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Wheel of Fortune and Crazy Slot Machine


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-07 20:17:56Show All Posts

When people recharge or spend at least $1000 they should at least get first price once. Shouldn't be hard to code in spin counter and drop at spin #.

Same could be said about people spending 30k ingots in a chance based event to get ninja worth 20k ingots. Not implementing such a system will result in heavy spenders quitting or not spending/recharging on rng events(happened to our server).Compare that to some random player winning 1st price and re charging $20 once more.....not much of a gain to the company. For ex: if i recharged $1000 and won 1st prize i won't mind recharging again in that event next month.But if didn't get 1st prize ,then i wouldn't recharge even $1 on that event again.

Just my 2 cents.Feel free to disagree or delete but take this opinion into consideration because it is good for oasis.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-11-07 20:18:48.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-11-08 16:13:09Show All Posts
  • veelocity On 2017-11-08 00:16:29
  • I like this but there is a huge flaw in this simply because if they were to implement spending X amount ensures a prize, then its no longer chance based. Creating a system like this would indefinitely create and entice heavier spending for an even lower % chance to receive X prize. Also, I never tell people how to spend money but why drop 500+ spins into a wheel when you could've put that towards buying them straight through another event. I'm no whale but I am a fairly moderate spender and take luck based things very lightly in this game. While yes, Ive been very fortunate to win some big prizes, I was never expecting to get them. There is always a chance you may hit the jackpot, it isn't as likely. With this wheel event, spend into it because you need other things out of it, and not for the prize itself.. I don't know what the return value is like on the wheel but it doesn't look promising imo. People's frustration at not winning certain things in chance based events have only themselves to blame as callous as that may sound. Spend smart and you get better results. Be patient and you'll get better values eventually i.e. wishing tree hanzo vs lucky board or wishing tree clothing vs lucky star. If they implement anything I think it should be better all around rewards for chance based events. Maybe returning a certain %(lets say 30) of ingots as coupons after spending X amount or something. Maybe give players a certain portion of frags for spending X amount. So maybe 35%-40% of the lotto characters frags. The system could use tweaking but as players we also have to be mindful of events like these.

I meant keep it rng but if you don't get it after you spent like $1000 drop it .Everyone wins. As for diedara wheel roi is good same could be said about recent lucky stars , couldn't say same about some other events.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2017-11-08 16:13:41.
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