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[ Suggestions ] Seal Scrolls.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-23 02:35:16Show All PostsDescending Order
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There has to be a quicker way to get these without resorting to buying them in the shop for 125 coupons for 1 scroll, or from very rare rewards. Especially with how the drops from the scrolls themselves hardly ever drop ninjas that you don't have. It's ridiculous. It took me 3 weeks to gather 10 seal scrolls, which I used on Tendo treasure, and it gave me ninja fragments for 3 ninjas that I already owned (two of them only being 1 fragment each, and the third (being Asuma) was 20 fragments). If you're pulling with 10 at a time, you shouldn't be getting ninjas that you already owned, unless you own them all already. Why should I be wasting my time drawing with 10 if I'm basically not getting anything new?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-23 04:17:14Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-08-23 03:55:44
  • "you shouldn't be getting ninjas that you already owned, unless you own them all already"

    You don't wan to upgrade their stars ? Without fragments you can't upgrade your current ninjas. : )
Maybe I want to get more ninjas instead of just upgrading? And why is the Tendo treasure giving ninja fragments for ninjas that are easily available to get in Elite Instance sweeps? That's just *.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-24 03:43:32Show All Posts
  • Godsuxx On 2016-08-23 14:31:21
  • It's called RNG, brofessor.
    It's a god* browser game, for christ's sake. If you've played any other said games, you should know that RNG exists majority of the time.
    This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-8-23 14:32
I know it's RNG. But that doesn't excuse the fact that the ratio of getting new ninjas is super low, when it takes nearly a month to get 10 seal scrolls to even try pulling for one without dropping a ton of money on the game.

I know it's not possible to change the RNG of the seal/tendo treasure, but at least give us more options to get seal scrolls. Especially for people that have bought medals. I bought a Jonin medal, and the only real benefit of doing so was getting more coins and experience during instances, and having slightly better stats for my main ninja. The weekend benefits that you can get in the Benefit Hall are a joke, since the only scrolls you can get there is bond scrolls (and you get bond scrolls for buying a Jonin medal). Bond scrolls are abundant in the game already. You can get them nearly all the time just doing instances. Seal scrolls are super rare, so what the medals should be doing for the weekend benefits, or buying a medal, is giving us seal scrolls instead. Having a super low chance of getting new ninjas in seal/tendo treasure, and also getting a small amount of seal scrolls to only do it once every few weeks is ridiculous. This post was last edited by GalaxyRed at 2016-8-24 04:12
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