Views: 11122 | Replies: 11
[ Lineup ] Roshi and/or Han


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-09 16:54:09Show All Posts
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-10-09 05:19:34
  • mei roshi han in the same team.. and i thought this forum couldn't get any worse lol, the fk is mei for if ure just gonna break her barrier post 2 also who r u actually utilizing that steroid on? han? hm let me guess so he can have "more input with his mystery"?? wtf u people... Roshi's not made to be used with barrier ninjas but against them he's a direct counter to all barrier ninjas also Han doesn't need buffs he doesn't deal damage he's not there to deal damage but to soak up damage he's a tank ffs.. read the fkn abilities before you contribute to the uselessness of this forum...

Congratulations, you just played yourself.

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