto so ninja talk only" . If that would be the case I could promise you the game would die within a week. From all the chats I have seen there is plenty of off topic chats going on.
Nope, I'm not saying "only ninja talk here".

All I am saying is that this place is not for some *ual content. It is fine if you want to talk about how *y Tsunade is or if you like some female ninja. But you know .. I'm not interested to see how one of our players did it with his girlfriend/boyfriend. : ) This post was last edited by Daiske at 2016-8-26 02:13
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-27 05:43:14Show All Posts
As I said, techs are already working on fix. We gave them the list of words that should be banned.

Fix will be added to the game next week.
Quicky Post

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