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[ Lineup ] Plz help- Team for beating Wind main-Kazekage Gaara- GNW/Conference Temari?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-08 14:07:38Show All PostsDescending Order
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I've faced this team a few times in Survival Trial, and I've never, ever beaten it.

The one I'm currently facing uses talents sand dust, vacuum blast barrage, sage art- rasengan barrage, wind style enhancement, and multiclone jutsu with flood dragon summon. They are using 5-kage conference Temari.

Ninjas I have available:




Gold summons I have include Rhino, Serpent, Lightning Tiger King, Eight Span Bird, Demon Fox, and King of Hell.

Thank you in advance. I've looked this up online but nothing really came up... though I think someone may have already posted this question...

This post was last edited by No Way Jose on 2017-10-08 14:07:38.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 41
  • Posts: 551
On 2017-10-09 02:03:09Show All Posts
  • Blaz On 2017-10-08 14:45:25
  • Few questions:

    1. Which main do you play?

    2. Looking for only survival lineup or pvp use or both?

    3. Whose first initiative and overall initiative is more?

1. Right now I'm playing Lightning, but it wouldn't make much sense going up against wind main... I tried subbing him out for a different character since he's low on health anyway, but I still couldn't win.

2. I think probably just survival trial. Any other time I wouldn't be aware that I was going up against such a team...

3. I'm not sure how to find this? All I could tell you is that Darui always sets his barrier up first, no matter what his placement or if I take out all his initiative runes, and Neji can't get at Gaara before he sets up his barrier (I know that sometimes it takes a little while for Gaara to set up his barrier, and during that time you can stop him with Neji. Maybe that's the other Gaara?)

Quicky Post

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