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[ Lineup ] Shisui's Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 102
On 2018-01-11 18:24:55Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2017-12-23 07:24:00
  • The lightning team is wrong, if you met people with high BP he will die there in turn 2. His ideal position is behind shisui.

    Also, thanks to madara, you can drop all the 3 mysteries in turn 2 (that's why a wind main is better there imo, thanks to dance of impetus and still immune to CC).

I pretty much move Shisui up, and Itachi back in that build. Shisui slot one gives a good nuke and control to a team lacking in control. Lightning main allows for Shisui to have root, meaning if he does end up taking a brunt of the round 1 attack he is still good to go round 2. And running Warriors Killing Intent (I think that is the name... Server is down so I can't double check or take a screen shot) allows Shisui to go every round if you are lucky to kill someone with him. I run sealing slash on my main for some extra control/damage to secure a low target to refresh Shisui's mystery round 2.

Quicky Post

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