1.Server ID: S825
2. Server Region: UK
3. Server Age: 24 days
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 13 minutes+
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 25M (only 26 ppl participated on it)
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 (the #2 group is almost dead)
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 26236,2, AVG Top 10: 23082,8, AVG Top 20: 20331,05
Please merge our server even if its so young. We have like 20-23 active ppl there, and more than the half is in our group. It tooks ~40+ minutes to find 1 SS guy to plunder (with the system before it was taking the whole day). All groups are dead, just the #2 is more or less active, but still... on GNW participating 8 ppl vs ~15. I know that there is a simmiliar situation, for example, with S818.. please.
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