2016-08-24 21:06:05
plz guide me what chases do i select with my main and what pet
just ex: lets begin from my team.
Tobi : Chase and attack Knockdown cause low float
Zabuza : Chase and attack low floated cause repulse
Asuma : Chase and attack repulsed cause knockdown
Main : Chase and attack Knocked down cause High float
If Tobi attacks 1st with these Chase at least u have 5 combo. If chase doesnt continue previous chase, they will be stopped.
for exm:
Tobi : Chase and attack Knockdown cause low float
Kankuro : Chase and attack Knocked down cause low float
Asuma : Chase and attack repulsed cause knockdown
Main : Chase and attack Knocked down cause High float
If Tobi attacks 1st, u only have 2 combo. Because there is no chase continuing previous chase from Tobi.