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[ Strategy Share ] Sage World Battlefield (SWB) fast streak teams for all mains


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On 2017-11-14 05:04:00Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey everyone!

First let me introduce myself, I've been playing the game for almost a year now and fought my fair share of fights so I hope you trust my judgment in the line-ups I will share :) I'll be the new assistant moderator of the Strategy section starting from today. I have a lot planned to cover when it comes to ninjas and strategy, but if you have any suggestions/requests about a topic / lineups feel free to message me here or you can find me in the official discord group.

Now to start with the thread topic,I wanna tell you that SWB event is not all about streaks, there are players who prefer using slow teams due to the fact they are lower in power than others and want a safer win while chasing streaks for points. Personally I prefer the fast streak tactic and that's the reason I am writing about it. Before reading about the lineups take into consideration that it is not F2P friendly , if you want good teams you will need good ninjas (personally I know people who save coupons/seal scrolls just for their SWB team ninjas), also some teams might not work for you as they work for someone else (take into consideration that power difference, stacking and counter lineups play a big role in all pvp).

1. Water main (Choujuro blitz)



This lineup might be quite familiar to some of you, it's a pretty old team but very functional still and quite fast I might say. It is optimal to stack Choujuro with good equipement so he can hit harder as this team is all about buffing Choujuro for his sweeping(also with a great accupunture and immobile chases and poison tai on every hit). It has good benefits compared to other blitzy teams due to the water main healing mystery and standard , being able to clear debuffs such as chaos and immobile (although you will run into problem vs smart susano itachi/masked man as always). Overall this team has good potential for fast kills especially since these ninjas are not so hard to obtain for free players also.

2. Water Main (GNW TenTen blitz)



Now I believe everyone knows about this team, personally I wouldn't recommend using it in higher level Sage Battlefields but the team is quite f2p friendly and can be used in lower levels for very fast streaks. The team runs into big problems when facing Masked Man and Susano Itachi as most of the teams, but it practically has a mystery every single round dealing great amounts of damage, while also having 2 healers to clear debuffs, immobile, paralyze chases and a clone to protect the ninjas at start. Overall I feel this lineup is one of best for new players as it isn't so hard to get these ninjas (with a bit of luck in kage treasures).

3. Fire Main (Hidan blitz)



You could use either of these 3 summons, I prefer KoH for the extra poison and bigger round 1 damage although by using the other 2 summons you will get much better chases from Masked Man standard attack. Now this team is quite amazing when it comes to late game SWB actually, it has a lot to it ( round 1 position1 ninja mystery, immobile round 1, ignites , poisons, debuff clearing shield and a clone to protect you) making it hard to counter it. The team requires good stacking of equipement on Hidan (best refines, magatamas, charms, cave runes) for the highest 1st hit damage possible, ideally Hidan can kill the enemy ninjas in the first hit if he does a critical. Overall an amazing team in my opinion although quite expensive one but reach-able even for F2P players over time. (hint: if fighting vs Gakido or fire main use hidan mystery and then masked man on them right away to prevent the debuff clears because the tags are quite important for Hidan)

4. Lightning Main (LM blitz)



Now I believe everyone knows this team as it's a quite famous one. Sadly these days it has too many counters(Han,masked man,susano itachi,hinata) but surprisingly it still works and players are still using it. A very very fast team especially if fighting a lower power player, the main purpose of this team is to full buff up Lightning Main who should have the best equipement on him (best refine,magatama,cave runes,charms) making him deal huge amounts of damage with repulse attacks.The team has paralyze,interrupts,immunity on LM and mysteries every round in theory, also quite F2P friendly team because these ninjas are quite easily obtained over time, will work wonders in lower level SWB brackets. There are options such as putting Danzo instead of Darui for more safety in this team, and putting Mifune instead of Darui if you don't feel confident about your barrier.

5. Earth Main (Lee blitz)



The team is surprisingly good, as Lee will practically do 3-4 attacks every round, having ignite and blind chases while having full buffs for Lee to do big amounts of damage with his attacks. It can do quite well vs Susano Itachi and Masked M*one(only 1 CC) , as earth main can remove 1 layer of debuffs on round 1 if you choose him to, although you may face problems if the enemy is running 2 CC (but no team can be perfect). Best equipement should be put on Lee as he is the main damage dealer in this team.

6. Earth Main (Susano Itachi blitz)



Quite an expensive team but a very fun one. Good damage buffs for Susano Itachi and in some cases he might even be able to attack 4 times with this team, of course he should be the one with best equipement in team making him deal massive damage and repulse damage to enemies. Instead of Onoki you could use also wb asuma for the round 1 earth main mystery, although I feel Onoki would be a safer choice if you have more overall initiative for the barrier.

7. Wind Main (Roshi blitz)



Now this team I've been seeing a lot of recently, it's a great counter for some blitzy lineups and can deal quite good amounts of damage in round 1(also ignites, paralyze and slow). Now about the lineup there are a lot of variations of it, such as using WB Asuma instead of Darui , and such as using wind main at pos1. I personally feel Wind Main is currently the worst main for making fast streaks, the Sage Naruto-Gaara-Gakido team is not as fast also though a good option. One more recommendation for wind main would be Jonin Minato-Masked Man-Onoki team with it as it can be quite fast also.

So that would be all from this thread , hope you enjoyed it guys :)

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2017-11-14 05:04:00.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 04:21:11Show this Author Only

Nice! This will be very useful and helpful for us players in regards to SWB, especially to those who are at a loss on which team to use. ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*。

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 04:25:50Show this Author Only

Tnx mr. ICE* :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 14:24:03Show this Author Only

Hi there! For Lightning Main Blitz, I don't have Asuma WindBlade now, and my Iruka is still 2stars, so I'm using Guy and Mifune for now .. Just sharing for other players who do not have either of the 2 said ninjas

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2017-11-14 14:31:40Show this Author Only

Yes, these are some quite common bliz teams, nice summary.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 16:33:00Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2017-11-14 14:24:03
  • Hi there! For Lightning Main Blitz, I don't have Asuma WindBlade now, and my Iruka is still 2stars, so I'm using Guy and Mifune for now .. Just sharing for other players who do not have either of the 2 said ninjas

Yeah that works for beginners :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 18:23:45Show this Author Only

Chojuro-ao-mei lineup used to be nice in the past, but now doesn't grant you much in swb, unless you own 20k more power than the enemy. Mei, mabui, tenten still somehow works but also that one, now, requires initiative and power advantage.

You could try an interesting variation of chojuro team by adding mifune in ao place (that sadly now is mostly useless) and by running 1st standard attack and poison cloud for azure fang, since this way you are sure to boost chojuro with water enhancement and mifune boost is higher than ao+two clones one. This way you get the closest possible copy of mb basic blitz team, even if the general outcome is worse, sadly.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-11-14 21:19:09.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-14 21:43:19Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-11-14 18:23:45
  • Chojuro-ao-mei lineup used to be nice in the past, but now doesn't grant you much in swb, unless you own 20k more power than the enemy. Mei, mabui, tenten still somehow works but also that one, now, requires initiative and power advantage.

    You could try an interesting variation of chojuro team by adding mifune in ao place (that sadly now is mostly useless) and by running 1st standard attack and poison cloud for azure fang, since this way you are sure to boost chojuro with water enhancement and mifune boost is higher than ao+two clones one. This way you get the closest possible copy of mb basic blitz team, even if the general outcome is worse, sadly.

Yeah of course, the Choujuro lineup is outdated and has obvious flaws atm , still I saw it being used with good results as it can make some fast kills.

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On 2020-06-26 09:42:41Show this Author Only

please i need one for SWB today please

wind main

Quicky Post

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