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[ PVP ] Lets talk about Wind Main, Minato....


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-04 04:32:03Show All PostsDescending Order
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So yea, i wasn't having any trouble against this blitz wind teams until 4.0 but prob they changed that dam minato with the update or did an uperboost to wind main (havent checked a lot, i don't play her), i know most people will say that's pvp you have to interrupt bla bla bla, yes i get it, and i usually just interrupt him and that's it but if you have to focus something else or you just can't, he hits like a truck, more than a truck. Literally if im Light i don't stand a chance, at least in the 30k-60k bracket (servers 750++), which is full of them.

As an example wewhere doing Sage today and i happend to go against, not 1 or 2... 5 wind mains with different variations of teams always with minato, and even farther, not me but also my group mates where failing to win them with a lot, a lot more bp than them. (the difference was +5k bp even one with 8k more which is a lot when ur talking about 30ks..) What the actual ** happend? 2rounds thats what they need and lighting main teams are down, don't know about other mains or other bp brackets.

Anyway tell me what are your thoughts about wind mains and Minato & if this happens in your brackets for cross server things.

PD: ofc if this is just me is bcs im s** at the game and i should start learning lol, but im pretty sure its not just me and they should get to this as soon as possible from my belive, i can stand against cancer teams but this is just insane.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 9
  • Posts: 40
On 2017-12-04 08:18:37Show All Posts


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