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[ Help ] Monthly Event changes


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 21
  • Posts: 136
On 2017-11-01 09:06:36Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello everyone . Last month when i saw some minor changes (the addition of "upgrade group skills" basically) in the monthly event i was like "yeah , nevermind , just 140 less monthly points" ) . But now that i saw the objectives rotation for November's montly , i am just enraged. Long story short

-active players that belong to active groups can upgrade their group skills once every blue moon so , 2x7x20 =280 less monthly points from that

-week 1 dailies : clear 40 elite and clear 60 plot so , 7x20 =140 less points because they are not forcing us to use stamina pots for that

-week 2 dailies : plot 40 elite 50 , so same as above

SO instead of ( pre october ) replacing week 4 elite instance objectives (cause nobody does them anymore) ,and challenge 10 ranked battles for the sake of f2p players , we get THIS .

Please people , share your feelings about this , it's not too late to do something . let's see how many we are first

Quicky Post

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