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[ Lineup ] Water Main 4.0 new talent (Experimental Ninjutsu) lineups


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On 2017-12-08 03:00:01Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey everyone!

So 4.0 is here and so are new Water Main talents, you might have noticed that the healing standard is buffed and also that she received a new passive skill called "Experimental Ninjutsu".

Now what this passive does is gives the water main an ability to use her mysteries with 1 round less cooldown which is best used with the Shark Bomb (You are able to do the mystery every single round). The downside of this passive is that you can not use Poison Tai together with it, but it makes for a great team variety when used together with Neurotoxin passive, being able to chaos an entire team in rounds.

P.S.: passively immune ninjas like jinchurikis are a bit of a problem because you can't chaos them.

P.S.2: You will need high position 1 initiative for these teams to work the way they were supposed to.

Alright I shall give you some team ideas now

1. Shark Kisame version



This team is an expensive one due to Shark Kisame, he makes the round 1 be pretty safe for all your ninjas so you are free to use your mystery round 2, also providing that beautiful chakra drain chase.

I recommend having breakthrough Kurenai of course it would be better for the team.

I put 3 summons in pictures , you are to use what you have.

Personally I recommend King of Hell for 1v1 PVP , and Guy's Turtle summon for Bond arena-GNW.

2. Edo Deidara version



Also a bit expensive team again.

This team has much higher damage output than the previous one due to Deidara, a lot of ignites/poisons with chaoses.

Same as previously breakthrough Kurenai would be better but not as necessary as in previous team.

I put demon fox for the full combos but if you want to just heavily rely on chaoses from mystery you could KoH, Guy's turtle also here.

3. F2P friendly version



Breakthrough Kurenai would be prefer for sure due to better versatility in the team.
Overall strong damage , A LOT of debuff clearing and heals bunched together with chaos from the main makes for a great team (I recommend trying this team out in space time).

4. F2P friendly version 2 (Roshi)



Personally my favorite team probably out of these, being pretty easy to obtain if you play the game for some time.

Kurenai chakra draining, Water Main mystery every round with full team chaoses, a lot of poisons and good chance of igniting with Roshi chase.

Same as all the teams above you could use a different standard attack but the healing one is safest overall probably.

5. Shark Bomb Blitz



A team that is very fast but requires a great deal of equipment stacking (that means very high critical/injury and preferably control stats would be super beneficial).

Being able to use Shark Bomb right in round 1 with a pos1 ninjas, however only after her standard attack therefore creating a small problem where you can get easily countered by having her chaosed or immobiled by Susano Itachi or Masked Man for example. (therefore having high control will help a lot to not get countered)

Even if vs immune ninjas due to great amount of damage this team does it can still win.

Take it to Sage World Battlefield , have some fun with it if you feel your water main is strong enough

Hope you guys found it useful , catch you later

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2017-12-08 03:00:01.
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On 2017-12-04 23:13:39Show this Author Only

*park for future reference* thx for the guide bro ... now lets make some chaos XD

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On 2017-12-04 23:21:33Show this Author Only

You could also do poison fog with neurotoxin to possibly chaos 4 people. And maybe poison every round?

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On 2017-12-05 00:49:41Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-12-04 23:21:33
  • You could also do poison fog with neurotoxin to possibly chaos 4 people. And maybe poison every round?

Shark Bomb much higher crit/chaos chance also this would be from a position 1 ninja every round

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On 2017-12-05 08:57:33Show this Author Only

Who's a good alternative to Hanzo? I've only been playing for 3 months and don't have him yet. I do have Roshi and 5 star/max breakthru Kurenai @lvl80...

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On 2017-12-05 12:47:51Show this Author Only

Hey, For Edo Deidara team.

Wouldn't you want to use Natural Energy or something when his 2 bombs die, you're instantly Sage.

More dmg to your shark bomb, let Kurenai does cc, and cleanse by Hanzo.


Anyone you could replace Hanzo for the last one? Kurotsuchi? I know she's not going to cleanse but helps with no. of hits?

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On 2017-12-05 13:07:41Show this Author Only

time to save for hanzo

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On 2017-12-05 17:18:12Show this Author Only

Replacements for hanzo are gakido or yagura.

P.S. imho skewering is better in general than shark bomb. Because this team if faces a full immune team like a mb row a bd flower guarded or sb 4th mystery one doesn't do anything for 1/2 rounds (I'm talking about the f2p version that is not at all this f2p since hanzo still have to appear in an event at a price a f2p can buy in less than two months of gathering, otherwise, with this f2p way to think also edo deidara and shark kisame are for f2p)

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-12-05 17:24:12.
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On 2017-12-05 18:01:53Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2017-12-05 12:47:51
  • Hey, For Edo Deidara team.

    Wouldn't you want to use Natural Energy or something when his 2 bombs die, you're instantly Sage.

    More dmg to your shark bomb, let Kurenai does cc, and cleanse by Hanzo.


    Anyone you could replace Hanzo for the last one? Kurotsuchi? I know she's not going to cleanse but helps with no. of hits?

Yeah you could do that but beats the purpose of Experimental Ninjutsu talent chaos spamming :D

And yeah you could replace Hanzo with Gakido but not sure if you would get the 30 hit combo chase. Other than that Yagura could work excellent toward the chase but you would lose out on clearing debuffs.

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On 2017-12-06 06:55:12Show this Author Only

I don't have hanzo and i tried to make teams to replace him but to no avail lol. So I came up with this broken team still trying to improve on it...any and all suggestions welcome :-).

PELE's New Team_19- s4

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On 2017-12-07 21:36:52Show this Author Only

Can i ask what/who that sakura is?? Never seen a sakura like that one

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On 2017-12-07 22:41:53Show this Author Only
  • lolnoog On 2017-12-07 21:36:52
  • Can i ask what/who that sakura is?? Never seen a sakura like that one

It's a normal Sailor Sakura , she recieved a re-skin in China recently.

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On 2017-12-07 22:43:55Show this Author Only
  • PELE75 On 2017-12-06 06:55:12
  • I don't have hanzo and i tried to make teams to replace him but to no avail lol. So I came up with this broken team still trying to improve on it...any and all suggestions welcome :-).

    PELE's New Team_19- s4

It's pretty nice, I wouldn't change it unless you own Roshi/Hanzo

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On 2017-12-07 22:45:52Show this Author Only
  • PELE75 On 2017-12-06 06:55:12
  • I don't have hanzo and i tried to make teams to replace him but to no avail lol. So I came up with this broken team still trying to improve on it...any and all suggestions welcome :-).

    PELE's New Team_19- s4

hello, this team looks nice in my opinion poison festival! :)

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On 2017-12-07 22:47:14Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-12-05 17:18:12
  • Replacements for hanzo are gakido or yagura.

    P.S. imho skewering is better in general than shark bomb. Because this team if faces a full immune team like a mb row a bd flower guarded or sb 4th mystery one doesn't do anything for 1/2 rounds (I'm talking about the f2p version that is not at all this f2p since hanzo still have to appear in an event at a price a f2p can buy in less than two months of gathering, otherwise, with this f2p way to think also edo deidara and shark kisame are for f2p)

Hello, Skewering is awesome i like it as well, but at this point as we proceed the Shark bomb will be much better , as you will not see many Lightning mains formations with root anymore. But Yeah i love Skewering and its powerful as well !

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On 2017-12-09 05:03:11Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2017-12-07 22:43:55
  • It's pretty nice, I wouldn't change it unless you own Roshi/Hanzo

ty ICE* and Jori :-). I only have roshi atm no hanzo.... I did try to find one for roshi with kurenai in it but that was driving me crazy cause i could not find the right combinations lol! Ty both again.

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On 2017-12-10 16:33:43Show this Author Only

i just recently return to the game, and how do you get that version of sakura? also is hanzo a free ninja now?

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On 2017-12-10 21:27:45Show this Author Only
  • lonewolfchu On 2017-12-10 16:33:43
  • i just recently return to the game, and how do you get that version of sakura? also is hanzo a free ninja now?

Hi, welcome back to the game :D

That Sakura is the normal Sailor Sakura just has different visual in China

Hanzo fragments can be obtained in Survival Trial now but generally you can buy him in events he is among the cheaper ninjas

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On 2017-12-10 22:55:54Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2017-12-07 22:47:14
  • Hello, Skewering is awesome i like it as well, but at this point as we proceed the Shark bomb will be much better , as you will not see many Lightning mains formations with root anymore. But Yeah i love Skewering and its powerful as well !

in ranked arena currently if i face a bd is with flower guard, if i face an sb is an sb with 4th mystery and if i face an mb is an mb with root of warrior.

You say people don't use anymore root of warrior, but if you are running lightning treasure blitz or ay 4th, samui, darui blitz with MB you run it with root of warrior and those are pretty common now.

I don't know in your bracket but in uk bracket is so, so what Zelgais said is actually true. If you use shark bomb you just risk to not do anything against those teams.

P.S. About the shark bomb blitz team: The meaning of a blitz team is to deliver a ton of damage asap so using neurotoxin and healing jutsu makes no sense, because neurotoxin means no water enhancement or no nature energy gathering. There's mei to cc in that team. Using healin jutsu means that azure fang self heals if she is the fastest and that doesn't add any further damage, thing that doesn't make much sense. Better to use one of the other standard attacks in this kind of team.

P.P.S. Tenten gnw gives +15% critical chance with her passive and is a water character. Is a must have ninja in any fun water main team that bets on deliver chaos with neurotoxin

This post was last edited by Garv on 2017-12-11 09:15:48.
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On 2017-12-11 03:19:08Show this Author Only

In the first team u made, i have all ninjas just kisame shark version not , so do u know any f2p ninja that can work instead of him?

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