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Wild West Clothing


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-01 01:43:38Show All Posts

Hi there! Im not sure about the Wild West Clothing, since i never paid attention with the armor clothings until the Anbu Armor came .. But as far as i know, some clothing fragments appears in some events like Konoha Limited Shop, or the Daily Special which gives discounted prices .. And about getting clothing, its best to know what the best for you, or depends on your needs, for example, you want to get more power then go and get Anbu Armor since it gives 300nin300atk, if you need initiative then get summer break or wait for the 70k power bonus (the samurai looking armor) .. well that's only my opinion about that and still, its up to you if you wanna get some of your desired clothing ..

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-01 04:24:16Show All Posts

No, it doesn't stack .. The only additional attributes you'll get is from the Clothing that you're using .. and you can only use 1 at the time ..

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-01 11:43:56Show All Posts

Okay -_- .. My bad, I dunno that Clothing stacks since i don't have any of them as of the moment ..

(Axfes/B3stN00b) For me, It's better to answer some question or queries even if i don't know the answer and that's why im always saying that "im not sure or i dont have any idea", atleast it gives a little suggestion or idea on how to resolve or whats the answer .. Its better to show other people that someone here in forums notices their questions even they don't know the answer, atleast someone answered them .. And a mistake doesnt mean that it is already spreading a false information, we're all humans who do mistakes for once in a while so, instead of roasting me on my mistake, why dont you be a regular user here on forums who answers some of the questions here if you know the answer .. This is one of the reason why the Forums was made, To share information and Give Information, if being wrong is not allowed here and answering questions you dont know then this is not a forum, thus making this only an Announcement board or something right? .. Better to have a Care for Others than being Selfish and Snobber knowing that you know the answer to their questions and not giving a *cencored* answering it ..

Peace v^-^

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2017-12-01 14:08:03.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-01 15:49:12Show All Posts
  • axfes On 2017-12-01 15:03:09
  • That's not a mistake... You didn't lead with "I don't have any of them as of this moment but I don't think they stack". You flat out said "no it doesn't stack".

    I'm sure people who have legitimate question are looking for you to strike up a conversation and acknowledge their question while simultaneously spreading false information. If you don't know the answer, you should probably avoid answering the question as definitively as you did.

Lol xD .. Are you trolling me? .. you just registered recently and now your first post was to roast me :D .. thank you :D .. Instead of roasting me here, just be useful and answer some of the questions and queries here .. with what youre doing right now, youre making yourself funny xD .. Atleast, with what im doing here, gives help atleast even tho im not sure in some of my answer, im no mr. expert and nobody is expert here .. maybe you? :D ..

And with the "mistake", have a common sense man, no need to explain or elaborate what i mean by that word "mistake" .. dumdum xD .

Quicky Post

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