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Views: 11285 | Replies: 11
[ Lineup ] Roshi and/or Han


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-09 10:38:06Show All Posts
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-10-09 05:19:34
  • mei roshi han in the same team.. and i thought this forum couldn't get any worse lol, the fk is mei for if ure just gonna break her barrier post 2 also who r u actually utilizing that steroid on? han? hm let me guess so he can have "more input with his mystery"?? wtf u people... Roshi's not made to be used with barrier ninjas but against them he's a direct counter to all barrier ninjas also Han doesn't need buffs he doesn't deal damage he's not there to deal damage but to soak up damage he's a tank ffs.. read the fkn abilities before you contribute to the uselessness of this forum...


We don't really use Mei for barrier with Roshi.

We use her for hard cc and dmg.

Her barrier can still be overwritten with manual one. Therefore it's no different.

Mei's barrier can only do poison, Azure already cover that with her poison tai. @.@

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-10-10 11:14:17Show All Posts
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-10-09 20:56:49
  • I mean if you don't have sailor ofc you use mei with han roshi fire because that's just the best you can do at the moment and I understand that his suggestion is made to fit in with OP's character pool and I apologize if my comment came out as offensive but to the people that are actually thinking this team works in meta 1v1s you're wrong lol. You ought to lose 80% of the time because 1. meis ignition/mystery comes online round 3 and she's probably going to be focused down before the fight gets there since she's squishy asf and in this formation there's noone to keep her alive so ultimately it's possible that you don't get any real benefit out of her especially if you don't manage an ult out before she dies. 2. the acupuncture is at best 50/50 and if your enemy has decent combo rate then you can forget about it being a thing. So that leaves the immobile in her chase (which is the only useful part that is sure to hit btw), the poison/buff that's also situational and reliant on initiative and the 25% dmg steroid against male chars which is really good but best utilized with her mystery and then again in a team like that she 100% gets focused down asap which leaves her being pretty much useless in a fight. Of course all of this is extremely situational and dependent on many things and it can work but it's bound to fail in square and fair 1v1s against almost all meta teams and im not even talking about healer teams, im talking classic wind teams like kgaara, gaki, sm naruto and not to mention the former cancer champ water mabui,1010,mei team that's just gonna sweep you clean.

    In my experience and what I've used and played against both these characters Han and Roshi work in teams that rely on sustain to be victorious that's why the fire hanzo,roshi,han team died out and got succeeded by the water sailor,han,roshi team because sustainability is the strongest stats in this game right now. You beat heavy damage dealers with sustain. You beat cc with sustain. This is the one true way to achieve victory - high sustainability.


    @OP I think it's best to * with mabui, 1010, mei if your'e looking for results in pvp because it's really the best you can right now. Later when you have saved enough to buy sailor then you switch to the infamous roshihan healer team and you'll be right up there with the strongest players in the game. Just make sure it's before they release of the kumo treasure because the blitz samui, 3rd ay, darui teams' damage is the only one healers can't outsustain.

No. you dont want to play sustain against sustain. That gets to nowhere and boring

The teams that have DP Hidan and Roshi 30hits involve are the most effective against Azure.

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