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[ Lineup ] Help for a PVP line up (Lightning Main)


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  • Registered: 2017-11-04
  • Topics: 2
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On 2017-11-13 15:55:32Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hi guys,

I want to ask for a proper line up for LM that would work well in PVP with my current ninjas but open to some achievable ninja that could helps my current line up. I don't pay much for the game except garra and monthly. I saved almost 1k coupons cuz I have seen people talk about saving in for event ninja sales.

For more info, my pve line up worked well with LM, Guy, Kakashi and SSK (which help me top 3 in most PVE events). However, I tried many different line up for PVP but always get lost really hard ( in Sage war, matsuri, etc). Maybe that because i'm pretty new to the game so that I have not been familiar with PVP yet. But can someone help me out for Lineup, combo as well as near/dream target for LM? Is it worth to buy Iruka with 1k coupon and/or other ninjas ?Untitled

Thanksss !

  • Registered: 2017-11-04
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 2
On 2017-11-14 00:23:55Show All Posts

Okay thanks! So what should be my current line up for now when im saving up for other ninjas ?

Quicky Post

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