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[ Events ] Events - 21st December


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-21 13:05:24Show All Posts
  • Kadyia On 2017-12-21 12:46:48
  • I agree to some extent. Sure ingame variations are a thing they might be limited to (like changing free itachi Anbu from 5* to 3*). However, if they did care about what player base has to say, they have plenty calm and more or less well written posts even in this thread what is missing.

    And making and releasing a decent christmas event where good stuff will be given to everyone (no-casher and casher alike) is possible in every game. Hell I played so many browser and regular MMO game and 99% of the time there have been decent events. Making such a time feel special.

    Every big celebration in Naruto Online felt lackluster at best.

    The community is vocal with namecalling, whining etc sure. But if they really care they would read forums, read the feedback forms, hell even log-in to the game and ask people themselves. Some changes might be hard to realize for them, granted.

    The forum mods (and customer support for that matter) are active as rarely as possible. Beside deleting posts, the main admins/mods rarely post anything really informative.

    They have a forum event announced for at least a week now, and all I see is still LOADING....

    The rewards in the daily log-in reward christmas thing is minor and it doesnt feel special.

    So are those problems of the player base being vocal? No thats because they didnt put effort in thinking about it.

    Why has Germany UT upgrade, 2nd guild summon, gets decent events during celebrations? Is this because they been more reasonable than our part? Hell no, they did the same. Over and over and over again. But their team seems to have realized they need to do something.

    Wonder when that will either happen here or the game will change to A) desert since noone is playing anymore or B) EA-Style game, where everything is buyable dlc ...oh wait.

Just for your Information DE has it alot worse than NA

Quicky Post

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