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[ Events ] treasure of the sage ( all prices compilation)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-15 17:44:18Show All PostsDescending Order
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treasure of the sage

The decimals are normally rounded off. Some things like protection runes and summon scrolls I didnt get in my 60 keys. Very hard to get best discount percentages esp for masked man. based on my opinion, The best things to get here is advanced refine for sure at 40%, even 30% would be good esp if you dont have much luck with sage world. Purification and protection runes have good prices but buy them in later phases of your game after focusing on other power sources since purification is highly RNG based. Never buy the advanced, medium or common cloth( you get them easily from SA). Better to buy Delux charms pack which gives charms at 80 per pack but you would need to save up 4000 coupons(there is a treasure key event where you get charms at 71 per pack, but it comes once in two -three months.. Dont buy medium refines, you get them from group shop and they appear in redeem option of llot of events. Better not buy the rare ninjas here. If you really want, you can go for GNW tenten if you get at 30% discount esp if you have mei. You can get iruka in earlier stages of game if you dont want to wait out to piece out hiim in fragment refining. Anbu clothing seems too expensive. It was around 3800 coupons in lucky board along with all the goodies you get in board. Legendary ninja pack is only if you want to rush getting those red tools, or you can wait and get them from TI.

This post was last edited by Rick_Sanchez on 2017-12-15 17:44:18.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-16 12:02:30Show All Posts
  • Waifuu On 2017-12-16 03:01:28
  • Not sure the anbu cloth is worth it. Maybe lucky board better?

Lucky board is better...even konoha tree price on initial launch was less than this.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-18 15:52:33Show All Posts
  • Broken Screen On 2017-12-18 13:56:45
  • Wait I thought u could get Sailor at 40% off.

Maybe last time around it was there and they changed it this time


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-18 15:58:40Show All Posts
  • Hamburg2123 On 2017-12-18 14:46:02
  • I bought so many sage keys .. and didn't get 40% discount on seals :(

The highest discounts have low drop rates i think. I have seen gnw tenten, advanced refines etc at max discount, but never minato or masked man.

Why buying seals? going to get edo hashi. Better buy advanced refines( at 40% or 30%) if you get it with keys you get by sweeping. I wouldnt advice buying keys. Even if you are a normal spender, i think most of the recharge and spending events give a lot of seals, and all those ingot based packs in various events have seals at good prices if you really want to buy them. Personally, I Dont think treasure of the sage is best to get seal scrolls.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-18 18:58:34Show All Posts
  • Hamburg2123 On 2017-12-18 17:57:51
  • I want to pull Roshi next month. I have Han so far and i need around 90 more seals. I consider I will obtain 50 for 1 month from gnw packs ( I usually get the legendary one ) and from doing other stuff. And I consider buying the others and pull on the treasure rebates ( I hope there will be a Jinchu 1 in the rebate ). Treasure of the Sage is actually the best place to buy them. At 40% a seal scroll will cost you 75 coups/ingots a piece and at 30% it is 87 coups/ingots a piece. There is no other place that I've seen them cheaper.

    And by the way I received a max discount on Jonin Minato , Kushina , 100 Puppets Sasori , Iruka , GNW Tenten , Summoning Scrolls , medium refines .. but not on Seal Scrolls :(

Right..but still spending coupons on seal scroll..Isn't that a cardinal sin?

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