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[ Strategy Share ] Counter to han-roshi-sailor-water?


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On 2017-09-30 04:35:03Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2017-09-30 02:06:56
  • 4th is focused on outright being a blitz juggernaut.

    3rd not so much. He mostly relies on his mystery/chase synergies

    Both can have roughly the same team with Samui supporting, but it'll be more effective in the 4th's hands as his damage will come T1. (Unless you're facing a Masked Man)

Well on my server my group mate has masked man with 48k BP and he can beat blitz teams even if he has 20k less bp. So I guess A third raikage will be a safe bet as he is not only cheaper but c*so deal with masked man.

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On 2017-09-30 05:11:21Show this Author Only

Attac an Respec, there's almost a year apart in 4th and 3rd Ay, over time we will get even more ninjas, that are easier (cheaper) to get than current ones we have and have similar if not better battle capabilities. And if their cost is the same, they most likely wil simply outperform current ones, just like kages outclassed pains.

Those two, as Tobei said, serve different purposes and have different scalings. 3rd Ay scales with chakra, which none of current viable ninjas (except kisame, shino and torune who arent played at all) can take away. 4th Ay doesnt have that scaling, so he relies on buffs (and tag, which only amplifies 1-2 autos though) to make dmg, which currently both obito and han can take away with ease.

Thank you guys for your help, I'll get to testing as soon as I have a chance.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2017-09-30 05:14:43.
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On 2017-09-30 16:57:52Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2017-09-29 02:12:28
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    It's a trade secret.

    Don't tell anyone

most of the time, thats not enough, I even removed initiative runestones from my 4th spot, so gakido/hanzo is slower than their sakura.

Even with that its quite suffocating to meet these teams in sage. Win or lose, they ll take 5 valuable minutes off your timer

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On 2017-09-30 23:12:16Show this Author Only

Roshi Sailor Water is a hellspawn team

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On 2017-10-01 05:32:39Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2017-09-30 05:11:21
  • Attac an Respec, there's almost a year apart in 4th and 3rd Ay, over time we will get even more ninjas, that are easier (cheaper) to get than current ones we have and have similar if not better battle capabilities. And if their cost is the same, they most likely wil simply outperform current ones, just like kages outclassed pains.

    Those two, as Tobei said, serve different purposes and have different scalings. 3rd Ay scales with chakra, which none of current viable ninjas (except kisame, shino and torune who arent played at all) can take away. 4th Ay doesnt have that scaling, so he relies on buffs (and tag, which only amplifies 1-2 autos though) to make dmg, which currently both obito and han can take away with ease.

    Thank you guys for your help, I'll get to testing as soon as I have a chance.

mabui and itachi uchiha can create chakra, plus light main can create 20-60 chakra from one of his standards, fire main can create 20 more chakra round 1 in the buffing phase before any standards start, killer bee samehada can steal up to 20-60 chakra, Nagato can steal up to 40 chakra with standard etc I got all of the ninjas I mentioned and some of them are even compatible with A like bee samehada and mabui.

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On 2017-10-01 16:14:55Show this Author Only

I dont think there's any sorta f2p team that can deal with this,meaning without the good kage ninjas and jinchurikis,masked man,hashirama,itachi..

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On 2017-10-02 00:01:07Show this Author Only
  • Tobei On 2017-09-29 10:07:37
  • You say they don't.

    I'm saying they do.

    And they're very possible to beat. Or else I wouldn't be suggesting Hanzo/Gakido.

    I've faced this team and frankly, it's extremely subpar if you're consistently able to deal with its debuff spam.

    " the whole team works mainly thanks to han and roshis ability to take the hit" You're ignoring the Poison/Ignite(If Roshi is hit) part.

    Han doesn't deal damage and Roshi is extremely situational as his mystery is weak early on. You don't have reliability and are forced to accept a mystery for a few rounds.

    Mei provides that "ump" you need. Of course, they're gonna focus her, that's why you have two healers. If Masked Man focuses her end of T1, she'll be healed T2.
    Nobody in their right mind would use their hard CC on Mei while there are two healers armed and ready for a 0 cost mystery. Also R2, It's Han that's gonna attack, Not Mei.

    Mei provides the field aura(barrier) and allows Han to ACTUALLY have some input with his mystery.

Lol you clearly haven't faced this team enough to understand why it's superior to every other team in the game so you're just throwing around your opinion and trying to defend it by pointing out that you have experience against the team but you obviously don't since the first thing you recommended is gakido and hanzo lol like do you actually think OP and like most of the people in here have never tried gaki and/or hanzo against healers!? Anyway in case you really had success against healer teams with gaki/hanzo and you're not talking out of your ass then imma tell you straight up that you won solely thanks to this thing called "BP Differential" because none of them work hello? I hate biased players that recommend something and say it works but then 90% of the time it's just them being stronger than the other person... Now I wanna know how in hell/heaven are han+mei healer teams better than han+roshi healer teams? For example let's put these two in a clean no power differential 1v1 - 1st round both hans use their mysteries which doesn't hurt the roshi+han team at all since this team doesn't rely on buffs (which btw goes for any healer team out there - healer teams do not rely on buffs like barriers/iruka buff/wb asuma buff etc. and if you think they do you dont know what the hell ure talking about), it doesn't hurt the han+mei team too because the enemy han doesn't remove the 40% from the barrier. Then comes round 2 and roshis mystery goes off and the han+mei team now have a useless and squishy mei that no longer has poison or barrier to "provide that extra ump", all she's left with is her 60 chakra mystery that becomes available in the next round and the immobile in her chase and you might think that's ok but compared to the roshi+han team that's just going to outsustain "that extra ump" it's actually going to be the point where you lose the fight. All it takes to make mei irrelevant against han+roshi is to take away her barrier and poison and from there it's a clean fight between who can outsustain the other which obviously is the han+roshi team. You'd know that if you had nearly as much exp fighting people like that as you're trying to showcase, then again the reason why this team is broken is because it is made to outsustain every lineup so no "umps"/buffs/other type of steroids work only hard control/high single target damage and high combos work. Feel enlightened now?

This post was last edited by SoldMom4Ingots on 2017-10-02 00:33:14.
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On 2017-10-02 20:22:45Show this Author Only
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-10-02 00:01:07
  • Lol you clearly haven't faced this team enough to understand why it's superior to every other team in the game so you're just throwing around your opinion and trying to defend it by pointing out that you have experience against the team but you obviously don't since the first thing you recommended is gakido and hanzo lol like do you actually think OP and like most of the people in here have never tried gaki and/or hanzo against healers!? Anyway in case you really had success against healer teams with gaki/hanzo and you're not talking out of your ass then imma tell you straight up that you won solely thanks to this thing called "BP Differential" because none of them work hello? I hate biased players that recommend something and say it works but then 90% of the time it's just them being stronger than the other person... Now I wanna know how in hell/heaven are han+mei healer teams better than han+roshi healer teams? For example let's put these two in a clean no power differential 1v1 - 1st round both hans use their mysteries which doesn't hurt the roshi+han team at all since this team doesn't rely on buffs (which btw goes for any healer team out there - healer teams do not rely on buffs like barriers/iruka buff/wb asuma buff etc. and if you think they do you dont know what the hell ure talking about), it doesn't hurt the han+mei team too because the enemy han doesn't remove the 40% from the barrier. Then comes round 2 and roshis mystery goes off and the han+mei team now have a useless and squishy mei that no longer has poison or barrier to "provide that extra ump", all she's left with is her 60 chakra mystery that becomes available in the next round and the immobile in her chase and you might think that's ok but compared to the roshi+han team that's just going to outsustain "that extra ump" it's actually going to be the point where you lose the fight. All it takes to make mei irrelevant against han+roshi is to take away her barrier and poison and from there it's a clean fight between who can outsustain the other which obviously is the han+roshi team. You'd know that if you had nearly as much exp fighting people like that as you're trying to showcase, then again the reason why this team is broken is because it is made to outsustain every lineup so no "umps"/buffs/other type of steroids work only hard control/high single target damage and high combos work. Feel enlightened now?

Very well put, i think that Tobei is the same person who closed all my threads in bugs report..he closed the second thread i made when i asked out right for a counter to this team..all i got was gibberish and closed thread..its beyond obvious at this point that the mods on this site will only delete and hide the truth that this team combo on a similar power level cannot be beaten they know that it needs to be fixed yet are to afraid to admit that there may in fact be an issue in how the whole thing works..sorry to say but this team cannot be beaten it has everything i mean have a tank who deals MASSIVE damage aka roshi, you have HAN who REMOVES ALL SHIELDS.......YOU THEN HAVE sAILOR SAKURA WHO HITS 4 PEOPLE (POISON TAI) IGNORES DEFENCES AND POISONS??? and also HEALS and then LOL you have azura fang who again like sakura heals and removes any debuff...

Any mod on this site or player who thinks ninjas like mei or hanzo or gakido can counter this your either paid to lie or are totally and utterly deluded and have never met somebody with that team with same power they will crush you.

This post was last edited by Epkk on 2017-10-02 20:23:20.
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On 2017-10-03 02:05:37Show this Author Only


This is the team I use currently and I can typically stand my ground against Water main, Han, Roshi, Sailor Sakura.

Earth main (And some water main teams) are the best counters to Han. Earth is the only Main that can buff ANY type of ninja (Pose of Duel) and it can't be removed. (Shields can be removed to make Pose of Duel not activate, but when earth main does shield standard, Pose of Duel is reapplied to target ninja).

I'm completely f2p and can typically hold my own or even win against Han/Roshi/SS teams. Mostly due to their low damage output and my Roshi gets fed insane amounts of stacks - while enemy Roshi does not get any stacks at all because he isn't placed in front (Roshi's stack talent doesn't proc off Nin).

My team is also capable of getting chase 30 off each round. So it helps a lot.

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On 2017-10-03 02:14:42Show this Author Only

I just recently acquired Sailor sakura and can easily get Han (I got the seals from gnw packs) but I won't do it, The same reason I haven't plundered once because it's just wrong. I got roshi too.

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On 2017-10-03 18:20:23Show this Author Only
  • SoldMom4Ingots On 2017-10-02 00:01:07
  • Lol you clearly haven't faced this team enough to understand why it's superior to every other team in the game so you're just throwing around your opinion and trying to defend it by pointing out that you have experience against the team but you obviously don't since the first thing you recommended is gakido and hanzo lol like do you actually think OP and like most of the people in here have never tried gaki and/or hanzo against healers!? Anyway in case you really had success against healer teams with gaki/hanzo and you're not talking out of your ass then imma tell you straight up that you won solely thanks to this thing called "BP Differential" because none of them work hello? I hate biased players that recommend something and say it works but then 90% of the time it's just them being stronger than the other person... Now I wanna know how in hell/heaven are han+mei healer teams better than han+roshi healer teams? For example let's put these two in a clean no power differential 1v1 - 1st round both hans use their mysteries which doesn't hurt the roshi+han team at all since this team doesn't rely on buffs (which btw goes for any healer team out there - healer teams do not rely on buffs like barriers/iruka buff/wb asuma buff etc. and if you think they do you dont know what the hell ure talking about), it doesn't hurt the han+mei team too because the enemy han doesn't remove the 40% from the barrier. Then comes round 2 and roshis mystery goes off and the han+mei team now have a useless and squishy mei that no longer has poison or barrier to "provide that extra ump", all she's left with is her 60 chakra mystery that becomes available in the next round and the immobile in her chase and you might think that's ok but compared to the roshi+han team that's just going to outsustain "that extra ump" it's actually going to be the point where you lose the fight. All it takes to make mei irrelevant against han+roshi is to take away her barrier and poison and from there it's a clean fight between who can outsustain the other which obviously is the han+roshi team. You'd know that if you had nearly as much exp fighting people like that as you're trying to showcase, then again the reason why this team is broken is because it is made to outsustain every lineup so no "umps"/buffs/other type of steroids work only hard control/high single target damage and high combos work. Feel enlightened now?

Yes, you are right, i can confirm this. While in arena can be that you lose against the mei version (but only if the enemy owns higher initiative and your roshi is not placed in front of his mei), is close to be impossible to lose in swb or matsuri where the damage of mei mystery and of her igniting scales terrible badly against high resistance and high hps. On par power what happens at 70-80k power is that you simply let mei land the hit and the whole round end, endure the full damage of her ignition and of sakura poison and simply heal back by 4-5k the following round, making mei effort useless.

In arena works because even with healing tipa you just heal 1800-1900 so you can't let poison + ignition damage go off, if not you suffer 3-4k damage, but outside arena you can do it with no harm since your resistance will make poison and ignition damage way less significative.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2017-10-03 18:25:16.
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