Plunder nerf is the bad of 4.0 but everyone forgot about the ugly cross server GNW. There are Germany videos on Youtube explaining the full details of 4.0. Take a look and see for yourselves even if don't understand what they are saying, at least u get to expect whats to come in 2 months.
How can we know what to expect when we can't understand what they're saying lol
I can break down the 4.0 update from a German Youtube video. All credits of this information came from German Youtuber Unleash the Pixel.
Here are the goods, the bad and the ugly of 4.0:
The goods: Survival Trials, New Map Areas, Kakashi Handbook and Group Summons
-Survival Trials have difficult modes ranging from C, B, A, S and SS. Higher difficulty yields better rewards if you're at the top of your server.
-New Map Areas. Turtle island and 2 other areas will be added to world map for new weekly events in the future.
-Kakashi Handbook gets a prettier interface make over and generates better daily rewards.
-New group summons, a promise from 3.0 will finally be added after 4.0
The Bad: Convoy/Plunder nerfs/buffs and balance. You can run both convoys and plunders on the same day. SS convoy yields 30 coupons (-5 nerf from current update). If your SS convoy get plunder, you only lose 5 coupons (you get back 25, buff from current update). Here is the big nerf, after first free SS convoy and plunder, it costs 15 ingots (10 for additional SS convoys? German speakers please verify) for additional plunders in the same day. Here is the balance, a successful convoy or plunder can grant you random chances of receiving a command seal that replaces the ingots consumption. Refresh timer for convoys missions changed from 30 minutes down to 20 minutes.
The ugly: Cross Server GNW. All F2p and low paying p2p (pay to play) get their seal scrolls from weekly GNW. Remember how hard it was to get advanced refine runes after Sage Worlds became cross? Now imagine how hard it would take to get seal scrolls after GNW becomes cross. I hope Oasis balance this problem by increasing the seal scroll prizes for GNW participants like they do for Sage Worlds.
Minor stuff: There are other small details I deliberately leave out from this post as I don't care too much about it such as group menu interface small makeover and other UI changes to fit computers with small screens.
All of this information are extracted from the video I found on Youtube by Unleash the Pixel. I am not a German speaker, anyone from Germany are free to share or alter any information I missed.
PS: Mods please don't delete this post. Most players are already bored of this game. Educating players on whats to come in 2 months will keep them motivated to continue playing and spending.
well, people would spend if everything wasn't over priced or rigged. As a f2p who does plunders which helped him get to 70kbp I don't mind if they remove plunders since it's kindda unfair to newer or weaker players. on the other hand they should raise the number of free ss missions to two instead of one and just remove plunder.
Plunderers won't be able to catch people who are more than 15 levels below them. As for the weaker players, they c*ways get support from high powered players from their group.
And another thing that most people seem to missunderstand: there will be the cross-server gnw but the normal one will still be there.
f2p will never catch up to "big spenders"
They can catch up to some spenders w/o plundering.
I'm ftp, I don't plunder on principle and i can get to 90k power if I wanted (I don't, because it would be worse masuri ranking, so I have, for example, all my injury rune in inventory unequipped since rumor is that it does nothing, so I'm sitting on 85k team)
Granted, if I did plunder, I would be... emm... 20-25k coupon richer right now. That would give me.. maybe... 4-5k more power? Diminishing return hits hard... Would help me beat some people, but not a whole lot. Cause most of the ptw up here ALSO have event ninjas that trumps power... (granted, could have spent part of that to get some of the ninja that's available via coupon. But I doubt a single super rare makes much of a difference) I mean I fight six tails at least once every week in either masuri or sage... you can't get dat shist with coupon.
injury does work, the effect isnt that big but it does have an effect. when i fight kakashi clone using susano sasuke i hit about 800 more with my lvl 8 injury runes than without them, not a big difference when you see 15k+ crits without them, but 1050 injury giving ~800 bonus damage to crits against kakashi is still pretty nice, sadly once player defenses are added in the number drops to ~200 bonus damage, but if ur adding ~200 damage to every crit on 4 ninjas it adds up, so if i were you i would put those injury runes in, i havent tested how well the crit damage reduction works from injury runes works though so not sure if its worth anything from that point.
injury does work, the effect isnt that big but it does have an effect. when i fight kakashi clone using susano sasuke i hit about 800 more with my lvl 8 injury runes than without them, not a big difference when you see 15k+ crits without them, but 1050 injury giving ~800 bonus damage to crits against kakashi is still pretty nice, sadly once player defenses are added in the number drops to ~200 bonus damage, but if ur adding ~200 damage to every crit on 4 ninjas it adds up, so if i were you i would put those injury runes in, i havent tested how well the crit damage reduction works from injury runes works though so not sure if its worth anything from that point.
Even if it does work to that extend, the damage difference won't make a difference in any fight except maybe once every 2 weeks, I rarely lose to anyone with a margin of less than 2000 hp remaining on any opponent char on any turn. (Mind you, only talking about the ones I lose on, which in itself is a minority)
On the other hand, 5k would certainly get me harder opponent in masuri, opponent that I certainly can't beat... assuming masuri match making actually works of course.
I'm not sure if the pro out weight the con.
I can break down the 4.0 update from a German Youtube video. All credits of this information came from German Youtuber Unleash the Pixel.
Here are the goods, the bad and the ugly of 4.0:
The goods: Survival Trials, New Map Areas, Kakashi Handbook and Group Summons
-Survival Trials have difficult modes ranging from C, B, A, S and SS. Higher difficulty yields better rewards if you're at the top of your server.
-New Map Areas. Turtle island and 2 other areas will be added to world map for new weekly events in the future.
-Kakashi Handbook gets a prettier interface make over and generates better daily rewards.
-New group summons, a promise from 3.0 will finally be added after 4.0
The Bad: Convoy/Plunder nerfs/buffs and balance. You can run both convoys and plunders on the same day. SS convoy yields 30 coupons (-5 nerf from current update). If your SS convoy get plunder, you only lose 5 coupons (you get back 25, buff from current update). Here is the big nerf, after first free SS convoy and plunder, it costs 15 ingots (10 for additional SS convoys? German speakers please verify) for additional plunders in the same day. Here is the balance, a successful convoy or plunder can grant you random chances of receiving a command seal that replaces the ingots consumption. Refresh timer for convoys missions changed from 30 minutes down to 20 minutes.
The ugly: Cross Server GNW. All F2p and low paying p2p (pay to play) get their seal scrolls from weekly GNW. Remember how hard it was to get advanced refine runes after Sage Worlds became cross? Now imagine how hard it would take to get seal scrolls after GNW becomes cross. I hope Oasis balance this problem by increasing the seal scroll prizes for GNW participants like they do for Sage Worlds.
Minor stuff: There are other small details I deliberately leave out from this post as I don't care too much about it such as group menu interface small makeover and other UI changes to fit computers with small screens.
All of this information are extracted from the video I found on Youtube by Unleash the Pixel. I am not a German speaker, anyone from Germany are free to share or alter any information I missed.
PS: Mods please don't delete this post. Most players are already bored of this game. Educating players on whats to come in 2 months will keep them motivated to continue playing and spending.
Nice, ty maybe in 1 month we will get 4.0
Even if it does work to that extend, the damage difference won't make a difference in any fight except maybe once every 2 weeks, I rarely lose to anyone with a margin of less than 2000 hp remaining on any opponent char on any turn. (Mind you, only talking about the ones I lose on, which in itself is a minority)
On the other hand, 5k would certainly get me harder opponent in masuri, opponent that I certainly can't beat... assuming masuri match making actually works of course.
I'm not sure if the pro out weight the con.
i fight people with up to 100k less power than me, matchmaking doesnt work.
also when you do the math, if you crit 25% of the time, with 4 people whose standards hit 1 target and 2 of which have mysteries that hit 4 people on 2turn cds, that ends up being 4k damage before chase crits over 10 rounds, also im going to assume the defensive portion works too which would mean you take less damage so it could create an 8k damage swap if its defense reduction is as good as its damage gains.
i tested defense a couple weeks ago to see how it scales now compared to the first time i tested it, its reducing so much less damage that im trying to figure out which 8gates runes to swap them out for, injury is worth more than defense now because of the scaling(it was 11 damage reduction for a lvl 10 gold defense chakra on minatos standard attack), so if your worried about your power being too high because of nearly worthless stats then you may wish to look elsewhere cause im sure scaling it hurting you too
i fight people with up to 100k less power than me, matchmaking doesnt work.
also when you do the math, if you crit 25% of the time, with 4 people whose standards hit 1 target and 2 of which have mysteries that hit 4 people on 2turn cds, that ends up being 4k damage before chase crits over 10 rounds, also im going to assume the defensive portion works too which would mean you take less damage so it could create an 8k damage swap if its defense reduction is as good as its damage gains.
i tested defense a couple weeks ago to see how it scales now compared to the first time i tested it, its reducing so much less damage that im trying to figure out which 8gates runes to swap them out for, injury is worth more than defense now because of the scaling(it was 11 damage reduction for a lvl 10 gold defense chakra on minatos standard attack), so if your worried about your power being too high because of nearly worthless stats then you may wish to look elsewhere cause im sure scaling it hurting you too
The only person I've ever gone to 10 rounds with in this version are water healer teams. And frankly, once the 3rd turn have passed and my buffs/barrier wears off, it's pretty much over.
Generally speaking fights are determined in the first 3-4 rounds, so we are looking at maybe 2k damage at most, and not on one target if we are talking mystery AoE, which means on single target the difference might be as low as 1k for the duration of meaningful combat, therefore unless a char is below 1k hp at some point in combat, then this would not make a difference.
And just because there is a ridiculous range, there is still something at work. I, for example, have never faced anyone more than 25k away from me even if I'm on winning/losing streak, up or down, w/o hitting the 1 min mark. So it should be working, just not the way you think.
As it stands, half of the matching complaints are "filed" by people who aren't level capped, at which point I believe the matching goes by level, which also have a ridiculous range, and ignores power for the most part (unless the upper range reaches level cap, in which case... there might be some formula?). And as such, there tends to be huge power gaps sometimes.
Does anybody have the li
For everybody here is the new stuff for 4.0 (You might need a translator)
If plunders will cost 15 ingots , then im happy about 4.0
If i don't mistake first is free the other two cost 15 ingots. So for 30ingots spent in plundering you can get 0-50-100 coupons outcome while for the same 30 ingots spent in convoys you surely get 90 and up to 105, that's why plunder is going to disappear, unless you are fine with the 50 coupons only once.
These are not all the changes in 4.0, the main character skill changes are in there as well. There are many changes not mentioned in the post. The rather infamous change to mood system might also be coming in this patch, everyone has been blabbering about it since the 2.0 patch, so it might finally be time for us to bid farewell to mood scrolls. This is only speculation, my opinion is not ba
I can break down the 4.0 update from a German Youtube video. All credits of this information came from German Youtuber Unleash the Pixel.
Here are the goods, the bad and the ugly of 4.0:
The goods: Survival Trials, New Map Areas, Kakashi Handbook and Group Summons
-Survival Trials have difficult modes ranging from C, B, A, S and SS. Higher difficulty yields better rewards if you're at the top of your server.
-New Map Areas. Turtle island and 2 other areas will be added to world map for new weekly events in the future.
-Kakashi Handbook gets a prettier interface make over and generates better daily rewards.
-New group summons, a promise from 3.0 will finally be added after 4.0
The Bad: Convoy/Plunder nerfs/buffs and balance. You can run both convoys and plunders on the same day. SS convoy yields 30 coupons (-5 nerf from current update). If your SS convoy get plunder, you only lose 5 coupons (you get back 25, buff from current update). Here is the big nerf, after first free SS convoy and plunder, it costs 15 ingots (10 for additional SS convoys? German speakers please verify) for additional plunders in the same day. Here is the balance, a successful convoy or plunder can grant you random chances of receiving a command seal that replaces the ingots consumption. Refresh timer for convoys missions changed from 30 minutes down to 20 minutes.
The ugly: Cross Server GNW. All F2p and low paying p2p (pay to play) get their seal scrolls from weekly GNW. Remember how hard it was to get advanced refine runes after Sage Worlds became cross? Now imagine how hard it would take to get seal scrolls after GNW becomes cross. I hope Oasis balance this problem by increasing the seal scroll prizes for GNW participants like they do for Sage Worlds.
Minor stuff: There are other small details I deliberately leave out from this post as I don't care too much about it such as group menu interface small makeover and other UI changes to fit computers with small screens.
All of this information are extracted from the video I found on Youtube by Unleash the Pixel. I am not a German speaker, anyone from Germany are free to share or alter any information I missed.
PS: Mods please don't delete this post. Most players are already bored of this game. Educating players on whats to come in 2 months will keep them motivated to continue playing and spending.
Why does the summons screen say cat urine? lmao
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