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[ Videos ] Just Spent 4000 Coupons in Lucky Board... As a F2P...


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  • Registered: 2017-09-08
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On 2017-10-01 23:03:17Show All Posts
  • Akidonoki On 2017-10-01 20:08:35
  • basically going to say the same thing as luka

    250 from daily sign in

    between 90 and 750 for tree, most realisticly this would be 13-17 for most people who even care to read this, probably more so, 450

    lets say you super lazy and dont plunder, fail most of your convoys so you only get 22 coupons a day which is 660

    so from just logging in and doing convoys you are already at 1360

    8 puzzles a month is 160

    lets say you attend very ninetails, this is 160, in most servers its not really hard to make the top 50

    mount myo is 60 a day for a week, thats 420

    so for about, 15 minutes a day you are reaching 2.1k coupons

    so thats assuming you arent in a group, barely play, and just in general dont care


    or you could just do the log ins, mount and plunder everyday for 4k, msot people are going to earn 80-100 coupons a month a day from doing plunder, if you do just these, you earn 4k and barely attend anything

    the issue with any form of discussion ends with this, people on these forums are going to bring up instances of a single person, yes, one single person who wanted to start on a server 9 months late, a person who barely wants to play and falls behind, thats not f2p, thats just not playing the game at all, f2p in the sense where it matters if at all, is a person whos actively trying to play the game without spending money, and if you cant earn 80-100 coupons a day from plunder, you started late, you dont play enough to have anyone but yourself to blame, or you are just bad at the game

    i cant speak for server 1, or those massive servers, you know, the like 0.6% of servers with a high population of active spenders


You don't get 250 coupons from daily sign in. Only jonin medalists and ppl with monthly cards get coupons from log in. F2Ps do not. The only way to actually get 3k-4k coupons is to plunder everyday and not miss every event that gives coupons.

  • Registered: 2017-09-08
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On 2017-10-01 23:11:51Show All Posts

lucky board is best event for players who are around 1-3 months old spend all coupons on it and buy charm/refine. Power first, ninjas later

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