Idk why all complain bout earth . for me its good. 0.7% def and resis for 1% life he lose so if ur life bout 20k and above wonder how much . for me just some skill nerf . not all . just 1-2 .
yep agree they only did this cuz earth main at end game is immortal eventually i knew it will get nerf sooner or later
Any changes in Ninja ?
Like kyuubi, every round gain 20 chakra before first action ?
Nope only following ninjas were updated click the li
So fire main doesn't get anything... at least make that genjutsu miror mystery same as the others to take 1 cooldown time.. oboro clone 45% doesnt give chakra but water main clone 60 % and gives 30 chakra when dies... why so much hate towards fire main like srsly and who says earth gets better .. .they cut down on his shields 10% on every passive.. i know its not oasis fault but come on China ..
It's a good thing EM is getting a nerf , he was the final choice all the time when it came to fighting in end game ( Space time , 100k power ) , there was literally no way to counter him unless you also go EM.
Wind main is getting some love which is appreciated and the double chase certainly makes up for the lack of chase in Kage Minato , Love it.
LM also getting some buff but almost irrelevant ones , nobody uses "Arena Prowess" anyway.
Water main is getting buffed and we're gonna see cancer teams and Water me
And last but not least , FM , I don't like the change in his "Death Mirage" but overall his kit is good , the lower cooldowns are welcome however mostly people use the last mystery. Still decent.
Really water main didn't get nerfed? wow
Wanna hear something funny? She actually got buffed. Now her basic attack can heal 1-2 units and thanks to her new passive, she can spam her special heal every 2 rounds unlike any other healer. Nerf my @$$. It's an insane buff.
Wanna hear something funny? She actually got buffed. Now her basic attack can heal 1-2 units and thanks to her new passive, she can spam her special heal every 2 rounds unlike any other healer. Nerf my @$$. It's an insane buff.
That's what he is saying... why you are stating something a person just read for himself lol... If he knows she didn't got nerfed, he knows what are the changes. Wtf bro.
Anyway... when we needed water nerf the most, they buff her more than ever... GG WP OG/Tencent, you got too many underaged pervs I suppose, in the development team.
Just tested Water main Shark Bomb with Experimental passive with my friend . it can cast every round 10 out of 10 . i was like Dang Chaos every time .
"Now:Recovers 30 Chakra points and
increases Ninjutsu by 15% every time a unit dies. Can be triggered up to
2 times each round. Furthermore, this unit will receive "Senjutsu User"
attribute. "
Every time a unit dies...including summons like GNW Sakura Katsuya's, and other clones? or just ninja? since if it includes clones and such, why the hell Lightning Main doesn't have it on his Hearth Flux skill by gaining 20% attack for each clone being taken out? I wonder...what is considered a unit in this game, clones and summons + ninjas, or just ninjas? because this is unfair if for watermain she gains Ninjutsu by 15% every time some clone or summon dies, where Lightning main with similar skill but only having 20% attack increase, does not get the same from clones and summons, only from ninja's being defeated...
Explain me this.
I dont understand what's your problem with fire main. For me, oboro is actually a buff in most cases. You can cast 1st mystery r1 and r2 in addition to your normal combo starter, also +1 auto but no imprison. In normal 1v1 pvp I actually feel stronger with current oboro than before. 9tails already looks like oboro > unparalelled. Death mirage can be tricky, since it was used in addition to tag for Cat, to procc dodge of dodge ninjas so theres a nerf, but a reliable source of tags opens up a lot more hidan and minato teams. Test it first, then complain.
I dont understand what's your problem with fire main. For me, oboro is actually a buff in most cases. You can cast 1st mystery r1 and r2 in addition to your normal combo starter, also +1 auto but no imprison. In normal 1v1 pvp I actually feel stronger with current oboro than before. 9tails already looks like oboro > unparalelled. Death mirage can be tricky, since it was used in addition to tag for Cat, to procc dodge of dodge ninjas so theres a nerf, but a reliable source of tags opens up a lot more hidan and minato teams. Test it first, then complain.
You mean p2w ninjas?
Fire team is only good with p2w ninja.
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