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[ Events ] Events - 26th October


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-26 01:06:07Show All Posts
  • chr0nic3ll@gmai On 2017-10-26 00:31:39
  • Finally i felt like OASIS care about us for a moment .. or its juz a bait?

Lucky snnaatch is always a bait event regardless of you being lucky spending very few or not by spending tons without getting anything.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-26 06:59:43Show All Posts
  • veelocity On 2017-10-26 05:24:44
  • I don't think the rates are that shoddy. Sure maybe 1 or two people may get those 80 frags but that's how it should be. Check out the forums and see how many people received Hokage minato these past weeks. Plus if you are spending with the intent of getting him from there, that's your own fault honestly lol. Similar to buying dice for the lucky ninja packs for a CHANCE at hashi or tobi rather than spending toward the redeemables and getting ninjas from packs as a bonus. Spending towards luck based is never wise but that never seems to stop people. Also I believe a mod stated the sign in's are primarily geared towards new players as incentive to * with the game and give them decent characters to start. Plus, they'll never give away a caliber ninja so if that's what you're hoping for let that dream die right now lol.

Well players who are inexperienced in these rng events will think they have the same chance as someone who just happen to get a rare ninja so this type of mindset won't be gone, which is sad since they just end up raging if they don't get the ninja. It also makes sense that most games with sign in rewards won't be good as you stated only help new players and only assist the rest of the players in their game play rather than changing it drastically.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-26 11:33:12Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2017-10-26 10:52:06
  • I don't understand the problem with Kurenai tbh.

    If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time we've seen a chase that causes chaos - even if it's awkward like knockdown to repulse.

    @Linhvn - That's a lot of Sakon fragments. I'm impressed xD

Kurenai's one of the few basic ninjas with skillbooks/skillbreaks that is still seen in some lineups in China due to her mystery and the chaos is just a bonus. Also, I might think Bladexkiller is under the assumption that Oasis chose which ninjas get the skillbooks, which isn't the case as these were pre-determined from China.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2017-10-26 11:33:37.
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