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[ Strategy Share ] Plot instances


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  • Registered: 2017-07-26
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On 2017-10-09 23:41:37Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello... I have played this game for the last 30 days or so and hence I'm fairly new to this game... Concerning the plot instances, I can't get the 3 shurikens that are given for full completion because I'm not able to finish the higher difficulty battle that is within the plot (i.e. the blue circle thing in the missions)... The level of the enemies are 10+ levels above me and I can't seem to defeat them... Can u please tell me how to defeat this??? Thanks

  • Registered: 2017-07-26
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  • Posts: 10
On 2017-10-10 01:43:52Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-10-09 23:52:32
  • There are two ways to in getting three stars in instances, which is you either make a lineup just for that instance or increase your power. Since you didn't state which instances you are having trouble with, I can't really provide any lineups until you provide a list/screenshot of your ninjas and name of the instance.

Thanks for the reply Danzo... I've attached screenshots of my ninjas with this reply and the instance that I'm having trouble with is Chapter 7 Instance No.9 (Scout the Deadwood Forest)... And I can't clear any plot instances after that with 3 stars... What should I do??? NinjasNin2

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