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[ Events ] Discussion on rates


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On 2017-11-07 20:12:10Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello everyone first of all I'm glad that before I came here committed to do this post I found this one in which, thank god, i'm not the only one who thinks this way.

Server-683. The rates of this server are just so deep underground that now I can confidently say that they're non-existant even. It's not the first time, this is why I'm here, it's sadly not the first time that specially in wheel the odds of getting any ninja are just so ridiculous that it leaves us all wondering if there's any system at all. I believe there isn't, is just the mother of the randomness in action. It cannot be, or at least you admins, developers or whoever, by all means that you don't have ready any sort of reward system for a player that has spent more coupons than others to get something out of an event. But I go even further, it's not the first time that every single player get absolutely nothing or maybe only 1person does, not exagerating, ask any other S683 player.

For real, PLEASE, hear us out, hear your community out, this needs to end, PLEASE increase your rates. It gets me to explode now at the lucky wheel that people are already spending near 2k coupons and don't get the Deidara edo tensei. None of those people there using coupons every day won't get him. It would burn deeply that someone out of pure luck spending 20coupons get him at the first try while some of us near 2k didn't, BUT AT LEAST SOMEONE WOULD GET SOMETHING.

What about the mission boxes? Since the server birth only 1 person got a ninja from the mission boxes, funny thing this person ain't even playing the game anymore, but that doesn't matter as I stated before! People HAS to see their tries rewarded! Again, check your rates I'm begging you, my server is begging you, people from other servers like the one listed in the link of the topic above are begging you! Your rates are just wrong! If there's any at all, because for real it gets to a point that it makes you feel that there's no actual system, that it'll just pop up if you're lucky no matter you spent 2k or 20k.

People are going to keep going for him, the event will be over in less than 4days. Wanna bet that no one will get the ninja just like always?
PLEASE, r a i s e y o u r r a t e s. It really gets to kill quite a lot the mood when playing the game.

Jib Edit: Hi, I just edited your topic to better reflect the topic and respect forum rules. Thanks for understanding!

This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2017-11-07 20:12:10.
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On 2017-11-07 09:00:06Show this Author Only

if that deep underground i wonder who spent like 10k-15k on wheel still not get him. but as far i heard someone gt him below 20 spin also 100 spin . but someone spin like 500 also not gt it

This post was last edited by Dipshit on 2017-11-07 09:06:24.
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On 2017-11-07 09:13:22Show this Author Only

i think low the rate is good . i dont really like to see same ninja like hokage minato . even in china its hard to gt . but here like freebies

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On 2017-11-07 09:17:30Show this Author Only

I understand some of the frustration with events that require chance but some of those ninjas are intended to be rare. I know a small portion of players did pull ninjas like Edo Tensei Deidara but it is based on chance. That means that regardless of your number of pulls, each pull has the same amount of chance to get it. Edo Tensei Deidara was not intended to be easy to get but the event allows players a chance to get him.


This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2017-11-07 09:19:59.
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On 2017-11-07 09:25:46Show this Author Only

You have to be smarter than them, just dont bother with these rng events and go full power, i couldnt care less about wasting my resources in some cheap rng event.

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On 2017-11-07 09:29:08Show this Author Only

Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for posting this here, I never saw myself in the situation of creating a post in the forum so I didn't really know where to post.
Perhaps this thread could be moved there? Or should I remake it there?

As I explained earlier is already many people who feel fustrated, of course, but we could agree that not without a reason. I understand that drop rate has to be low, but THAT low? Definetely not. I'm convinced it could be slightly increased without making every player hang around with the latest ninjas easily. I like challenge but I think there's something wrong when an event features a ninja and the players weren't able to get him, not even 1 of us in S683, but of course there's two days left, I look forward to come here by then and say "Hey! you were right it finally dropped!" but.. we'll see about that.

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On 2017-11-07 09:50:05Show this Author Only

As a ftp, I'd like the rate to be as low as possible, let the ptw burn their money!

Just saying, this really causes polarizing opinion between people who want the ninja versus the people who don't want to fight against the ninja

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On 2017-11-07 10:54:22Show this Author Only

your system at any wheel event is so wrong ! i'm also in s683...just 1 guy get the rare ninja of the event of the hole server...with free draw or 100 coupons spending and players who doesnt play the game much...(minato,masked man,minato (lucky *) ) when 3-8 other people spending over 2-3k coupons at these events...its realy us enjoy the game...and not to growl about it at foroum...

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On 2017-11-07 13:08:47Show this Author Only
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On 2017-11-07 14:15:19Show this Author Only

You gotta look at it from the games standpoint. You want edo tensei easily, some want susano itachi, others in future want madara&kurama naruto....

Look at susano itachi: a ton of f2p players complain how they will almost never get him

Now think of the boxes, wheel,etc as a lottery.... if you pay for a ticket do you expect to win? No you try and hope. You can waste 1,000,000$ Usd on 1$ tickets for a chance at 1,000$ *lol* and all 1million= losers not a single win. Just as they have the same odds of all 1million being losers they have same odds of all 1million being winners.

Now as you see from that example same thing goes for game. Even if the odds were 99% chance to say get a hashi in every box, or a edo deidara in wheel still a chance to not get either regardless of how many coupons invested.

So in short its fairly set up. Did i get a edo deidara? No i have not. Did i get a raikage on wheel? nope. Even so doesnt make it unfair, just unlucky. Best bet try&hope but dont let it get you down :P

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On 2017-11-07 14:48:50Show this Author Only

I can't really speak for another server, however i can tell you that rates here are anything but low. We've had 4 deidaras so far, all for people with 20-30 spins. Considering how expensive of a ninja he is, that's what i don't consider entirely fair. Not getting him after spending 2k coupons? Sorry, i know for a f2p that's quite a big amount, but you knew this outcome was possible on an rng event. Deidara is by no means supposed to be worth that little. There are people with over 500 spins, even 1.5k that don't have him. I've spent myself over 3k in lucky stars. Did i get Masked Man? No, but that was the most likely outcome. At least it had items i could redeem for that price, just like this wheel isn't entirely bad either.

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On 2017-11-07 15:04:34Show this Author Only
The rate are low even some one with 600 spin still dont get him, why u complain??? you only waste 2k cp, why do you think oasis need to give you that edo deidara for only spin 2k cp???
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On 2017-11-07 15:44:26Show this Author Only

I'm the author of the linked post @op, I think it would be fair to show the percentage rates at of pulling rare ninjas at least. I'm at 288 pulls now... That's 5760 coupons/ingots for literally 200 mood scrolls. Like, really?

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On 2017-11-07 18:08:08Show this Author Only

Some of you don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say. I repeat again I like challenges and I do agree about the low rates for rare ninjas because that makes the game better, it does, BUT, what I'm complaining about here is that in my server hardly ever NO ONE gets the ninja! And you can trust me on when I tell that they won't get it by not trying or spending enough.

Mission boxes since server birth: Only 1 person got Hashirama randomly while others invested x4 in boxes, that person quit the game while we keep playing.
One time at the lucky wheel they featured Shikaku Nara, 1person of the server got him.
Stars Wheel with masked man & minato: Only 1 person got, other got minato.
Deidara edo at lucky wheel: No one for now.

I'm not asking free ninjas here, I'm asking for the randomness to be over, I think all of us would enjoy much more the game if we'd see our tries rewarded somehow, if not with the ninja with something at the very least made us feel it was worth it. I made the post because it's not only me, not only my server, if you search the forum you find more threads like this one. Are we all cry babies or complainers? No we're not, don't be so extremist, they could perfectly SLIGHTLY raise their rates without breaking the game.

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On 2017-11-07 18:29:45Show this Author Only

If you don't want randomness, you should wait for an event where you can get it w/ a fixed value (or roughly fixed value, as some stuff giving a somewhat random, but easily predictable number of event points per "go" with which you can exchange for the ninja you want).

Most ninjas aren't exclusively in random events, so you don't get to complaint about randomness when you decide to try to get it from such RNG events.

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On 2017-11-07 22:30:23Show this Author Only
  • CynicalRave On 2017-11-07 15:44:26
  • I'm the author of the linked post @op, I think it would be fair to show the percentage rates at of pulling rare ninjas at least. I'm at 288 pulls now... That's 5760 coupons/ingots for literally 200 mood scrolls. Like, really?

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On 2017-11-08 02:03:22Show this Author Only
  • Roronoa_D_Zoro On 2017-11-07 10:54:22
  • your system at any wheel event is so wrong ! i'm also in s683...just 1 guy get the rare ninja of the event of the hole server...with free draw or 100 coupons spending and players who doesnt play the game much...(minato,masked man,minato (lucky *) ) when 3-8 other people spending over 2-3k coupons at these events...its realy us enjoy the game...and not to growl about it at foroum...

Come on guys..grow up..i have been playing this game for 6 months now and i have seen a deluge of these posts about the element of luck. For those of you who spend more on this particular event, there is a reward option for top 10 in draws, who get magatamas, rune stones etc. Why do you think it is there? It is there to reward people who are putting more. And if you think just a level 5 or 6 magatama for so much spending, then dont spend on this event and wait for him to come in other events where you have better redeem options. You have to determine the value of each event based on the items you get for sure esp the redeem rewards.

Consider the value of a ninja like Edo deidara...he was there in the recharge rebate for claiming full 80 frags at 30000 ingots points....Making 100 draws(=2000 coupons) and expecting to get him is ridiculous. You should be grateful that they are giving an opportunity to get one of the premium ninjas in RNG rather than keeping him closed for P2W players. The present system is fine. You just cant blame a low level player who ends up getting him in a free draw.I have every right to say this, since no one has got an hashirama from the mission packs in my server also. No edo deidara in my server also. There are two masked man in my server, both players are below level 52. One of the top players spent 15000 ingots and didnt get masked man from lucky stars. I have spent a lot in the game, and i have been never lucky in those crazy slot machines. Just live with it, thats the way things will be around here. After getting hit multiple times you will learn that its better to spend on some events and not others, and above all its best to spend coupons on directly what you want to buy.

And about displaying drop rates.Think about it. Its never going to happen. The reason is obvious if you think from OAS perspective

This post was last edited by Rick_Sanchez on 2017-11-08 02:22:33.
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On 2017-11-08 04:09:03Show this Author Only
  • Rick_Sanchez On 2017-11-08 02:03:22
  • Come on guys..grow up..i have been playing this game for 6 months now and i have seen a deluge of these posts about the element of luck. For those of you who spend more on this particular event, there is a reward option for top 10 in draws, who get magatamas, rune stones etc. Why do you think it is there? It is there to reward people who are putting more. And if you think just a level 5 or 6 magatama for so much spending, then dont spend on this event and wait for him to come in other events where you have better redeem options. You have to determine the value of each event based on the items you get for sure esp the redeem rewards.

    Consider the value of a ninja like Edo deidara...he was there in the recharge rebate for claiming full 80 frags at 30000 ingots points....Making 100 draws(=2000 coupons) and expecting to get him is ridiculous. You should be grateful that they are giving an opportunity to get one of the premium ninjas in RNG rather than keeping him closed for P2W players. The present system is fine. You just cant blame a low level player who ends up getting him in a free draw.I have every right to say this, since no one has got an hashirama from the mission packs in my server also. No edo deidara in my server also. There are two masked man in my server, both players are below level 52. One of the top players spent 15000 ingots and didnt get masked man from lucky stars. I have spent a lot in the game, and i have been never lucky in those crazy slot machines. Just live with it, thats the way things will be around here. After getting hit multiple times you will learn that its better to spend on some events and not others, and above all its best to spend coupons on directly what you want to buy.

    And about displaying drop rates.Think about it. Its never going to happen. The reason is obvious if you think from OAS perspective

so you think 30k ingots which is about 600$ for one ninja that's going to get old real soon after 4-5 months is fair?. masked man and minato will be viable and relevant for years to come and they are cheaper about 180-250$ each.

This post was last edited by Attac an Respec on 2017-11-08 04:11:46.
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On 2017-11-08 04:36:04Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-11-08 04:09:03
  • so you think 30k ingots which is about 600$ for one ninja that's going to get old real soon after 4-5 months is fair?. masked man and minato will be viable and relevant for years to come and they are cheaper about 180-250$ each.

1. you are not paying 30k ingot to get him, so that's not the correct valuation. that's like me converting 10,000 chinese Yuan to USD and getting $1506.25 then proceed to claim that the 25 cents cost me 10,000 yuan and that the exchange rate is ridiculous.

Granted, people often value ingots less than its face value, so whatever difference will go toward the extra rewards, but that still does not mean the WHOLE thing is SPENT on the ninja (and you are ignoring other reward tiers)

2. Any sale price is fair as long as the purchase is optional. I don't think abstract art are worth the canvas they are painted on yet they are sold for hundreds, thousands or even much much more. But that's fair, I'm not to forced to buy the useless thing.

3. If they actually value something at "X" then it makes sense that on average you are expected to spend "X" before getting it out of a random event. Expecting anything less would be foolish. Noiw, the valuation is certainly not at 30k, but it could still be quite high. And when you play the lottery, you can lose. So there is really no one to blame but you for the decision you made. Did you know that the lottery is called a tax on the poor as well as a tax on the *a word for less than intelligent*?

So man up and accept your own responsibilities. There are plenty of things in the game that can be, in fact, blamed on the game. Such as arena, DB, masuri (not in the way most people think), sage (also not in the way most people think) and so on. But this is NOT one of them. This, no matter how bad the rate, is on the player.

That is, of course, assuming that the RNG is independent, that is to say they are not doing some gimmick to tie it to level, play time, spending etc (as there is rumor that newbie gets increased chances to draw them in and make them stay) That's a rather difficult thing to prove or disprove and not really the topic of discussion. But it is important to note that if that were true, then it is the game's fault, as it's shady practice.

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On 2017-11-08 05:07:31Show this Author Only

My server had crazy luck.. We've had a hashi pull, 4 minatos (hokage, no jonins) and an edo deidara. I've gotten an edo deidara and a minato.

On the flip side, spending 2k coupons and expecting a 400 dollar ninja seems like not a good idea. Rly dont think you should pull for the super duper rare as that'll just lead to disappointment. Pull for all the other crap and if u get lucky, then hell ya

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