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[ Help ] Purification Gold Initiative Bug


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On 2017-11-02 19:37:30Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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There is a guy on my server (I won't tell who), that 90% of the time he purifies gets gold initiative, he is not p2w. When anybody else tries, they get control gold, then injury, then critical, and no initiative(not in this particular order). I saw someone get 5 golds in a row and no initiative, and this guy, lower level than me, never paid a dollar in this game, has 6 gold initiative attributes on items. wtf

Last time he purified, he got 3 gold initiatives in a row, too bad I didn't screenshot.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-11-02 19:37:30.
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On 2017-11-02 19:47:13Show this Author Only

There are people that win lotteries, that survives to airplane crashes... there's a guy that was hit both by hiroshima nuke and by Nagasaki nuke and survived.

It's called luck.

Btw,if you are interested, theoretically, if it wasn't rigged, the chance to get a gold initiative would be 1/25 per try, but I'm pretty sure is rigged.

P.S. not always people that claim to be f2p really are f2p.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-11-02 19:48:44.
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On 2017-11-02 22:26:48Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-11-02 19:47:13
  • There are people that win lotteries, that survives to airplane crashes... there's a guy that was hit both by hiroshima nuke and by Nagasaki nuke and survived.

    It's called luck.

    Btw,if you are interested, theoretically, if it wasn't rigged, the chance to get a gold initiative would be 1/25 per try, but I'm pretty sure is rigged.

    P.S. not always people that claim to be f2p really are f2p.

yeah, we pretty much pay or electricity to play this game, or else you have parents that is paying that for you. lol jk XD

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On 2017-11-02 22:39:51Show this Author Only
  • whitecloud@gmai On 2017-11-02 22:26:48
  • yeah, we pretty much pay or electricity to play this game, or else you have parents that is paying that for you. lol jk XD

well if pay electricity to play this game is p2w so im p2w then. xD

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On 2017-11-02 22:41:47Show this Author Only
  • Dipshit On 2017-11-02 22:39:51
  • well if pay electricity to play this game is p2w so im p2w then. xD

if that so , so do i

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On 2017-11-03 00:59:14Show this Author Only

Its just how RNG is, it isn't a bug.

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On 2017-11-03 04:24:44Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-11-02 19:47:13
  • There are people that win lotteries, that survives to airplane crashes... there's a guy that was hit both by hiroshima nuke and by Nagasaki nuke and survived.

    It's called luck.

    Btw,if you are interested, theoretically, if it wasn't rigged, the chance to get a gold initiative would be 1/25 per try, but I'm pretty sure is rigged.

    P.S. not always people that claim to be f2p really are f2p.

I don't know where you are pulling the 1/25 from. The chance of someone getting gold initiative under the pre-condition of getting a gold somethingis 1/5 (well, slightly above that as two-at-same-time are possible). I don't really know what the probability of getting gold is, but that's hardly a matter of concern here as the OP is not interested in non-gold rolls.

The chance of someone getting 6 gold initiative w/o any other gold is 1/15625 -- something that is probably possible between all the servers.

However, the OP did not explicitly state that the player have no other gold. If, for example, he have a total of 10 gold with 6 init, which is still a significant majority to be of "concern", the chance is actually 0.637%. A small number to be sure, but not nearly small enough to not happen, in fact there would probably be dozens of those.

At the same time, the chance of player getting 5 gold wi/o init is 32.7%. A minority yes, but hardly surprising.

So nothing the OP stated shows any problem. He'd have to present much more complete data and at that mitigate self-selection bias etc to make a meaningful statement.

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On 2017-11-03 07:09:19Show this Author Only
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On 2017-11-03 17:30:28Show this Author Only

If I remember, he has a total of 7 gold and 6 initiative, the only other gold he got is critical I think. It is fishy but possible I guess. He literally had 200 purification runes and got 3 gold initiative off of that in a row. 3 notifications only him.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2017-11-03 17:31:58.
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On 2017-11-03 18:45:50Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-11-03 04:24:44
  • I don't know where you are pulling the 1/25 from. The chance of someone getting gold initiative under the pre-condition of getting a gold somethingis 1/5 (well, slightly above that as two-at-same-time are possible). I don't really know what the probability of getting gold is, but that's hardly a matter of concern here as the OP is not interested in non-gold rolls.

    The chance of someone getting 6 gold initiative w/o any other gold is 1/15625 -- something that is probably possible between all the servers.

    However, the OP did not explicitly state that the player have no other gold. If, for example, he have a total of 10 gold with 6 init, which is still a significant majority to be of "concern", the chance is actually 0.637%. A small number to be sure, but not nearly small enough to not happen, in fact there would probably be dozens of those.

    At the same time, the chance of player getting 5 gold wi/o init is 32.7%. A minority yes, but hardly surprising.

    So nothing the OP stated shows any problem. He'd have to present much more complete data and at that mitigate self-selection bias etc to make a meaningful statement.

How many favourable outcomes you have? Numbers from 81 to 100 in initiative (that are 20), how many are the total possible outcomes? 500, Since you can get a random 1-100 in one of the 5 stats. 20/500 = 1/25. I never talked about getting it six times in a row.

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On 2017-11-03 20:01:39Show this Author Only

My groupmate ragequit after not getting a single gold ini after spending 400 purification runes.

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On 2017-11-03 20:12:39Show this Author Only
  • MegaMind On 2017-11-03 20:01:39
  • My groupmate ragequit after not getting a single gold ini after spending 400 purification runes.

Yea it's just as annoying as spending 5k on lucky stars for Masked Man and then some noob gets him on free try. But seems like they lowered the chances to get him, since there are Minato Hokages everywhere on my server and no Masked Man yet.

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On 2017-11-03 20:15:07Show this Author Only
  • xxMihai On 2017-11-03 20:12:39
  • Yea it's just as annoying as spending 5k on lucky stars for Masked Man and then some noob gets him on free try. But seems like they lowered the chances to get him, since there are Minato Hokages everywhere on my server and no Masked Man yet.

if they not lowered the chance . people will say this 'Masked man so op , can u nerf him? '

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On 2017-11-04 22:11:47Show this Author Only

From what I know they nerfed purify, Now even the purple have a low chance and gold is once in a blue moon. The only explanation is the guy is either lying about his f2p (he probably bought tons of purifys) or it's rigged.

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On 2017-11-05 00:22:48Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-11-03 18:45:50
  • How many favourable outcomes you have? Numbers from 81 to 100 in initiative (that are 20), how many are the total possible outcomes? 500, Since you can get a random 1-100 in one of the 5 stats. 20/500 = 1/25. I never talked about getting it six times in a row.

You are assuming that all number in the range have equal probability, which is not true.

Also, there are 100^5 different outcomes, that's 10 billion. combination of results are multiplicative.

As for number of outcomes with EXACTLY 1 gold, that is 20 x 80^4 x 5, or 4.096 billion.

So if all chances were fair, we'd be getting them 4 out of 10 rolls(more, in fact, as there are chances for multiple gold, but this will suffice), which we obviously don't, ergo the chances are NOT fair, ergo Nothing in your post is correct other than the 1-100 range.

This post was last edited by PraiseLuka on 2017-11-05 00:23:35.
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