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[ Events ] Event - Aug 25th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-25 23:38:03Show All Posts
We appreciate your Feedback and please believe us, we try our best to get better Events.
Sadly it will come down to Oasgames what kind of Events we get. We talk a lot with our Admin and he also asks us constantely for Feedback of the Community, he really tries his best to get better Events out that will make the Communiy happy.
I hope the next Events will please more people, and show you guys that we don't just ignore your Feedback. But please understand, they can't just change Events and make new ones up. They have schedules and other stuff they have to consider, sometimes it can take a bit longer till your Feedback/Suggestions reaches them but be assured they hear you ^^.

This post was last edited by SchneeWhite at 2016-8-25 16:42
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 02:54:16Show All Posts
I hope you Guys can keep this Discussion civil ^^~

We understand that these Events are not to everyones liking, and to be honest even we don't like them 100%. But don't make it sound worse than it actually is, you get some okay free stuff.
Also i would really appreciate if you stop acting like you know what's happening behind the scenes, stuff like "it doesn't take so long to change the Event" or "it doesn't require much work to do a new Event based on our Suggestions" will not make you sound smarter.

Our Admin asks us constantly for Feedback and Suggestions about Events, if he sees some reasonable and doable between them he will take them to the People in charge. But that doesn't mean next weeks Event will be one based on your Suggestions/Feedbacks, they have a schedule/plan for Events that they worked on for Days so we get them instead of your Suggestions.

We try our best to collect Ideas for Events that benefit more People and which is worth the Money, but that will take some Time because it has to be created and tested first. We ask you kindly to be a bit patient and assure you, we will bring you Guys some good Events between these bad ones ;P

I would like to tease you with the upcoming Events but...let's just say we heared your Voices ^^. This post was last edited by SchneeWhite at 2016-8-25 19:56
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 03:54:58Show All Posts
  • On 2016-08-26 03:38:19
  • Ye, we get some free stuff and its not bad but...

    But we can see Chinese servers. We can see, that they have more ninjas, more (and better) events and more ways to get free(and p2w) stuff. I want big "friendship tree location", "movie-quests" and clothes, which chinese players already have. But i understand, that its too early to do this on our server. Its obvious, that on new server we cant have all opportunities. But. Why we cant have some part of this? Why we havnt recharge events? Why we have this * lvl cap? Why we have 180 fish for Kisame?

    We pay same dollars as our Chinese friends. For same ninjas and magatmas. So why we play in different game? really just compared a 1 month old Game with one that's out for a few Years...

The reason why CN has more th* is simple, they're out for YEARS. You think they started with all these Updates? No. They started the same way we do, getting Updates step by step and over time they got all these new Features, Ninjas and other stuff.
Also maybe they got to the Point where they have a few good Events by simply collecting Feedback like we do? Don't you think they had a few bad Events before they got one or two good ones?
We have parts of this, or else we wouldn't have the Game itself... I doubt that you understood how obvious it is that we don't have all the "opportunities".

I'm not gonna discuss why we have this or that Event, that i already explained and seeing how you asking me this, you didn't care~
"* lvlcap"? Maybe to keep the Game a bit balanced? Maybe because we can't just throw out all of the Content on Day one?

Wow why do you Guys always have to bring up your Money? If you don't like it that we start with a fresh Version and don't have Updates that took CN years to get, stop playing and come back in a Year or so o_o
This post was last edited by SchneeWhite at 2016-8-25 20:59
This post was last edited by SchneeWhite at 2016-8-25 20:59
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 04:05:28Show All Posts
  • TimelessHonor On 2016-08-26 04:00:14
  • I'm S68 and we are at 7 days today when the new treasure box event opened. Will this be available to us tomorrow (8days) since we will then be " more than 7 days" on game? Please advise and thank you.
From what i got told, no.

The rather new Server have still the "New Server opening Event" going on.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 20:18:33Show All Posts
  • Soan On 2016-08-26 18:53:57
  • Mods i have a question.! If we dont spend our treasure points in this event will we have all of them the next time that it will come? If yes, there is a rotation or i wont be here again for months?
    ( i like that event, it'sreally good not like the fishing with 180 pts for 1 fragment-.-)
You can't save them, sorry~
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-26 23:51:07Show All Posts
  • Seraph51 On 2016-08-26 23:20:30
  • What happens to the extra points and keys? Do they just disappear after the event? I have everything and still have over 1000 points.
Yes they do ^^


I'm deleting his Post since it's meaningles and misses the Point completely. This is not the place to discuss it, however i took my time to explain to him in a short Post why. If he doesn't want to understand it he can start a Thread in the General section, but i will keep deleting his Posts here.
This post was last edited by SchneeWhite at 2016-8-26 16:53
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