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[ Events ] Events - 21st December


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-21 18:25:28Show All Posts
  • Kimchi™ On 2017-12-21 00:42:13
  • I think oasis is preparing events for us. Be patient people, it's not yet 25th of dec. Chill down a bit.

Maybe you forgot anniversary event, i didn't.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-21 18:34:00Show All Posts
  • shaitara On 2017-12-21 09:00:48
  • y do people thing they should be able to compete easily with people who spent money regularly? Like I can understand f2p competing with light cashers, but if someone drops over 200$ they should be able to mop up F2Ps assuming they have equal playtime. Srsly kids these days are so entitled .-.

You are right but f2p are way too much mishandled by oasis.

We miss 40 skill breaktroughs, we have no shops updated, we have no red runes in inner gates shop, we have no kage ti, no ultimate training final steps, no silver coin shops, no advanced threads in sa (they can say what they want, they aren't there), no dangos only mood system, no chances for f2p to really get something without using coupons. Do you really think this is fine?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-21 18:40:27Show All Posts
  • Kimiko97 On 2017-12-21 12:01:37
  • Your comment is EXACTLY why change does not happen. You do not believe you can make a difference when you can.

    They want to listen but they cannot when there is nothing but fighting, name calling, and spiteful, self-entitled behavior in their player base. Nobody can get work done if the consumer refuses to speak up their issues in a calm manner but rather goes to find the nearest soap box and picket fence and scream at the top of their lungs stuff that belongs in tabloids. If you do not believe change is possible and you do not like what is going on, why do you still play? Why? Others have done the peaceful approach and got what they wanted, what makes this any different? I am only bringing logic to this. I only want you guys to think.

    In the end, positive change can only be achieved through cooperation and the ability to properly communicate without insults and cursing your audience.

It's proved by aristaeus video that they don't even hear to what mods say to them.

They care only for money, so, until 30-40 heavy spenders don't start a riot asking for somebody to face that isn't one of their league by stopping spending altogether until something changes in favor of f2p or low cashers, nothing will change.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-21 18:49:42Show All Posts
  • Ryurial On 2017-12-21 16:35:15
  • 400 coupons! lucky me


As usual with this event. The first guy that shows up at 5 am and put in 400-800 coupons get it and nobody else in the server for the remaining time of the day get anything out of it.

Btw, gratz, you were smart enough to take advantage of this (I'm sure you knew it).

What oasis will never admit is that the chance to get the best tile in this wheel is actually 1/9, but once somebody in the server hit it starts a counter of around 2000 rolls that prevent anybody else in getting it until the counter is hit. The same, very likely, is there also for the other tiles. 1/9 chances and counters of 50-200-500.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-12-21 18:53:17.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-21 19:41:36Show All Posts
  • Krells On 2017-12-21 19:25:08
  • 1. Capsules don't seem to be in the Winter Camp exchange as far as I can tell so the only way to obtain them is through coupons/ingots.

    2. No use to f2p.

    3. At best a couple frags by the end without spending ingots.

    4. Strange title considering the investment in either time/money required when welfare is freely given to those of need.

    5. See #3 (able to use coupons)

    6. Money sink with a very powerful ninja as the top reward, also see #3 (able to use coupons)

    7. See #2

    8. Joke ninja for login, minimal bonus for Jonin. Exchanges require massive stamina investment

    9. Same event we've seen before

    If you guys are planning more events, like you decided to do with the on Halloween day event. It would be prudent to tell us now instead of waiting till the day before like you did then.

What they don't understand is that people wants to get something they consider useful or something special for those events WITHOUT spendig massive amounts of coupons because is something they can do at every moment that's not xmas, anniversary or easter.

A good thing, for example, could have been to actually give fukurokumaru outfit in this event and for free since were 700-800 useful power for everybody regardless their actual power (something everybody can touch with their hands and be happy) or, for example, to give 100-200 earnable for free of those gold packs we get in bonds.

I can't believe they don't understand people wants something like this during those special events.

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