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[ Help ] Gakido pain


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On 2016-08-26 02:22:24Show this Author Only
  • Yangguo On 2016-08-26 01:53:33
  • the average is 35. dont talk before u try. so misleading
no i did try it. i got the same result. i got 50+ my 2 of my guildmates 60+ 1 of my guildmate did 7x and got 37. 2 of my friends from my friendlist got 40+ and 50+ eh idk what to tell you :/
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On 2016-08-26 02:23:39Show this Author Only
i dont think anyone would even get only 3 everytime for doing 10x to be honest. I never gotten anything lower than a 3. Edited: I can do another 10x tomorrow and tell you my result.

This post was last edited by YuriScarlet at 2016-8-26 02:33
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On 2016-08-26 05:00:11Show this Author Only
  • YuriScarlet On 2016-08-25 18:20:39
  • From the sources i got. average is 60 for doing 10x. it would take 20 10x to get 1200 points as it can go up and down and it would lead to near 1200 points. 20x10=200 treasure keys would be needed. 200x10 for each key would cost 2k coupons total to get gakido. But also you got 6 days to play. and if you spam elite instances, you have a greater chance of getting a key it seems. you can get atleast 10x draw a day. 14x100 it would only cost 1400 coupons total.
60 for x10 ? Your "sources" are infinitly wrong.
A x10 wield an average of 35. Since per key you get either 3 or 4 MOST of the time (didn't see it but maybe rare you can get 5).

So good math is:
We take an average pts per draw of 3.5
Gakido 1 frag cost 15 pts, so 15/3.5 = 4.286 draws.
Price of key is 10 coupons, so for 1 frags you need 4.286 x 10 = 42.86 coupons.
Full Gakido 3stars you need 80 frags, so 42.86 x 80 = 3428,8 coupons.

PS: for Asuma WB (12pts per frag), same thing: 2743.2 coupons.
This post was last edited by AkBino at 2016-8-26 05:11
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On 2016-08-26 05:08:52Show this Author Only
  • AkBino On 2016-08-26 05:00:11
  • 60 for x10 ? Your "sources" are infinitly wrong.
    A x10 wield an average of 35. Since per key you get either 3 or 4 MOST of the time (didn't see it but maybe rare you can get 5).

    So good math is:
    We take an average pts per draw of 3.5
    Gakido 1 frag cost 15 pts, so 15/3.5 = 4.286 draws.
    Price of key is 10 coupons, so for 1 frags you need 4.286 x 10 = 42.86 coupons.
    Full Gakido 3stars you need 80 frags, so 42.86 x 80 = 3428,8 coupons.

    PS: for Asuma WB (12pts per frag), same thing: 2743.2 coupons.
    This post was last edited by AkBino at 2016-8-26 05:11
instead of opening my compile list, with an insult; Its much better to compile the results of doing 10x from other players in the forum. We can then we can determine the average that way. People holds different results.
i just did 5x 10x draw.

Results were 38, 44, 47, 40, 36

so my earlier pull results were 52, then 38, 44, 47,40,36.
Single draws: 5, 3, 3 ,4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 5, 4, 3, 3

This post was last edited by YuriScarlet at 2016-8-26 05:14
This post was last edited by YuriScarlet at 2016-8-26 05:18
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 05:13:29Show this Author Only
  • YuriScarlet On 2016-08-26 05:08:52
  • instead of opening my compile list, with an insult; Its much better to compile the results of doing 10x from other players in the forum. We can then we can determine the average that way. People holds different results.
    i just did 5x 10x draw.

    Results were 38, 44, 47, 40, 36

    so my earlier pull results were 52, then 38, 44, 47,40,36.
    Single draws: 5, 3, 3 ,4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 5, 4, 3, 3

    This post was last edited by YuriScarlet at 2016-8-26 05:14
    This post was last edited by YuriScarlet at 2016-8-26 05:18
Your friends got lucky, but sure ask and compile data from multiple people from your server.
I'm sure it will tend slowly toward 35-40 :)

PS: Where do you see insult ? I didn't get that part.
PS2: Ok so your average results are 42. Be safe and take 40 as average, you need 3000 coupons for Gakido then. $60 if ingots.
Single draws seems showing a better average i expected: 3.67.... yeah could use more data but for me it is between 35 and 40 we can expect.
PS3: Thanks for the data Yuri.
This post was last edited by AkBino at 2016-8-26 05:28
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 05:26:53Show this Author Only
  • AkBino On 2016-08-26 05:13:29
  • Your friends got lucky, but sure ask and compile data from multiple people from your server.
    I'm sure it will tend slowly toward 35-40 :)

    PS: Where do you see insult ? I didn't get that part.
    PS2: Ok so your average results are 42. Be safe and take 40 as average, you need 3000 coupons for Gakido then. $60 if ingots.
    Single draws seems showing a better average i expected: 3.67.... yeah could use more data but for me it is between 35 and 40 we can expect.
    PS3: Thanks for the data Yuri.
    This post was last edited by AkBino at 2016-8-26 05:28
yeah. Im gonna end up getting asuma anyways. Might aswell just spend it all to help out finding a much more accurate data to have a base on. Still, need more datas though. 60+ must be really lucky for my guildmates.
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On 2016-08-26 12:17:46Show this Author Only
  • dart feld On 2016-08-26 01:09:54
  • the $5 gives more then 200 keys it gives closer to 300-400 if you do it right and that doing the 10 ignots to 20 30 or 50 coupons 2 times a day meaning its $1 a day since it cost 10 coupons and ignots
    This post was last edited by dart feld at 2016-8-26 01:11
explain exactly how o.O
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On 2016-08-26 12:28:21Show this Author Only
Spent exactly 2500 ingots with some treasure points left over for Asuma. My average per 10 keys were 37 points. Only ever gotten 40+ once or twice.
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On 2016-08-26 12:33:29Show this Author Only
  • spacedog On 2016-08-26 12:28:21
  • Spent exactly 2500 ingots with some treasure points left over for Asuma. My average per 10 keys were 37 points. Only ever gotten 40+ once or twice.
Dang your luck lol. You should of waited until the very last day before buying ingota. Could of potentially reduced the price lol
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On 2016-08-26 12:39:30Show this Author Only
Going for gakido too, which I will wait til the last day...
2500 ingots is actually reasonable imo, compared to 60+ scrolls you'll need to spend for a chance for him in tendo treasure
This post was last edited by spa*** at 2016-8-26 12:42
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On 2016-08-26 12:47:42Show this Author Only
you get like 15-20 fragments for free if you w8 till last day. Lets say 20 which emans 60 are left = 10 keys = 3 frags = 200 keys

200 keys = 2k coupons or ingots

So you can get asuma with 2k coupons or maybe 2,2 if ur unlucky. Its a good price.
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On 2016-08-26 18:45:53Show this Author Only
Is there a discount on the last day or am I missing something? how do you get extra on the last day though?
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On 2016-08-26 18:51:26Show this Author Only
  • xSpiral On 2016-08-26 18:45:53
  • Is there a discount on the last day or am I missing something? how do you get extra on the last day though?
You get more keys by sweeping instances and you get more coupons overtime if you play the spin event. The guy above is talking about saving up keys until the last day will get you atleast 15 - 20 frags worth of asuma points. No discounts, if you play it smart, you can reduce the price by alot.
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On 2016-08-26 19:05:18Show this Author Only
  • spacedog On 2016-08-26 12:28:21
  • Spent exactly 2500 ingots with some treasure points left over for Asuma. My average per 10 keys were 37 points. Only ever gotten 40+ once or twice.
How much points did that yield? did you do 1x 100x or 10x draw?
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On 2016-08-26 21:11:20Show this Author Only
With 100x draws I spent 2600 for asuma considering gakido is 1.25x the price, well you can do the math. Just providing an example.
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On 2016-08-29 00:40:27Show this Author Only
Anybody else? tried the 100x draw how much points did you guys get?
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On 2016-08-29 00:53:05Show this Author Only
I had like 370 points per 100 keys.
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On 2016-08-29 03:23:51Show this Author Only
As a wind main, which one is better? Gakido or Wind Blade?
btw, I am waiting till the last day.
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On 2016-08-29 10:34:46Show this Author Only
  • faeriececil On 2016-08-29 03:23:51
  • As a wind main, which one is better? Gakido or Wind Blade?
    btw, I am waiting till the last day.
Gaikado is good for people who have fire main n sleep n ignites n stuff
But asuma attacks front row and misdle row n back row when he attacks attacks all 3 people straught accross and ignores hinata shield
So good for puppets n clones
Cost me 35$ with a leftover 100ignots when i bought for my fiend

Ima be buying gaikado too when i get his frags to upgrade mine to 4*
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On 2016-08-30 03:39:35Show this Author Only
in my opinion hes not worth it unless you are an earth main.... his debuff is great but very low attack and hes slow for the most part unless you have him comboing with other pains...i mean in the long run yea but not work spending ingots on.
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