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[ Lineup ] Sailor Sakura Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-16 01:59:27Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello, today gonna hit you with some lineups for our girl Sailor Sakura!


They changed the model of Sailor Sakura in China so this one will be the Sailor Sakura

Earth Main



In this Lineup you have the support of Earth main with the debuff + double attack, plus you have the defense knowledge for full tankiness so Sakura wont get hurt if shes not ignited and you can leave her exposed here. There are certain lineups that gonna hurt her if they are in front of her like Blitz Lightning or Hidan. So depends of the situation you can put Minato in front of her, its up to your choice. Very good and powerful lineup as you can proc Roshis chase with Minato + double attack.

Fire Main



Yeap here we have a fire main lineup with our best Uchiha character in the Anime(not for everybody). This can work efficiently against a lot of lineups. You have control shield and mirror plus sailor for healing and AoE help. Fire main uses imprison chase + Death mirage that can work very good as you are weakening your enemies while roshi will clean them up! Itachi will sweep and dmg as well plus you will have Sakura to heal you up if something goes bad! Good lineup can work in 1vs1 against bunch of teams.

Water Main (1)



One of the best free to play teams for water main and sailor sakura. Having Han in 1st position removing everything from the field and taking the upper hand this team can become deadly in the 3rd-4th round. The poison stack plus the ignition is real. Sailor and Water at the back strong enough to heal you up and let the Jinchurikis to do their job. Well known and works perfectly for every free to play player out there. 100% strong lineup. Also if you want you can change water main's chase passive and summon and do it like this so you can produce chaos with every mystery!


Water Main (2)



Here we have our warm Redhead Kushina the waifuuu!!! Make sure you have her 3* so she can get the Immunity!!

Even if you don't have her 3* don't worry at all, it can work pretty well ! This lineup is strong and has a good sense of survivability as you have clones in fron of you most of the time and at the back row you have the girls healing you continuously. Sailor will always apply the Aoe poison and naruto will burst as well poison tai to everyone. With an immobile on your chase by our lovely Waifu this team is very very good to play with! Solid Lineup !

Wind Main



Here is a very good lineup (almost every turn mystery with minato + interruption) with Minato. The girls from behind will take care of you and keep you safe.

You have Tsunade for chaos and you have wind main ready to refresh your entire lineup. Plus you play with full clones so you will have some protection at early rounds. Now here's the thing, i made the positioning like this but you c*ways change it and adjust it, it always depends by your enemy's formation and positioning.

Very strong lineup and full healing. Really fun to play with.

Ok these were some lineups with our girl Sailor Sakura!! Hope you liked them..

Always Peacefully! :)

This post was last edited by Jori. on 2017-10-16 01:59:27.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-14 19:19:00Show this Author Only

My water team, idk if this good or not but this team i mostly beat roshi han team Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 7

Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 7

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2017-10-14 20:38:14.
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On 2017-10-14 23:33:51Show this Author Only

isn't better to put Kushina in 1st prompt move and sage naruto in 2nd? That way you can easierly interrupt an enemy mystery if possible, and sage naruto mystery could interrupt a 2nd one by putting it under immobile state.

About roshi, han, sakura, af lineup outside arena i generally noticed that is better to put roshi and sakura in different lines, for example the lineup i use is:

x Roshi x

AF x Han

SS x x


x x Han

AF x Roshi

SS x x


SS x x

AF x Han

x Roshi x

the reason is that outside arena you heal enough to be able to endure a more spreaded damage on par power, moreover in that case (and is the reason why Kuro's team wins against this lineup) is that you should not link at all the chases if you are running the healing tips version to exactly avoid the chance that your roshi or han start a combo on the enemy 4-6tails or roshi, if available, and you shouldn't link 3rd chase to Sakura's in the neurotoxin version.

Outside arena if he wins on par power with the naruto/mei team is because they make mistakes, very likely they try to nuke naruto or mei, while they should target AF because that way sakura and AF standards will be directed to AF and so poison and ignition will hit mei and naruto, eventually killing them in round 4 or 7, while, at the same time, they should let ignition damage get dealt and just heal poison after was stacked up 3 times.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2017-10-14 23:50:44.
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On 2017-10-15 00:11:49Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-10-14 23:33:51
  • isn't better to put Kushina in 1st prompt move and sage naruto in 2nd? That way you can easierly interrupt an enemy mystery if possible, and sage naruto mystery could interrupt a 2nd one by putting it under immobile state.

    About roshi, han, sakura, af lineup outside arena i generally noticed that is better to put roshi and sakura in different lines, for example the lineup i use is:

    x Roshi x

    AF x Han

    SS x x


    x x Han

    AF x Roshi

    SS x x


    SS x x

    AF x Han

    x Roshi x

    the reason is that outside arena you heal enough to be able to endure a more spreaded damage on par power, moreover in that case (and is the reason why Kuro's team wins against this lineup) is that you should not link at all the chases if you are running the healing tips version to exactly avoid the chance that your roshi or han start a combo on the enemy 4-6tails or roshi, if available, and you shouldn't link 3rd chase to Sakura's in the neurotoxin version.

    Outside arena if he wins on par power with the naruto/mei team is because they make mistakes, very likely they try to nuke naruto or mei, while they should target AF because that way sakura and AF standards will be directed to AF and so poison and ignition will hit mei and naruto, eventually killing them in round 4 or 7, while, at the same time, they should let ignition damage get dealt and just heal poison after was stacked up 3 times.

most of them just wait fr me ulti . 2nd round i just use mei on main . so some just use han after that n not heal . n some heal 2 time on same round because the damage really high . almost kill the main . n even they attack my main on 2nd round i just wait fr sailor to heal my main n i use mei after that and heal on next round. i mostly lose to han roshi team if he had 15k or more power than me . but i cant beat roshi sage naruto team with my sage mei . even i had more power . but yeah its depend on how they use it .

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2017-10-15 00:20:40.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-15 03:06:43Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2017-10-14 23:33:51
  • isn't better to put Kushina in 1st prompt move and sage naruto in 2nd? That way you can easierly interrupt an enemy mystery if possible, and sage naruto mystery could interrupt a 2nd one by putting it under immobile state.

    About roshi, han, sakura, af lineup outside arena i generally noticed that is better to put roshi and sakura in different lines, for example the lineup i use is:

    x Roshi x

    AF x Han

    SS x x


    x x Han

    AF x Roshi

    SS x x


    SS x x

    AF x Han

    x Roshi x

    the reason is that outside arena you heal enough to be able to endure a more spreaded damage on par power, moreover in that case (and is the reason why Kuro's team wins against this lineup) is that you should not link at all the chases if you are running the healing tips version to exactly avoid the chance that your roshi or han start a combo on the enemy 4-6tails or roshi, if available, and you shouldn't link 3rd chase to Sakura's in the neurotoxin version.

    Outside arena if he wins on par power with the naruto/mei team is because they make mistakes, very likely they try to nuke naruto or mei, while they should target AF because that way sakura and AF standards will be directed to AF and so poison and ignition will hit mei and naruto, eventually killing them in round 4 or 7, while, at the same time, they should let ignition damage get dealt and just heal poison after was stacked up 3 times.

hello, no its not better to put kushina in 1st place.. cause in 2nd round you will go with naruto and kushinas chase has immobile so you interrupt either ways, and its better to keep the interruption for some healing mystery or anything similar... thnx in advantage.. Naruto has an Aoe decent dmg mystery so you will need to go with him for better results..

This post was last edited by Jori. on 2017-10-15 03:07:54.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-15 21:06:37Show this Author Only

Here I am, keep wondering why you're calling that Sailor Sakura, until I realised that they changed the models

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On 2017-10-15 21:14:56Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-10-15 21:06:37
  • Here I am, keep wondering why you're calling that Sailor Sakura, until I realised that they changed the models

hahaha yeah . they also chg PB sasuke .

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On 2017-10-16 01:57:55Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2017-10-15 21:06:37
  • Here I am, keep wondering why you're calling that Sailor Sakura, until I realised that they changed the models

hey, sorry i know that they changed the model but all of us we know her as sailor sakura for the time being, i will write it in the beggining so nobody will get confused, thnx a lot !

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-22 22:10:35Show this Author Only



Please help me, i want use sakura sailor, but dont know how to setting lineup

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On 2017-10-23 01:49:17Show this Author Only
  • Jemil On 2017-10-22 22:10:35
  • Screenshot_5


    Please help me, i want use sakura sailor, but dont know how to setting lineup

The easiest lineup with sailor sakura you can make with basic ninjas is with water main, kabuto, and kimimaro. Skills: 3,2,3,3,2 Untitled

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On 2017-10-25 16:02:57Show this Author Only
  • Jemil On 2017-10-22 22:10:35
  • Screenshot_5


    Please help me, i want use sakura sailor, but dont know how to setting lineup

Hello, you can try these lineups :

help 1


help 2

help 3Screenshot_11

Try these 2 might be good!!!

  • Registered: 2017-07-27
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On 2017-12-03 06:48:19Show this Author Only

I got sakura sailor uniform but i dont have roshi or han or masked man so as a water main what ninja should i use on roshi place?

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On 2018-08-17 01:49:08Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2017-10-14 19:19:00
  • My water team, idk if this good or not but this team i mostly beat roshi han team Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 7

    Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 7

what are the talents and summoning?

  • Registered: 2018-06-20
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On 2018-09-22 12:34:08Show this Author Only

any ways to counter the Water Main (1) team? it's almost undefeated at my server

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On 2018-10-16 08:45:01Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2017-10-14 19:19:00
  • My water team, idk if this good or not but this team i mostly beat roshi han team Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 7

    Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 7

What's the talents for the Water Main-Sage Mode Naruto-Sakura Sailor-Roshi team?

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-10-16 18:07:59Show this Author Only
  • Alexandra The G On 2018-10-16 08:45:01
  • What's the talents for the Water Main-Sage Mode Naruto-Sakura Sailor-Roshi team?

32322,summon: dog of hell or king of hell, but beware that this team, while was viable at that time, now is no more.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-10-16 18:08:56.
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