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Pulled Kirin...Heavily Dissapointed


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On 2017-10-06 12:05:00Show this Author Only
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Sir, you speak with truth, like i said before only ppl who dont know what they are doing or really rich ppl will spend in cloud treasure ninjas atm, we gotta make em rush the treasure already no excuses, and for kira, i mean u could see all it did was 2 combos so...even then i dont think it was worth it...sad to see that u got a dupe tho.

This post was last edited by Mass on 2017-10-06 12:16:58.
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On 2017-10-06 14:34:02Show this Author Only

I feel you pain dude, but don't expect any sympathy from this community;they will hate you for having money. Would be nice if they gave points equal to summons value(at least for koh and kirin). Giving 80 frags for dupe super rares like Ay or Susanoo Sasuke is a good idea....hope oasis can implement this.

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On 2017-10-06 16:22:30Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2017-10-06 03:52:49
  • I think the reason why Kirin has a high price just because of the animation from the chase since no other summon have a chase comparable to Kirin. It's a dumb reason to have it priced like this but it's the same concept as skins in other games that no additional benefits besides the design.

No, the reason is that many used to be op ninjas have knockdown to lowfloat chase and that many standard attacks before 2.0 were low float only, so to connect the chases or to start a combo with the highest damage standard attack you main bd, azure fang or crimson fist had you needed that summon if you ran those ninjas.

Kirin ceased to be that useful after 2.0 and kaze treasure.

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On 2017-10-06 21:16:37Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-10-06 16:22:30
  • No, the reason is that many used to be op ninjas have knockdown to lowfloat chase and that many standard attacks before 2.0 were low float only, so to connect the chases or to start a combo with the highest damage standard attack you main bd, azure fang or crimson fist had you needed that summon if you ran those ninjas.

    Kirin ceased to be that useful after 2.0 and kaze treasure.

That makes sense but how do you explain the prices of other summons that are used heavily past 2.0? Oasis is capable of increasing the prices (example in the past: group summon ninjas) of the summons that are heavily used to match with the utility. The only difference that I can find that can justify the price of kirin compared to the other summons (excluding KOH) is the animation of the chase unless OASIS chose not to continue matching prices based on utility.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2017-10-06 21:18:38.
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On 2017-10-07 04:38:46Show this Author Only
  • DashFaster On 2017-10-06 10:07:04
  • So its 2000+ for them, right now, I'm redeeming my runes to get KOH every chance I get.

Yes, i've been keep tracking of my pull counter, it's roughly around the 2000 mark.

You will surely get your KOH before the the 2k pull if you're redeeming your runes and I hope you don't have my misfortune and pull a duplicate KoH by then :)

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On 2017-10-07 04:40:38Show this Author Only
  • Mass On 2017-10-06 12:05:00
  • Sir, you speak with truth, like i said before only ppl who dont know what they are doing or really rich ppl will spend in cloud treasure ninjas atm, we gotta make em rush the treasure already no excuses, and for kira, i mean u could see all it did was 2 combos so...even then i dont think it was worth it...sad to see that u got a dupe tho.

I honestly had no idea. Didn't buy Kirin for the extra chase, that wasn't the intention.

I just *ly thought it was an exclusive event summon (similar to Guy's Tortoise).

The game lacks information in that sense. I mean if they want us to spend THAT much on something, then tell us what we can get out of it...

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On 2017-10-07 04:42:31Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2017-10-06 14:34:02
  • I feel you pain dude, but don't expect any sympathy from this community;they will hate you for having money. Would be nice if they gave points equal to summons value(at least for koh and kirin). Giving 80 frags for dupe super rares like Ay or Susanoo Sasuke is a good idea....hope oasis can implement this.

Na def not from the community, although wanted to give everyone a heads up on what to expect.

I for one will not vouch for anyone who wants to spend on Kirin or KoH should they pop up in an event.

Like what you said, at least for a Ninja dupe, you'll get some extra frags which is useful. But 4000 pts for a 2k pull is pretty sad :(

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On 2017-10-07 04:47:56Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-10-06 03:12:23
  • I don't wanna be that guy but come on seriously you had No idea what so ever that kirin was gonna be in summon treasure? I me*l it takes is watching 1 youtube video about summons in CN or even germany, for example I was really crazy about getting A but by watching a few videos and asking around in the forums I found out that not only is A not worth the 30k ingots that oasis is asking for in the recent events but that 90% of his treasure is going to be common ninjas in GNW treasure so I changed my mind.

When you don't know Chinese, or not even aware this game's main version is based off a Chinese version then you're out of luck on this sort of knowledge.

*I tried to dig around on Youtube just now, can't find anything off Naruto Online China explaining summon pulls. I may look * for this post but this was a mistake made on my part close to a year ago, and during that time period this game was still in the early stages with minimal lack of knowledge for the future updates and content. Perhaps this is the very reason OAS ceased to offer Kirin regularly across events for this very reason.

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On 2017-10-07 04:54:47Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-10-06 03:47:56
  • On your side of the argument, it is easily feasible to be disappointed. For the longest time I remember that Kirin only was pullable through frags. This was also stated by Oasis moderators as well. I guess in the past he could've been viewed as obtainable through the same methods of Susanoo Itachi. Hence the reason they put that summon in events. It was understood that KOH was an exclusive pullable 2k scrolls summon. I'm not sure when they decided to make Kirin a full summon in the treasure but this must've been an update dealing with 3.0

    Now, on the flip side of this argument, I would never purchase anything obtainable through shop coins. That's just me personally. Sure Kirin has one of the sickest animations and rarest chases, but ingame currency deterred me from that purchase altogether. Am I saying you spent your money improperly? Not t all. You make it, so spend it as you will. I always preach to my group or other people who spend, that you have to have patience in this game. I don't know much about Chinese seals and summons so I will leave it out of this. Spending though you have to always consider why a business does what it does. Susanoo Itachi for the longest was obtainable through sheer luck of the slot machine and crossing fingers hoping you get 2 frags in treasures. Now he is obtainable through feast wheel at almost half off of his original price point or more. Granted it is ingot only frag purchase but for those who did buy seal scrolls to get him were screwed like a pooch. I bought Mabui and she was released a couple months later as a COMMON. I was torn and may have easily been the dumbest purchase I've ever made in this game lol. My thing is, this game is always changing. Having things early is exciting but not always worth it.


    Add an optional choice of a super rare-This could be applied to both seals and summons. This should only happen if you have the the respective ninjas or summons tht are supers so you don't end up with a dupe.

    Provide more points and frags- I feel like if you double up on a super rare it should be more rewarding. The baseline 4000 is unacceptable to be honest. It should consist of a 25% increase on the store price as summon points receivable.

    Transparency-Not many people are aware that he is pullable. If you do have knowledge of this, Kirin is still one of the rarer pulls between him/her and KOH.

Agree completely with you. No one I know to my knowledge was even aware that Kirin could be pulled as a full Summon, and we only believed there would be a rare chance to get partial frags of it (similar to Susanoo Itachi). With KoH's popping up left and right over the last half year, this is the expectation most players have.

If the game was more transparent over these things from the start, these sort of threads would cease to exist.

Now that you mention 3.0, did they change the Summon Seals banner? I don't recall ever seeing Kirin on the art cover.

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On 2017-10-07 05:02:59Show this Author Only
  • veelocity On 2017-10-06 03:47:56
  • On your side of the argument, it is easily feasible to be disappointed. For the longest time I remember that Kirin only was pullable through frags. This was also stated by Oasis moderators as well. I guess in the past he could've been viewed as obtainable through the same methods of Susanoo Itachi. Hence the reason they put that summon in events. It was understood that KOH was an exclusive pullable 2k scrolls summon. I'm not sure when they decided to make Kirin a full summon in the treasure but this must've been an update dealing with 3.0

    Now, on the flip side of this argument, I would never purchase anything obtainable through shop coins. That's just me personally. Sure Kirin has one of the sickest animations and rarest chases, but ingame currency deterred me from that purchase altogether. Am I saying you spent your money improperly? Not t all. You make it, so spend it as you will. I always preach to my group or other people who spend, that you have to have patience in this game. I don't know much about Chinese seals and summons so I will leave it out of this. Spending though you have to always consider why a business does what it does. Susanoo Itachi for the longest was obtainable through sheer luck of the slot machine and crossing fingers hoping you get 2 frags in treasures. Now he is obtainable through feast wheel at almost half off of his original price point or more. Granted it is ingot only frag purchase but for those who did buy seal scrolls to get him were screwed like a pooch. I bought Mabui and she was released a couple months later as a COMMON. I was torn and may have easily been the dumbest purchase I've ever made in this game lol. My thing is, this game is always changing. Having things early is exciting but not always worth it.


    Add an optional choice of a super rare-This could be applied to both seals and summons. This should only happen if you have the the respective ninjas or summons tht are supers so you don't end up with a dupe.

    Provide more points and frags- I feel like if you double up on a super rare it should be more rewarding. The baseline 4000 is unacceptable to be honest. It should consist of a 25% increase on the store price as summon points receivable.

    Transparency-Not many people are aware that he is pullable. If you do have knowledge of this, Kirin is still one of the rarer pulls between him/her and KOH.

Good suggestion. See no reason for OAS not to change the current system as such mentioned.

I still love mine Kirin though. Looks awesome & crashes down like a beast and sometimes even shakes the screen :)

My dillema now is if I should cash out on 288k worth of runes for the KoH. I don't see myself saving up another 2k pulls (that's oughta take another year or more) and perhaps only to get disappointed again with another Kirin pull :( Honestly if I knew earlier, I would've saved my summon points and saved on 20% of the pts value.

*We should also get an update to downgrade our runes. In my case I'd have to sell off a L9 set, only to be left with 2 L8 sets and a L3-4 set off recent pulls...

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On 2017-10-07 05:27:04Show this Author Only

I see no huge dilemma with getting double yellow summons from summoning scrolls and their conversion points (Well, maybe with King of Hell and Kirin because of their price). What really bothers me though, is the following.

An example:

I have spent 27000 Summoning points to buy 75 fragments of Monkey King. Then I pull Monkey King from the summon treasure. I go to Summon Shop and Monkey King is gone, along with my 75 fragments worth of 27k points.

I dislike that even if you have an amount of summoning points invested in one of the summons of Summon Shop. And then you pull the said summon before you can finish buying the rest of the fragments. The fragments you had already bought just vanish into thin air like you never even bought them, and your hard earned points you spent are gone with them. No refunds. This just doesn't seem fair.

This post was last edited by WaileWalrus on 2017-10-07 05:28:44.
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On 2017-10-07 08:05:30Show this Author Only

I read it as "Karin" and wondered what beef you had against her lol

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On 2017-10-08 05:29:13Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2017-10-06 03:52:49
  • I think the reason why Kirin has a high price just because of the animation from the chase since no other summon have a chase comparable to Kirin. It's a dumb reason to have it priced like this but it's the same concept as skins in other games that no additional benefits besides the design.

Yeah I always found it weird that he's overpriced compared to the rest of gold summons. He's nothing special otherwise, just the gold equivalent of that blue horned deer. He also appears in the treasure picture, and always found it su*ious, but never confirmed it. To the OP, Im sorry, it s really disappointing when something like that happens. I had considered investing on kirin but now I won't.

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On 2017-10-08 09:43:07Show this Author Only

Understandable, I feel you. FYI, King of hell (Is that the name? I've forgotten) is also in the summon treasure, which I wasn't aware of. Someone pulled that summon for free 2 days ago and he's like level 60+ T_T.

This post was last edited by TitaniaScarlet on 2017-10-08 09:44:00.
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