The team you mentioned wont carry you lategame, it's about 1 year too late for that team. You need rare, meta ninjas. Current rare medium priced ones (cursed hidan, j. minato, masked man) cost around 12-15k coupons, and you can farm them up in ~5months basically for free. Plan before you start pulling from random treasures, because without any plan you'll end up only wasting your resources. Browse this strategy section for meta teams for the main you want to play, then look up the future content on the internet, see which currently available ninjas are still used in the next 6 months, next year (china is about 2 years ahead of us, check what were they using a year ago from now) and piece this ninjas. First of all, this isn't a short game, if you want to get something you need to invest time (or a lot, lot of money). I'm suggesting this strategy, because without spending a lot of cash, you won't keep up up to date with every single release and change to ninjas, that's why planning for a certain point in the future to get meta team, let's say a half a year from now is a solid strategy.
As for what I'm aware, you can safely piece jonin minato and roshi, didn't really go deep into other ninjas.