First, i want to say thanks for the help in previous post ( li
This is the lineup for wind main I'm using now -
And my skillset is -
And when I use water main I will change kurenai with sakura sailor(will get her tonight) and her position may be different than kurenai now.
I have two question -
1. What do you think about my lineup ? can I make it batter ? (btw this lineup is working great actually in arena and sage world battles but only problem i'm facing if i battle any wind main opponent, then it's tough fight)
2. Is Roshi really need Control Rune Stones ? because he is already immune ? ( I can make use of Roshi's control runes stones for other ninja so opponent can't control them easily.)
And another question - Is combo rune stone necessary for Gaara or other ninjas who can't be chased?
What's your opinion about this...?
If you control fail with a chaos, acupuncture or immobile chase you fail also in interrupting a ninja if i don't mistake, so, for roshi, aren't really useless.
No, failed cc still interrupts unless the ninja is uninterruptible. It works the same as immune
I disagree. It happened to me several times while on root of warrior, a water main still goes off first thus combo'ing me while I queue lightning aoe, yet I still managed to cast it after the "control failed" text. I don't have the screenshot for it, just as many people don't have of those split-second events. Sorry.
I disagree. It happened to me several times while on root of warrior, a water main still goes off first thus combo'ing me while I queue lightning aoe, yet I still managed to cast it after the "control failed" text. I don't have the screenshot for it, just as many people don't have of those split-second events. Sorry.
And yet I have interrupted roshi
And I have interrupted RoW Lightning mystery.
For all intend and purposes, you could have queued the mystery a split second late, after the enemy mystery is actually cast. Note that while the CC APPEARS to apply on the CC chase step, it is ACTUALLY applied as soon as the initiating attack starts. So even a split second late will mean that your mystery was not cast during the interrupt, but rather later which works fine as CC does not *.
And yet I have interrupted roshi
And I have interrupted RoW Lightning mystery.
For all intend and purposes, you could have queued the mystery a split second late, after the enemy mystery is actually cast. Note that while the CC APPEARS to apply on the CC chase step, it is ACTUALLY applied as soon as the initiating attack starts. So even a split second late will mean that your mystery was not cast during the interrupt, but rather later which works fine as CC does not *.
Yep . THis happen when i use HK minato . sometimes if u use mystery first and your opponent use 3-4 sec after that interupt not work .
X - Wind - Roshi
x - Naruto - Clone
x - (SB) Kurenai - x
This is better line up for Wind dance skill.
I assume, you'd quickly initiate with Roshi at round 2?
And use Dance of Impetus is better. Much better to counter to Water team.
I suspect your enemy would throw something at you on round 2 also.
Very likely you will get another 20+ CP for your Sage Naruto to throw his mystery.
If they focused on your main (SB) Kurenai will recover main, and reset with Dance of Impetus. This is the reason i chose it over Sand Dust.
Then you can repeat the bombarding with ignite at round 3.
Just a PSA, combo stats doesn't help ninjas if it says they have a fixed chance of doing a combo. So if you stacking combo stats for that, then its pointless. But if you adding combo to help your ninja NOT get combo then continue to do so.
It's still useful then to prevent them from BEING comboed.
It's only fully useless on ninja that is immune to chase status, CC AND have no/low/always combo themselves. Which is... nobody to the best of my knowledge.
It's just that each of the three --immune to combo, immune to CC, no/fixed/always combo make the stat less valuable for the particular ninja.
X - Wind - Roshi
x - Naruto - Clone
x - (SB) Kurenai - x
This is better line up for Wind dance skill.
I assume, you'd quickly initiate with Roshi at round 2?
And use Dance of Impetus is better. Much better to counter to Water team.
I suspect your enemy would throw something at you on round 2 also.
Very likely you will get another 20+ CP for your Sage Naruto to throw his mystery.
If they focused on your main (SB) Kurenai will recover main, and reset with Dance of Impetus. This is the reason i chose it over Sand Dust.
Then you can repeat the bombarding with ignite at round 3.
Thanks, I will try this. and btw my kurenai is breakthrough so her standard and chase do chaos i can stop opponent skills with combo. and 4th mystry works good too against buffed team and blitz light team.
And can you suggest a water main team for me... I got sailor sakura yesterday. i also have utakata for poision 10 combo chase and he has immunity like roshi. so any line up with roshi water main utakata sakura will work ? or any other water lineup you suggest...?
and what team is good for yagura and bee Samehada ?
No, failed cc still interrupts unless the ninja is uninterruptible. It works the same as immune
What you say is indeed true for mysteries like ao's or itachi susano'o's, but I'm pretty sure is not true for chases that apply the same ccs. Infact i talked about chases, like mei or azure fang ones. If you control fail with them you won't interrupt the enemy casting. I'm not 100% sure about it but since i played a ton of times with mei mabui tenten and other azure fang neurotoxin lineups i tend to believe that's how it works.
Even failed chase with cc like kurenai skillbroken, mei and other does interrupt the mystery, i even saw some funny mirror bouncing cc with kurenai and her chaos, you inflict chaos chase on unit A ennemy mirror the chaos back to you then kurenai's mirror bounce it back, if that second bounce land on a unit B which is casting it's mystery you end up interrupting both Unit A and Unit B with that one single chaos ^^ (but only unit B get's chaos cc), and in case the cc fails the interruption part still happens.
Thanks, I will try this. and btw my kurenai is breakthrough so her standard and chase do chaos i can stop opponent skills with combo. and 4th mystry works good too against buffed team and blitz light team.
And can you suggest a water main team for me... I got sailor sakura yesterday. i also have utakata for poision 10 combo chase and he has immunity like roshi. so any line up with roshi water main utakata sakura will work ? or any other water lineup you suggest...?
and what team is good for yagura and bee Samehada ?
Af utakata x
Ss x x
X x roshi
Talents: 32431, summon: king of hell.
I disagree. It happened to me several times while on root of warrior, a water main still goes off first thus combo'ing me while I queue lightning aoe, yet I still managed to cast it after the "control failed" text. I don't have the screenshot for it, just as many people don't have of those split-second events. Sorry.
Accupuncture, Chaos and Immobile has hidden interrupt effect on it, if you are both immune to debuffs and interruption, lets say A Normal hidan buffed with root poped his interruption-immune mystery, even if you immobile,chaos or accupuncture him he will still pop his myst.
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