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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-12 01:51:05Show All Posts

Dear Naruto,

Happy Birthday! Thank you for never giving up and motivating us to do the same.
Did you know, they made game ba
sed on your adventures, and we can follow your story like if we would be there?
Best to play it after a long day in the company of a bowl of hot ramen.
One of my favorite characters in there is your friend, Gaara.
Sometimes things go in the opposite way than how you'd do them, but I found there friends too, while playing, and I try to help my group as I can.
Take care of yourself, and enjoy your birthday party! ;)

Server: S198
UID: 200000092049538
Character name: Neji☲Uchiha

This post was last edited by xXGhostCatXx on 2017-10-12 01:53:26.
Quicky Post

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