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[ Events ] Space Time Match Making


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-13 08:40:41Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I don't understand these match-ups. I get placed against the top tier person of my group ladder who has around 110k+ power, while I'm around 53k. However, my friend faces someone roughly 10k below him, while he's at a higher portion of his own personal group. Why do the strong fight the weak? This just seems like a horrible way to give people a chance to compete. I did my best to stay top 125 in my area, got a decent 80 rank from countless fights and facing endless high-end spender teams, only to be violently mangled by someone with 100k for 2 short rounds.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-13 09:43:54Show this Author Only

Like any tournament, the best fights tend to be the last. That's in any sport or competition. WIth spacetime, usually the higher you place in space time(points wise) the better your chances of getting matched against someone within ballpark range of your BP or against someone much lower. Placing roughly 80 in spacetime is kinda low but not bad if you maintained it with 53k. I'm not sure what your friends bp is but sometimes placement can be influenced with a little luck at times. I'm assuming the algorithim for match making is the higher end gets matched against the lower end placement. While people who stay in roughly the 70-40 range are pitted against one another. Just keep working and trying out different teams. If you use your normal team in space time it may not Auto like you want it to during the preseason. Try different comps for better results.

  • Registered: 2017-09-14
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On 2017-10-13 21:29:37Show this Author Only

I didn't really think placement mattered in Space-time as much as the power of the individual. I was in the 50s range of the ranking, but seem to always match with the top powers of the bracket anyway.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-20 18:59:36Show this Author Only
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