at this point ,it all depends on your ninjas and power. earth is weak against lighting main specially the ay 4th samui team or the roshi,bee ,hidan team or even the good old blitz,but the edo deidara earth team is countering water cancer teams.
I think fire is actually the weakest for now,the other mains have decent teams to work with.
Just use sealing/chaos with Fire and everyone is done for, Imo the lightning is weak, and water poison/healing is OP, Earth is somewhere between, but little bit above average, average might be Wind and Fire, and Lightning below average as only one.
Yea, the moment majority starts to use Earth with Cloud, like I do, it will get OP, because everyone will use it, and not often there will be anyone who can beat it at same power level or 10k higher. Still Water Main with huge poison and huge healing, even without Sailor Sakura, is still OP, only way to beat them imo is with these new Cloud Ninja's, thanks to A's powerful mystery, and it still is not as easy since that poison and fire from Roshi takes a lot of HP. Sometimes the outcome of Cloud ninjas with Earth depends which one Omoi likes to start combo on in round 1, it will determine the result in second round after 3rd A's strike.
So at the end, Earth is not the one to be nerfed if only 10-20% of players in a server has good teams with it that are quite hard to beat, where Water is used more than 40% of players per server, and the rest is light, wind, Fire, second most used I think is Fire, then lightning, and then Wind, and Earth is somewhere between Fire and Lightning since not many have Cloud ninja's yet, but soon a lot of people will have them, which is kind of disappointing for me personally, since I skipped Jinchuuriki treasure and had a really hard time to play with lightning main against Han/Roshi me
At the end, repeating many times this, that Water is the one that needs nerf on poison and heal, I mean, you c*e heal, poison and acupuncture at the same time...but too much in one main character, isn't it?
Itachi susano'o, masked man, onoki. Doesn't seem that weak. I still have to find a counter that doesn't require hokage tsunade or six tails naruto.
EDIT:definition of counter: a team that stand a chance with lower initiative and relatively lower power.
yah, i know that one. I meant a team accessible to most players.Yes f2p can get masked man,but 95% of the player ba
plus you c*e windmain,itachi,mm,and minato for even a better team.
Just use sealing/chaos with Fire and everyone is done for, Imo the lightning is weak, and water poison/healing is OP, Earth is somewhere between, but little bit above average, average might be Wind and Fire, and Lightning below average as only one.
Yea, the moment majority starts to use Earth with Cloud, like I do, it will get OP, because everyone will use it, and not often there will be anyone who can beat it at same power level or 10k higher. Still Water Main with huge poison and huge healing, even without Sailor Sakura, is still OP, only way to beat them imo is with these new Cloud Ninja's, thanks to A's powerful mystery, and it still is not as easy since that poison and fire from Roshi takes a lot of HP. Sometimes the outcome of Cloud ninjas with Earth depends which one Omoi likes to start combo on in round 1, it will determine the result in second round after 3rd A's strike.
So at the end, Earth is not the one to be nerfed if only 10-20% of players in a server has good teams with it that are quite hard to beat, where Water is used more than 40% of players per server, and the rest is light, wind, Fire, second most used I think is Fire, then lightning, and then Wind, and Earth is somewhere between Fire and Lightning since not many have Cloud ninja's yet, but soon a lot of people will have them, which is kind of disappointing for me personally, since I skipped Jinchuuriki treasure and had a really hard time to play with lightning main against Han/Roshi me
At the end, repeating many times this, that Water is the one that needs nerf on poison and heal, I mean, you c*e heal, poison and acupuncture at the same time...but too much in one main character, isn't it?
sealing on what?and fire doesn't have chaos.
currently water is the best with lighting and wind as second and third best. earth is only good with like 2-3 with 2 lineups with one being whale exclusive.
Seriously? earth needs nerfed? He is hands down the weakest main in the game. His skills would make him best suited being a tank, but his shields are so weak they essentially never withstand more than 1 hit and since his only worthwhile debuff ( immobile) is dependent on him having a shield he is also the least diverse main in the game.
I like earth and have tried unsuccessfully to come up with a decent team for him, but so far the only earth main team I have seen even stand a shadow of a chance in pvp ( without having ludicrous power advantage and/or $800+ rares) is the samui.omoi,ay one.
"You can see here how earth mains ruined the diversity in naruto online"- I found this line hilarious. a few very rich whales may jump on a bandwagon and use a temporarily working
Also I stopped playing for a while but since being back before the 4.0 change I can see nothing changed in the way of mains, there never was any diversity to begin with, 95% of players still use either a lightning blitz team, a triple healer water team or the mei.mabui tenten, water me
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