The things that keep moving me playing this game is the moment when i have victory with my friends.
I invested a lots of hours and decent money on this game and victory is good compensation of that.
In case of victory with my friends like decisive bonds and gnw, my feeling and our bonds become much better.
I made my group at lvl 16 and worked hard to recruite many people. So I manged to raise group level 1 to 8.
Nowadays, we win GNW always. There is no opponent group can against us.
Server ID: S651
Character name: IU
UID: 200000103225851
Dear Naruto,
Happy Birthday! Thank you for never giving up and motivating us to do the same.
Did you know, they made game ba
Best to play it after a long day in the company of a bowl of hot ramen.
One of my favorite characters in there is your friend, Gaara.
Sometimes things go in the opposite way than how you'd do them, but I found there friends too, while playing, and I try to help my group as I can.
Take care of yourself, and enjoy your birthday party! ;)
Server: S198
UID: 200000092049538
Character name: Neji☲Uchiha
Hello!! Happy birthday to you!! Never give up, be a proud father for Boruto and Himawari!
Server: S601: Fuinjutsu
Character Name: Richard
UID: 200000108933822
Happy birthday Naruto Online;
The thing that keeps me going forward is vengeance against who plundered and defeated me. Feels good to beat them at their best. Also outsmart opponents in a live match despite lower power is very rewarding.
Server id :S678
Character Name: CocaineModel
UID: 200000083855766
In Naruto Online, what is the thing that keeps you moving forward?
The thing it keeps me moving forwards are my oponnents,I will want to be the best one
and I wanna compete with EVERYONE, even with the impossible situations,I always search for a solution and I never give up till i find it !
What is the thing that gives you a sense of accomplishment when playing Naruto Online?
When the fight ends with a victory for me!Im a warrior haha xD
Server id : S751
Character Name: KniceToMeetYa
UID: 200000088015719
May your coming year surprise you with the happiness of smiles, the feeling of love and
let all your dreams to be on fire and light your birthday candles with that.
I hope you will find plenty of sweet memories to cherish forever.
.-. .-. .--. .----. .----..-. .-. .----. .-..----. .---. .-. .-..----. .--..-. .-. .-. .-. .--. .----. .-. .-. .---. .----. | {_} | / {} \ | {} }| {} }\ \/ / | {} }| || {} }{_ _}| {_} || {} \ / {} \\ \/ / | `| | / {} \ | {} }| { } |{_ _}/ {} \ | { } |/ /\ \| .--' | .--' } { | {} }| || .-. \ | | | { } || // /\ \} { | |\ |/ /\ \| .-. \| {_} | | | \ / `-' `-'`-' `-'`-' `-' `--' `----' `-'`-' `-' `-' `-' `-'`----' `-' `-'`--' `-' `-'`-' `-'`-' `-'`-----' `-' `----'
Happy day Naruto ,best wishes to you and Hinata .
Take care of your children till the end.
You have changed my life and people's life's forever.
Love you naruto-kun and don't forget to stay in front of your son, Boruto.
Character name : Yuko Takeda
server ID: 224
UID: 200000093086569
That one thing that makes me keeping moving forward? Heh, it's definitely my guild and my friends. I say my guild because they act like family, something that warms my heart a lot. Not much go online nowadays, but we're still family. I say friends because of the same reason, we act like family. It warms my heart so much to see all of us having fun and enjoying the game like we are all supposed too.
What thing that gives me a sense of accomplishment when playing? Definitely getting rare ninjas and increasing my BP. It fills me with so much joy and happiness to do those two things. Just like two days ago, when I got Hashirama from the Mission Gift Boxes. Straight out almost fainted when I got him! Really hope this game really perseveres throughout the years! Looking forward for more content :)
But now, enough about me. Let's get back to the boy who gave us a childhood. The boy, who, without him, we wouldn't be able to play this game. The boy, who wanted attention. The boy, who was pushed aside because of a burden he didn't want. The boy, who worked so hard to climb up to the top. The boy, who protected his friends. The boy, who didn't let words hurt him. The boy, who protected his village, and his ideals. The boy, who found true love. The boy, who accomplished his dreams!
Yosh! I am talking about the Unpredictable Ninja! The Dead Last! The Legacy of the Yondaime! The Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko! Descendant of Asura! Hero of Konoha! Toad Sage! Husband of Hinata and the father of two! But most importantly, he's the Nanadaime Hokage! I am talking about our boy, the legend, the dreamer! Naruto Uzumaki!
Naruto, thank you so much for being one of my inspiration. Your personality, and your nindo, it's very admirable.Your will to never give up. your will to always push through to climb up to the top. You're like a true friend, for never giving up on Sasuke. I wish, I had a friend like you in here. Although three days have pass, I still wish you a great, and happy birthday.
Man, you did it! After years of watching from the sidelines. After years of sweat, blood, tears, sacrifice and hardwork. You finally got your dream of being Hokage. ANd right after your sensei too. Who would've thought?
I really hope that no one will ever forget your legacy. No one will forget your courage, your strength, your optimism. Your freaking bright orange jumpsuit! Again, I can't stress it hard enough to say thank you, Naruto.
May you live on to keep leading Konoha to become a much more prestigious, peaceful and prosperous village. Believe it, dattebayo! Well, that's all I can Naruto. Ja ne~
Server: 143: Gamakichi
Character name:Genji®
UID: 200000089594731
Character Name in Game: NoriHyuga
Happy birthday my best friend Naruto thank for everything and being my friend for 15 years since you first episode you became my friend!.Never change!!
What motivates this game is being the leader of my guild in our server as i followed my path to be kage like you Naruto and I have been doing well and winning war with my guildmates is simple the best feelings.
Server ID: S85:Mikoto | NY
Character Name in game :⭐⭐Jashin⭐⭐
Happy Birthday, Naruto.
The success you can achieve with hard work. I hope you work harder than your last year and getting a lot of success.
Server ID: S721
Character name: Sakamoto
UID: 300005534168174
Happy Birthday Naruto!!
U always make me touched n motivated by every episodes of ur life. The way u love ur friends…The way u protect them…The way u fight for them, overwhelmed me. U never give up in everything u do n for everything u think is right. u r willing to risk ur life to protect everything n everyone u love…u really amazed me n encourage me to be like u. U know what? If i've been given a chance n i could enter ur world n be a ninja…i would really wish to meet u and all of ur friends, n of ur best buddy cuz i really love ur character n ur spirit :D ……owh!!! I could buddy u eat ramen everyday if u want :) but u must spend me ramen…hehe
Server ID: S34 - Shizune
IGN: FumikoAihara
UID: 200000085137206
Happy birthday Naruto !! You're a Legend
I love Naruto Online because of the variety of stuff you can do with group/team members. I love to do stuff in a team But i mainly play Naruto Online cause of all the stuff you can do in late game. In other online games like Unlimited Ninja, once you're at a high lvl, there's really nothing to do. I'm currently at lvl 79 and I've heard of people being 100+ and I thought that lvl 90 was the max cause of the level rewards in Benefit Hall. I might never quit Naruto Online just because
and my biggest accomplishment in Naruto Online was when I was the strongest earth main in my server. Then again there aren't much active earth mains soooo...
and also i just beat this weeks sa which was pretty hard so it's also a achievement.
Server id: S608 NY
Character name: KeisukeMito
UID: 200000105272184
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