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[ Events ] Minato Wheel


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-28 05:29:00Show All Posts
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I think you guys are just misunderstanding how luck works. The entire point of an event like this is that some people will win the prize and some won't, just like if you went to a casino and threw a bunch of money at the same machine you may win nothing. Meanwhile the person who sits next to you could spend $5 and win the jackpot, which would make you think it's rigged.

I'm one of those people who managed to get him fairly easily, but I wouldn't call myself a low level player, and I also play every day.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
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On 2017-09-28 06:37:08Show All Posts

I'm not debating that he is rare, but to say that the game was rigged to give me Minato is pretty unrealistic. I'm rank #4 on the server and there is less than a 10k power gap between me and the person in rank #1, as far as I'm aware I'm also the only person on the server to actually get him. By your logic virtually anyone else but me should have actually gotten him.

Quicky Post

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