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[ Player Guide ] Guide to increase power (Treasure Tools Update)


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  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2018-02-05 22:51:28Show All PostsDescending Order
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Guide to increase power

Hi, everyone again,

Since I am making support materials in discord for new players in my groups, I think I should summarize them and make one in general.

How to power up:

1)Group skills: you can easily gain battle power from leveling up group skills, especially at lower levels, and at the beginning of a new server, you also want to contribute as much as you can to the group, stronger groups will also help you in almost every event and Team Instances (TIs) and Strong Approaching (SA). Once you reach the limit of group skills, you use the Group Contributions (GCs) on the Group Wheel, for possible chances of obtaining coupons.

After some explanations fromTobei today, he said the new order should be Main Stats > Pen > Damage Reduction > Life Recovery, so I made a new picture as following:

4.0 Group Skill Priority


2) Refining/Purifying: Save up all the refine runes from the beginning of the game, you should exchange them in the shops as well. Basic Refine Runes are not necessary since you can easily get them from all different events and locations and monthly redeem, you don't have to try to get them during the events. Medium Refine Runes are a bit harder to get, you need 2000 Group Victory Points to exchange for 5 of them in Group Shop. And they can be obtained in various events. You will need approximately in total of 7000 med runes. Advanced Runes are the rares ones, they are the reasons why players level freeze and fight in Sage World Battlefield (SWB). So try to get them whenever you can. (Use refine runes during the rebate, use Purify Protection Runes only try to protect only golden stats, Initiatives are most important)


3) Runes/Charms/Magatamas :
- Runes: Collect keys, and use them during rebates.

- Charms: Collect them, and they give additional slots open to equip rainbow magatamas at lvl 3, 6 and 9 rebates.


- Magatamas: A lot of places to get them, during events, Ninja Exams, etc.

4) Upgrade Equipment:

Pass Ninja Exams to get scrolls (Youtube can be a helpful place) , and sweep plot instances to get materials (try to utilize the weekend 2x drops)

5) Upgrade Characters:

Collect Main Character fragments and Ninjas frags to level up their stars. Try to also level up the moods on all ninjas in your main team. Level 6 mood gives a 25% bonus stats from the chosen stat. Awaken your ninjas through Ninja interface, Cultivate your ninjas using runes you get from Survival Trial, also Progress system in Character interface.

6) Others:

- Ninja Tools: Obtained through Team Instances, you can strength them, use nature stones on them, and also reforge them at lvl 80.

- Summons: for those of you who haven't opened summoning before you draw your first 10 make sure to get all the summons in world first to collect the free runes they give. First fight gives 25 frags and 2 runes. And you have to first cultivate Tonton to increase your Summon Jutsu to unlock other summons.

- Treasure Tools: You get good amount of power from leveling up or beset the new treasure tools. Rope is one of the most common choices in CN server, a lot of players also use 3 ropes and 1 gourd. There are two sets of stats, Specialty is base stat, attributes are secondary stats. And in this case, Secondary stats weights more. Therefore Ropes are most commonly used one because they give good Critical and Injury stats for Attributes. Ice has wrote a concise guide explaining about this, and it is very helpful: Guide for "Treasured Tools" new feature

-Eight Inner Gates: customize on each ninja, for more detailed information, read Guide to "8 Inner Gates" function

top tier chakra: Quick (available through shop)

2nd Tier: Lightning; Fire;Water;Earth;Wind

3rd Tier: Inferno;Explosion;Scorch, Corrosion

4th Tier: Ice, Gale, Wood, Sand

- Battle Amour: Upgrade gives more power than Improve. The power from different cloths stack. You don't want to buy cloths from shops, since you can get them through Strong Approach, and level 27 is the cap, which is easy to reach. You want to save threads, and use them during the rebate.

- Mt. Myoboku Trial: Works similar as Progress System, use Mount Myoboku's Gift to increase stats, it can be obtained through 100 pts from Daily missions, and also from events. (So far one of the most cost-efficient ways to increase power in 4.0)


This is one of the best methods to power up, first four maps are a must for any level players. (for 1st Dec, 2017, you can purchase gift for 10 cps each in Konoha Gift Shop, personally I think it's very good deal to buy them there. These gifts really give a good amount of power. And it is very cheap for the first 4 maps. For higher power players, they might want to invest more in this since it is more expensive to increase power later on. Right now I am at Map 8

Map 1 - 2: Use 1 gift to unlock each point

Map 3: Use 3 gifts

Map 4: Use 6 gifts

Map 5: Use 10 gifts

Map 6: Use 14 gifts

Map 7: 21 gifts

Map 8: 30 gifts


1. How to spend my coins?

A: Group Skills, then strength equipment. Or you can strength all equipments to lvl 40, then donate all to the group, get enough Group Contribution and level up first 5 Group Skills to lvl 15. Then strength equipment to lvl 50. After that donate all coins to Group and get all Skill to lvl25 and so on.

2. How to spend stamina?

A: In new servers, always finish all the plot instances available for the experience.

So Exp > Upgrade Equipment > Awaken Material > Ninja Frags

Later on, when you find out you cannot upgrade equipment anymore because of no more scrolls, spend stamina on sweeping Elite Instances.

late games or in old servers;

Upgrade Equipment > Awaken Material > Ninja Frags(You want as little as experience as possible - level freeze)

3. Which main?

A: whichever you like, all mains are strong in their own ways, and you can switch main after you reach lvl 60.

But for Early bliz team in Sage, Lightening Main might be a good option, since there are a lot of easy to get ninjas early works with LM.

Fire is also a strong main for early and very good against 9tails invasion.

Wind is strong for mid-game, with her mystery refresh, Sage Naruto/ Gaara all works great with her. With 4.0 update, wind is quite strong late game as well.

Water is nice for mid-late game, where she can heals, and causes debuffs such as poison and chaos. Water Cancer team is quite common in mid-game SWB.

Earth is strong early and late game. Once you get some good end-game ninja, your main should focus on keep these ninja alive and let them deal dmg. Earth has been nerfed compared to other mains in 4.0.

4. How to spend coupons?

A: Increase power first and later you can earn more coupons to get good ninjas. : Magatamas, refine runes, charms, cave keys, unbound runes, all good way to increase power. Focus on them first, then try to collect some frags for end-game ninjas like Sailor Sakura, Jonin Minato and Masked Man, etc. If you got mei and mabui in Kage Treasure, you can spend coupons on GNW Tenten, so better have a team in mind before going to buy ninjas with coupons. You can make the team in the website: Team Simulator.

5. Which treasures should I pull?

A: Do NOT spend seals on Seal Treasure, Tendo Treasure or Sage Treasure early.

Save them up and use them in Kage>Jin and now with new patch, cloud treasure and Sam said afterwards should go for Sage Treasure, but since I have bad experience with it, just NO. I would rather save seals for GNW treasure in the future and wait for my free pull on Sage Naruto. xD

6. Should I wait for the rebate?

A; Yes. (that's it, control your spending impulses :P)

There are two kinds of servers: New servers and Older servers. There are also different strategies for each one.

New Servers:

Server opening events usually have the best deals, if you are a spender, go for them, If you are F2P player, try to level up fast and increase power fast, and get some good rewards. DO NOT and no need to level freeze, it will only makes your weaker.

Get to top 50 in ranked, and start doing plundering, fastest way to earn additional coupons. Coupons > Coins.

As F2P players, try to get in #1 Group in your server, and level up Group Skill faster. P2W player might want to set up own Group or join the strongest one depends on your situation.

Save all your stamina potions for Monday (double exp) or for some events. Use Stamina pots on Monday only at beginning, when you want to rush levels, it is more common to use it during weekends for double drop of awakening materials or to upgrade the equipments.

During the events, its best to get all the items increase power: Magatamas, refine runes, cave keys, etc. You will have the chance to get nice ninjas later.

For P2P players, it is good to buy Jonin Medal and Monthly Card early, they are worth the money. And 4* Gaara is also one of the best deals, you can get him with spending 5 Euros in 5 days.

For low spender(like me currently), Monthly Card is a good option.

Older servers

Since you don't have Server Opening Events, and it is almost impossible to catch up with top players. No matter your are F2P or P2P, the only thing you should do is Level Freeze. Only do a few daily, and don't do wanted missions after you are level 60.

Join a Strong Group so you can have support with SS convoy and preferably one with discord where you get some good advice from more experienced players.

What you need to do is participated in Sage and Matsuri and try to get more Adv refines and Seal scrolls, it will be very important late game.

Monthly Card for P2P players as well.

But I am skeptical about Jonin Medal, since it gives you too much experience when you want to level freeze, but top spenders want 9-tails Naruto might want to get it.

Last but no least, some useful links:

Useful links:

1. Team Simulator

2. Naruto Online: Ninja Treasures (useful for pre 4.0 servers and GNW treasure)

3.Naruto Online: Skill Breakthrough Translations

4.Refine Ninja Fragments Points

5.Unofficial Tier List

6.How to increase BP

7. Basic Tips

8. Anko Test Answers

9. Guide for "Treasured Tools" new feature

10. Bonds Points Table
11. Guide to "8 Inner Gates" function

If you have more questions or suggestions, please comment below.



moon silhouettes naruto shippuden yondaime minato namikaze lakes_www


1) Mizal

2) DareDev1L

3) Kakashii

4) Tobei

5) ICE

This post was last edited by MidnightSun on 2018-02-05 22:51:28.
  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2017-11-05 16:38:26Show All Posts
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-11-04 22:49:02
  • spending coupons on power will give you more or less the same chance if you get better ninjas with higher growth rates, a f2p 60K+ bp with basic/coin-shop ninjas can't beat my fire teams consisting of Hanzo danzo and sage naruto etc for example, however some ninja that are good as well as really cheap like Sailor sakura and 1010 gnw can be effective with the ''only spend coupons on power'' strategy.

Yes, I agree, but it will be hard for new players to collect GNW1010 or sailor without doing plunder unless using money. However, for plunder and and getting more coupons in events like 9tails invasion, power is necessary.

Therefore I would suggest new players to use easy to get ninjas, like Hinata and Sasuke or Kimimaru to get pass early stage first, collecting power items. And once they reach lvl 60-70, that's when they should keep an eye on future lineups, but then they probably won't need this guide anymore xD

This post was last edited by MidnightSun on 2017-11-06 17:43:27.
  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2017-11-29 16:50:29Show All Posts
  • Miru Chan On 2017-11-07 06:22:04
  • This is great stuff, can we get a sttickky on this topic? I think also a good add would be to list priority on how to power-up. For example listing order of priority on refines, charms, magetamas, summon runes, cultivate, etc.

Thanks, I will edit it to include the list priority for power-up

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2017-12-02 05:31:50Show All Posts
  • Kuro하돌 On 2017-12-01 18:14:24
  • That Myouboku really worth To spend . you can buy Cultivation scroll in Konoha Gift Shop each cost 10 cp . really worth it if u want to get power fast . i just buy 6 scroll give me 300-400 power . so that for 60 coupons . You also can save common- advance thread For upgrade your BA when rebate come .

Thanks Kuro, yes, I forgot about those, I will add them.

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2017-12-02 14:39:11Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2017-12-02 13:04:57
  • till what level of myouboku is worth spending?

Personally I am finishing the map 4, but I think it depends on your levels and amount of coupons you have left.

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2017-12-03 14:10:42Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2017-12-02 21:03:27
  • well im lv78 and have 49k power.

    i could buy 100 today and 100 more tomorrow if i want.

    my cultivation map is 5 with the first 3 cleared. i bought 100 yesterday.

    should i save my 2k coupons for next lucky board maybe? i got what i wanted from this lucky board the anbu armor.

    and im little p2w. dont spend much at all with personal life and car loan lol

I am not spending more coupons on buying gifts since I reached map 5, you need 100 coupons to clear each checkpoint, I would suggest to save coupons, and spend on other events. Or this week it is better to get more adv refines and charms from the lucky board, they will give you more power I think.

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On 2017-12-10 07:11:31Show All Posts
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-12-06 18:50:40
  • If you are over 70k power even map 6, 7 and 8 are still better than many other options.

I guess you are right, since it will become more expensive to power up later on.

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2018-01-31 20:46:11Show All Posts
  • K Senko On 2018-01-24 22:30:22
  • Hi, I noticed your Posts how benefit full and very helpful they are to all players specially to grown up players,

    and I want to Thank you about your hard working and your kindness of sharing your Experience and knowledge with your Game Mates.

    Am so grateful to see such a player who is active on supporting others with details in everything with proof and examples,

    its really impressive and am impressed and wanted to tell you that you are doing good work and say you keep it up Man Cool

    Best Regards your Game mate


Thank you, glad I can be any help to you.

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2018-01-31 20:47:21Show All Posts
  • ValaShen On 2018-01-30 11:22:45
  • The "Naruto Online: Skill Breakthrough Translations" link is dead.

Thanks for pointing that out, it was because the word censor which blocks some strings in the url.
I just fixed it, you can try again.

  • Registered: 2017-08-30
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On 2018-02-12 01:22:27Show All Posts
  • MetTiwnl On 2018-02-08 09:43:49
  • Good job Midnight ^^

Thanks MetT :D

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