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[ Help ] Question about level freezing


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  • Registered: 2017-11-23
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On 2017-11-24 12:28:25Show this Author Only

I level freeze a bunch so much so that im lvl 45 with 14.5k bp and still growing, I feel like level freezing is good if your just starting out and you wanna get pretty strong, but its mainly around your server its quite useless to level freeze on Kozo's server since he will always be ahead of you one huge benefit is sage world once you get in the proper bracket you get mad points and advanced refines for example I have 116 advanced refines but no use for them atm. Also it benefits Strong Approaching when you unlock it you can quickly speed run it with major ease. Personally I think you should go for level freezing only if you have enough patience to wait it out and wanna try hard through the game, if not and you just want to have fun don't level freeze

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On 2017-11-24 16:53:42Show this Author Only
  • MasahiroTakai On 2017-11-23 23:13:00
  • I'm in S188 NY the level brackets I think are like 30-86, 80-8x, 87-9x and 94-95. I started to freeze at around 83, I'm now level 86 with about 62k power, and when coming against people with 20-30k power I get 16 refines every sage world battlefields. I suggest learning how the brackets work in your server bracket, and freeze accordingly. Fe. there's no point in freezing at level 70 since ur still going to fight level 86s.

If many people do so then also lower battlefields become a bad outcome. If you aren't able to constantly be at least second level freezing is useless in swb since the quantity of power you lose by not awakening, cultivating and upgrading your equipment let you fail way more in bonds, matsuri and gnw.

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On 2017-11-25 18:52:52Show this Author Only

I succeed on freezing level but not perfect. My Chracter lvl 75 with BP 50500

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On 2017-11-26 08:05:21Show this Author Only

40 is too low for level freeze. if you gonna do it. 50 or 70 sounds more reasonable.

as for swb, i sometimes get thrown in a field ranging from lvl 20-87 or 84-92. I'm lvl 86 btw

This post was last edited by Fher on 2017-11-26 08:12:56.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-27 16:46:03Show this Author Only

level freeze works on mine at least, for swb. maybe because my server bracket range so wide. even my lvl 80 char is on different bracket with my friend lvl 79 group friend and my lvl 82 group friend. it really depends on the server bracket i guess

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