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[ Updates ] Bug Hunting Contest : Naruto Online 4.0


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
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On 2017-12-08 06:37:35Show All Posts

I'm not filling all that stuff out because it doesn't matter and I don't want a prize.

Here's a typo "Firer":


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
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On 2017-12-08 20:10:56Show All Posts
  • ILoveWildSex On 2017-12-08 17:20:53
  • UID: 200000090818672

    ServerID: S775: Eternal Belief

    Character Name: Vick

    Location of Bug: (where bug was met) Mt.Myoboku Cultivation

    Bug Description: (what kind of bug was it? How did you trigger it?) I have 2 scrolls for cultivation, and always when I try to cultivate it gives me this screen, telling where I can get a scroll, ignoring the fact that I have 2 of them. How did I trigger it? Broke game. A not topical question in this situation. Better ask your self.

    Bug Print Screen (most important):


FYI, that is not a bug, you are just at the point where upgrades don't cost 1 scroll anymore.

You need at least three scrolls to be able to cultivate.NotABug

This post was last edited by Spaghetticatt on 2017-12-08 20:14:01.
Quicky Post

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