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[ Help ] Tobi Nerf?


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On 2016-08-27 15:13:18Show this Author Only
  • MugenMousou On 2016-08-27 15:09:44
  • Basically his mystery does not cause knockdown.

    Do note that the ninjas available and skills available here is much different compared to what CN has right now. Also Tobi got some new skill upgrades in the CN version which increases his dodge and gives him chakra at the start of every turn. Just let this version run through the same course as the CN one.
Ah, I see. Thank you for taking the time to explain that.
So is there an expected time the changes will take place or is that still up in the air right now? This post was last edited by RakaMikazuki at 2016-8-27 15:14
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On 2016-08-28 04:19:53Show this Author Only
In CN they nerf a lot of stuff, not only Tobi, if they are going to implement Tobi nerf, they should implement all the other nerfs but the balance will not be the same. CN has way more content and possibilities which make these/certain ninjas op when enhanced or when you add new skills to them.
Its just not the same, our US version is like a demo compared to them.
China nerfed lightning mains, Konan, Tobi and many others, if we are to implement Tobi nerf, then all of those and others should be implemented too - yet balance will not be the same as in CN due to lots of missing content.
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On 2016-08-28 05:10:40Show this Author Only
  • RakaMikazuki On 2016-08-27 15:13:18
  • Ah, I see. Thank you for taking the time to explain that.
    So is there an expected time the changes will take place or is that still up in the air right now? This post was last edited by RakaMikazuki at 2016-8-27 15:14
It will happen around the same time CN version decided to nerf it (no idea when that is) we are missing tons of ninjas and balance changes so just be patient for more content to be released.
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On 2016-08-30 23:00:43Show this Author Only
they did nerf him :(
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On 2016-08-30 23:08:45Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-30 23:00:43
  • they did nerf him :(
nerfed who?
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On 2016-08-31 07:58:01Show this Author Only
Don't think that a nurf is needed for Tobi.. There was a time when Gaara felt OP, naruto felt OP and most ninjas haven't even been released yet. After checking skills of some of the pain ninjas who are available Tobi's skills feel like nothing and he is relatively easy (cheap) to get (survival trial).
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On 2016-08-31 15:25:23Show this Author Only
The speculation is real...
But where is the source saying he will be nerfed ? :L
You guys keep arguing that he should or not get nerfed , but you don't even know if it's going to happen.
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On 2016-08-31 15:43:39Show this Author Only
Why nerf tobi he is unique and you guys think he is that great just go get him it won't take a week maybe 9 days longest .....btw you guys that complain must must not know you can target who you want to hit with your skills why would you target tobi
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On 2016-08-31 15:58:53Show this Author Only
I never thought tobi works this well even real people are getting annoyed by him :lol Anyway he's pretty easy to take down just be sure to not ignore the other 3 ninja's around him and you'll be fine seem's like op hasn't seen what other ninja's like tendo hashi or a double sage team can do,Requesting nerfs like this.
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On 2016-08-31 18:22:11Show this Author Only
There is no announcement saying that Tobi will be nerfed. Please don't give inaccurate information based from CN or other versions of the game because it won't be 100% sure that we will have the same updates.
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On 2016-09-06 21:46:58Show this Author Only
neft Tobi pls . He really * with 100% miss skill . And buff a lot wind pls . Wind so useless in sage with empress team :Q This post was last edited by rai*** at 2016-9-6 21:49
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On 2016-09-06 22:18:52Show this Author Only
he so strong OMG :((
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On 2016-09-06 22:28:28Show this Author Only
I don't know how people expect the progress you make to be balanced. A ninja that is from the beginning of naruto stories cannot and will never be as strong as a ninja that came in later in the story. Most of my opponents who got tobi always loose to me and I only paid 4$ so far to get Gaara. Don't use the lack of your strategy as an excuse for a character nerf but I do have to agree that there are things that should be balanced. For example the main characters are not balanced at all throughout the game. Early- mid- and lategame. Early game the earth char is pretty strong but has a huge falloff in midgame but catches up in lategame again which is not yet included in our version. Those are things I would like to see to get balanced and not nerf one single ninja.
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On 2016-09-06 22:48:33Show this Author Only
Just ignore him and focus on taking down the other ninjas.
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On 2016-09-06 22:57:12Show this Author Only
  • Yunomegasai On 2016-09-06 22:28:28
  • I don't know how people expect the progress you make to be balanced. A ninja that is from the beginning of naruto stories cannot and will never be as strong as a ninja that came in later in the story. Most of my opponents who got tobi always loose to me and I only paid 4$ so far to get Gaara. Don't use the lack of your strategy as an excuse for a character nerf but I do have to agree that there are things that should be balanced. For example the main characters are not balanced at all throughout the game. Early- mid- and lategame. Early game the earth char is pretty strong but has a huge falloff in midgame but catches up in lategame again which is not yet included in our version. Those are things I would like to see to get balanced and not nerf one single ninja.
I agree.. Use some strategies to control tobi. nerfing is not an option.
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On 2016-09-07 14:36:00Show this Author Only
I'm against nerfing Tobi not just because I use him but because in general he's one of the few ninjas that you can grind for that's even remotely close to the level of ninjas you can only access by paying a lot.

No I'm very far from winning every time with him. I've lost at least once to every main even without a power gap. Sometimes even with a power gap.

It's actually very easy to build a strategy against him. Just take the time to read his skills and understand them and you should be able to figure out how best to deal with him.

And of course there will be teams that don't match very well against other teams. It's kind of the point. There isn't gonna be a single perfect team.
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On 2016-09-07 15:51:23Show this Author Only
IF (no guarantee) we follow other version, his mystery won't cause knockdown so no 1 shot combo killing someone in round 2, he won't revive and instead gives 20 chakra extra each round similar to the sage characters. Keeps the dodge, still strong but not the level he's at right now.
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On 2016-09-07 16:16:08Show this Author Only
  • TheIxion On 2016-09-07 15:51:23
  • IF (no guarantee) we follow other version, his mystery won't cause knockdown so no 1 shot combo killing someone in round 2, he won't revive and instead gives 20 chakra extra each round similar to the sage characters. Keeps the dodge, still strong but not the level he's at right now.
Just curious, but if Tobi's mystery doesn't cause knockdown then what kind of status effect does it cause? Acupuncture, lower resist/defense, etc.?

Is it just a high combo mystery like Tenten's but only single target? :o

This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-9-7 16:17
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On 2016-09-07 16:36:09Show this Author Only
just high combo and ignition and his chase ignores some resist/def.
EDIT: forgot to mention they removed the combat entry cooldown on his mystery so you c*e it on the first round but the cooldown still remains as 2 rounds
This post was last edited by catnipaddict at 2016-9-7 16:38
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On 2016-09-07 18:23:21Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2016-08-25 23:29:03
  • Then don't use your mystery to kill him.... Kill the other ninja first or use ninja that can start combo's without a mystery. His hp and def is not that great he is easy to deal with if you are not on auto.

    The only people I have seen think he is OP are the ptw players that NEVER leave auto. They nearly kill him turn one if they get a combo on him and then the AI will try to kill him with a mystery and miss turn two.

    Don't forget he is a rare ninja and all of the rares are better then the more common ninja. he is just in the survival shop atm or very few people would have him.
Ugh just say you like tobi and ignore facts
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