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[ Events ] Mei or Hanzo Lucky Board?


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  • Registered: 2017-09-21
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On 2017-10-28 03:15:57Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So I got all the redeemable power items in this event and I already got PB Sasuke 3 stars. The clothing thing is not of my interest right now since I only have 19k power. So, Hanzo or Mei? I was thinking mayb hanzo since he only appears in event but I heard people saying to go for mei since she is very rare in kage treasure and hard to get.

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On 2017-10-28 03:31:39Show this Author Only

Mei isn't hard to get in kage. Yes it's a 1/8 chance of getting her but she rarely shows up in events, which make her much harder than getting her in kage.

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On 2017-10-28 03:34:45Show this Author Only

So this should be a good opportunity to get her? or just aim for hanzo?

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On 2017-10-28 04:21:56Show this Author Only

You need to know how much exactly she is. If you don't have enough coupons/ingots for her this week, you might be just end up with some of her frags and you just have to wait whenever if she might come in an event, which would be a waste of coupons/ingots if you manage to pull her. Ninjas like hanzo appear more often than others like danzo, mei, darui in events. So you don't have to worry about spending to get the full 80 if you don't want to. You need 2400 pts for mei since 80 frags*30 and 2000 for hanzo since 80 frags*25. If on average, a dice that costs 20 coupons/ingots and you get 5 pts per roll. Keep in mind you can get 10 pts by hitting a certain place on a board.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2017-10-28 09:16:08.
  • Registered: 2017-09-21
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On 2017-10-28 04:39:20Show this Author Only

I did the math, she will go around 9600 coupons for lucky board O.O thats a jonin minato xD.. dont know if it is worth

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On 2017-10-28 05:24:06Show this Author Only
Well then your math sux, u get ~60 points per 10dices =4-4,5k coupons for mei. I got her for like 4300

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On 2017-10-28 05:38:57Show this Author Only

Hi there! I would suggest to go for Hanzo, instead of going for Mei .. Mei Terumi is obtainable via pulling in Five Kage Treasure, and yes, she's a bit hard to get but eventually, you will get her, just like in my server, alot of players getting her thru Free Draws, which is little annoying to me because, I can't get her even with using Seal Scrolls .. But there is another thing to consider, if you redeem her frags and get her completely, remember that there's also a chance that you may end up getting her in Treasure Pulls and makes you have a dupe but the good side of it is you can have a chance of making her 4stars .. On the other hand, Hanzo is only obtainable via this events, you cannot get him from any Treasures Pulls .. Getting him in this week's events is good since Hanzo's fragments in the past events is much pricey that it is today's events(correct me if im wrong) .. You also need to consider the usefulness of the said ninjas for you, who do you need most at this moment, who will fit more in your lineup, and other things like that ..

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2017-10-28 05:41:10.
  • Registered: 2017-09-21
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On 2017-10-28 07:24:33Show this Author Only
  • Vredd On 2017-10-28 05:24:06
  • Well then your math sux, u get ~60 points per 10dices =4-4,5k coupons for mei. I got her for like 4300

5-10 points per dice....assuming the worst (5 points) the math would be points needed for her frags: 30 x 80 to recruit her = 2,400.

2,400 points divided by 5 points per dice (could be 10, but assuming the worst "5"). = 480 dices needed. 20cp per dice = 9,600 coupons... assuming you were lucky to get 10 points on some throws then i'd say 8000-8500cp

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On 2017-10-28 07:48:51Show this Author Only

Mei ss good in your early days specially if your server is below 4 months I think, then your next target will be mabui and gnw 1010, then you'll dominate most players in your server. I did 250 o kage and no me it really depends on luck. if you buy mei, you don't need to pull in kage after you pull mabui. Then you can focus on jinchu treasure 1 and 2

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On 2017-10-28 08:00:25Show this Author Only

I'd suggest Hanzo, he's useful in ranked, event exclusive, up for a decent price (8k at most, 100 per frag), whilst Mei is 120 per frag (maximum).

Plus, Mei is obtainable in kage. (That is, if you get lucky, I've gotten 7 rares, still missing Kazekage Gaara and Mei)

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