I'm a ftp and I spend 3k in lucky board every month, what's your point?
So you don't get plundered through the whole month? you get perfect score on moyobuku trail and get 420 coupons? you get more then 40 coupons in group wheel every day of the month? if you calculate the Ideal coupons you get from all events each month they still fall short like 200-300 of the 3k range, you either are the luckiest player ever or you buy the 300 ingots monthly package.
You are missing the the coupons you get in nine-tails, and the bare minimum per day is 25 coupons if you tried, group summons x2 per week, cat quiz - ranging from 40 to 240 coupons for 4 weeks depending how lucky guessing the right ninja, group wheel, puzzle (60 coupons), etc. Just because you don't know where to farm all coupons sources doesn't mean you can claim another player's revenue of coupons on luck.
you have to be really lucky to win more then 10 coupons from quiz and you have to be in the top 3 to actually get more then 10 coupons from nine tails, from group summons again you have to luck out and get either the killing * reward or pray that your top hitter is offline, puzzle is 40 coupons only and sometimes they remove it for the dice board thingies. One more thing you get more coupons in low population servers because you can actually get top 10 in nine tails and luck out in quiz because of low pop but in a merged server all the few top 3 from each server get the top 10 rewards on all events so it's not even worth it.
you guys are just not getting my point, A f2p can't get 3-4k coupons per month as if it's nothing if you can actually plunder and get 150 a day you are hardly f2p, a f2p can only get that many coupons if the server has almost no pay to win players and is somewhat balanced otherwise they have to luck out on convoys and wheels etc.
1-You can fight back against plunderers
2-You can plunder and get up to 150 per day, which 150 times 30 equals 4500 coupons.
3-Myouboku isn't luck ba
4-There's a good amount of ways to get coupons, such as....
A-occasional Ninja Test
B-occasional survival trial
C-getting new ninja(s)
D-depends if you count daily login stuff as an event, otherwise login daily
E-going up in space-time provides some
most of these require good BP to even do like plunder and space time, not exactly f2p sources of coupons.
Then what's the point of you in mentioning people their coupon income is ba
The point is simple you xan make 3-4k coupons in a low pop server as f2p and you can't in a merged server.
basically going to say the same thing as luka
250 from daily sign in
between 90 and 750 for tree, most realisticly this would be 13-17 for most people who even care to read this, probably more so, 450
lets say you super lazy and dont plunder, fail most of your convoys so you only get 22 coupons a day which is 660
so from just logging in and doing convoys you are already at 1360
8 puzzles a month is 160
lets say you attend very ninetails, this is 160, in most servers its not really hard to make the top 50
mount myo is 60 a day for a week, thats 420
so for about, 15 minutes a day you are reaching 2.1k coupons
so thats assuming you arent in a group, barely play, and just in general dont care
or you could just do the log ins, mount and plunder everyday for 4k, msot people are going to earn 80-100 coupons a month a day from doing plunder, if you do just these, you earn 4k and barely attend anything
the issue with any form of discussion ends with this, people on these forums are going to bring up instances of a single person, yes, one single person who wanted to start on a server 9 months late, a person who barely wants to play and falls behind, thats not f2p, thats just not playing the game at all, f2p in the sense where it matters if at all, is a person whos actively trying to play the game without spending money, and if you cant earn 80-100 coupons a day from plunder, you started late, you dont play enough to have anyone but yourself to blame, or you are just bad at the game
i cant speak for server 1, or those massive servers, you know, the like 0.6% of servers with a high population of active spenders
On my server 291 you only get 10 coupons from nintails, a failed convoy gives you 17 coupons and summon is dead withing the first minute. Our server got merged a few months back and it was not just 2 servers they merged all servers from 291-302 I think so the top 20 positions are now occupied by those players a f2p has little to no chnace in most events in anmreged server, I also would like to say that you took minimum values for things like ninetails and convoys (whivh are easier if you can get support and luck) but took maximum values for moyoboku trial which are very timing sensative and you can completely mess it up if their is even a little server lag.
There is a back and forth technique that guarantees Myouboku success. You might want to look into that before repeating that notion AGAIN. Multiple of us told you that it IS a guarantee:
If you miss, switch to the other side and hit the same block: if you succeed, all is well. If you fail, it puts the block back to its original position, so you get to try again and again and again and again, until you succeed.
Now server population is a thing for other incomes, but my server aren't exactly dead.
~20 participants in sage/fox/quiz
~40-50 participant in GNW.
It's not great, but I certainly can't call that dead.
What seriously? I didn't know that, though I did saw a video on you tube but I just ignored it I thought the trick was about utilizing server lag or something.
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